Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Luxembourg, 12 January 2023

10/2023 : 12 January 2023 – Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-395/21

D.V. (Honoraires d’avocat – Principe du tarif horaire) Approximation of laws A term in a contract for the provision of legal services concluded between a lawyer and a consumer which sets the price on the basis of an hourly rate, without including any further details, does not satisfy the requirement of being drafted in plain intelligible language

9/2023 : 12 January 2023 – Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-42/21 P

Lietuvos geležinkeliai v Commission Competition Abuse of a dominant position: The Court of Justice upholds the judgment of the General Court imposing a fine of approximately € 20 million on the Lithuanian national rail company

8/2023 : 12 January 2023 – Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-883/19

HSBC Holdings and Others v Commission Competition Competition in the Euro Interest Rate Derivatives sector: the Court of Justice upholds the annulment of the € 33.6 million fine imposed on the HSBC Group

7/2023 : 12 January 2023 – Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-396/21

FTI Touristik (Voyage à forfait aux Îles Canaries) Approximation of laws Travellers whose package travel has been affected by measures to fight the COVID19 pandemic may be entitled to a reduction in the travel price

6/2023 : 12 January 2023 – Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-356/21

TP (Monteur audiovisuel pour la télévision publique) Principles of Community law Sexual orientation cannot be a reason to refuse to conclude a contract with a self-employed worker

5/2023 : 12 January 2023 – Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-57/21

RegioJet Competition A national court may order the disclosure of evidence for the purpose of proceedings for damages connected with an alleged infringement of competition law, even if the proceedings have been stayed owing to the Commission’s initiation of an investigation concerning the same infringement

4/2023 : 12 January 2023 – Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-154/21

Österreichische Post (Informations relatives aux destinataires de données personnelles) Every person has the right to know to whom his or her personal data have been disclosed

3/2023 : 12 January 2023 – Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-132/21

Budapesti Elektromos Művek The administrative and civil remedies provided for by the General Data Protection Regulation may be exercised concurrently with and independently of each other

Source – EU Court of Justice

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