Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Luxembourg, 25 June 2024 19:45

The EU today held the first Intergovernmental Conference at ministerial level to open accession negotiations with the Republic of Moldova.

This follows a decision by the European Council on 14-15 December 2023 to open accession negotiations with Moldova, and the approval by the Council of the Negotiating Framework for the negotiations with Moldova on 21 June, in accordance with the revised enlargement methodology.

The EU delegation was led by Hadja Lahbib, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Belgium, accompanied by Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi. The delegation of Moldova was led by Prime Minister Dorin Recean.

Congratulations to Moldova for passing a cardinal milestone on its EU accession path. The opening of accession negotiations only two years after the granting of candidate status is a testament to Moldova’s resoluteness to fulfilling the EU reform agenda. As we open this new chapter in our relations, it is important to continue pursuing the reform efforts diligently. The future of Moldova and its citizens lies within the European Union.

Hadja Lahbib, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Belgium

The EU reiterated its resolute condemnation of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and stated its readiness to continue to provide all the relevant support to Moldova and its people in addressing the challenges relating to the war, and to strengthen the country’s resilience, security and stability in the face of Russia’s hybrid actions.

The EU underlined that Moldova is already a close partner of the EU. Its Association Agreement with the EU, which also includes the far reaching Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, entered into force in 2016 and has been provisionally applied since 2014. It is the basis for extensive cooperation between the EU and Moldova in a broad range of areas. On 21 May 2024, Moldova signed a Security and Defence Partnership with the EU, the first of its kind with any partner country.

The EU has now invited the Commission to continue to assess the state of preparedness of Moldova for opening negotiations in specific areas and identify the issues that will most likely come up in the negotiations, starting with the fundamentals’ cluster which, in accordance with the Negotiating Framework, will be opened first.

As a future member state, Moldova will be expected to continue to adhere to the values listed in Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union, namely the respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities.

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Opening Statement of Commissioner Várhelyi at the first Conference on the Accession of Moldova to the European Union (IGC)

25 June 2024 

“Check against delivery”

Dear Prime Minister, dear Ministers, ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the European Commission, I welcome you, Prime Minister Recean and the Moldovan delegation, to this first intergovernmental conference. It is my pleasure to address you today on this special day.

I thank of course the Belgian Presidency for organising this intergovernmental conference, leading the work of the Council including on the adoption of the EU general position and the negotiating framework.

Today’s accession conference is a first milestone that marks a new chapter in the relations between the European Union and Moldova. The determination of the Moldovan authorities to set clear commitment to the reform path has been key to this success.

Our meeting today is a well-deserved recognition of these efforts and the progress your country has achieved. This is especially notable in the face of significant challenges arising from Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, and hybrid actions against Moldova.

In these challenging conditions, Moldova has fulfilled the steps to formally open accession negotiations. You are taking forward a broad justice reform to reinforce the independence, accountability and efficiency of the system. You have strengthened the institutions fighting corruption and this will help you to build a strong track-record and ensure implementation of your deoligarchisation plan. You have reinforced the fight against organised crime including through your enhanced collaboration with international partners.

Moreover, you have kept up the good work on public administration reform and public finance management.

To achieve full compliance with all membership criteria, Moldova needs to continue reforming and to remain fully committed to this process.

We need to use this momentum to further progress on the fundamentals – to complete the judiciary reform, to continue the fight against corruption and organized crime, to further strengthen democratic institutions and public administration, and to address the economic criteria.

The Negotiating Framework presented today puts a strong emphasis on all fundamental reforms and provides a sound basis for the accession negotiations.

The Commission is ready to start the bilateral screening exercise immediately. The first meeting is already scheduled. The exercise will allow to identify major issues to address during the negotiations and areas where preparations need to be intensified.

You have already taken important steps in structuring the work of your government for this process. The accession negotiations will require sustained commitment and coordination among all institutions and your entire administration.

Let me stress that these efforts should bring results beyond negotiations. The transformative power of enlargement will be presented throughout the negotiation process and will be felt before the day of accession itself.

I count on you to ensure an inclusive approach to the entire process. Working with all stakeholders, the parliamentary opposition, the local authorities as well as the civil society is essential.

It will also be crucial to communicate to the wider public the benefits and opportunities that the accession process creates for all Moldovan citizens. This is especially important ahead of the referendum on EU accession announced for20 October.

Let me assure you that we will continue to support Moldova on its EU path as well as in addressing the numerous challenges that the country is facing. Our Economic and Investment Plan has already mobilised EUR 1.5 billion in public and private investments in key sectors. It will remain the financial heart of the Moldova Economic Growth Plan that we are jointly working on.

The Commission’s role is also to make sure that the accession process abides by European principles and European standards. Our objective is to ensure that Moldova is well prepared for joining the EU when the time comes.

Thank you.


Remarks by Commissioner Várhelyi at the press conference with Hadja Lahbib, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belgium and Dorin Recean, Prime Minister of Moldova following the first Intergovernmental Conference on the Accession of Moldova

25 June 2024

“Check against delivery”

Prime Minister Recean, Minister Lahbib, dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are here today to witness the first Intergovernmental Conference with the Republic of Moldova. This means the first round of the accession negotiations.

So today we’ve launched the actual accession negotiations between the EU and Moldova following the decision of the European Council in December last year. It also means that this is the beginning of a new journey for which the destination is Moldova’s membership to the European Union.

I want to thank the Prime Minister and I want to thank the Moldovan Government, who have been committed to move fast and implement comprehensive reforms all the way.

I would also like to thank the Belgian Presidency for leading the discussions and creating the conditions for this Intergovernmental Conference to take place today. I also want to appreciate the strong engagement of all EU Member States in this process and their agreement to move ahead.

This Intergovernmental Conference is the recognition of Moldova’s continued progress on its reform path. Moldova has fulfilled the required steps to open the accession negotiations.

Moldova’s achievements are especially notable as it faces challenges arising from Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, and destabilisation attempts against Moldova.

Our message to Moldova and the people of Moldova is that you should continue on this path and that we are ready to take the next steps with you. I want to assure you that the European Commission will continue to assist Moldova every step of the way.

Already in two weeks, together we will launch the next step of the enlargement process, which is the so-called bilateral screening of the EU acquis.

Prime Minister, I would like to count on you, your team, to make the accession process inclusive by working with all the stakeholders, including all parties in the Parliament, local communities and the civil society.

Negotiations are of a transformative nature and they are supposed to be a transformative process. They will, I am sure, have a positive impact on your society and economy already from the very beginning. They will bring tangible benefits to the citizens and the businesses alike throughout the process.

We also will continue our cooperation under the Economic and Investment Plan – which has by now mobilised EUR 1.5billion in public and private investments in key sectors such as energy, transport and access to finance for businesses.

Let me conclude by saying that we look forward to continuing cooperating closely with you towards our common objective: which is a prosperous future for the people of Moldova within the European Union.

Thank you!

Source – EU Commission


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