Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Brussels, 30 June 2023

  1. The European Council discussed preparations for the EU-CELAC Summit. It will be an opportunity to renew and strengthen a partnership based on shared values, history and culture, and to agree on a positive and forward-looking agenda. Regular and structured bi-regional dialogue will ensure the follow-up and implementation of concrete actions in areas of common interest, including trade and investment. The European Council underlines the importance of addressing together the global climate and environmental crises, rising inequalities, the opportunities of digital transformation and the need to diversify supply chains, as well as unprecedented threats to global security and the rules-based order.
  2. The European Council held a strategic discussion on the European Union’s relations with partners in the Southern Neighbourhood. In this context, the European Council welcomes work done on a mutually beneficial comprehensive partnership package with Tunisia, building on the pillars of economic development, investment and trade, the green energy transition, migration and people-to-people contacts, and supports the resumption of political dialogue in the context of the EU-Tunisia Association Agreement. It underlines the importance of strengthening and developing similar strategic partnerships between the European Union and partners in the region.
  3. Recalling the EU-Western Balkans Thessaloniki Summit Declaration of 21 June 2003, the subsequent Sofia, Zagreb, Brdo and Tirana Declarations and its previous conclusions, notably those of 23-24 June 2022, the European Council reiterates its full and unequivocal commitment to the EU membership perspective of the Western Balkans and its support for the acceleration of the merit-based accession process and the related reforms.
  4. The European Council condemns the recent violent incidents in the north of Kosovo* and calls for an immediate de-escalation of the situation, based on the key elements already outlined by the European Union on 3 June 2023. The parties should create the conditions for early elections in all four municipalities in the north of Kosovo. Failure to de-escalate the tensions will have negative consequences. It is essential that the EU-facilitated dialogue led by the High Representative and the swift implementation of the Agreement on the path to normalisation and its Implementation Annex continue. This includes the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb Majority Municipalities.
  5. In line with commitments on multilateralism made at the European Union-African Union Summit of 17-18 February 2022, the European Council supports the African Union’s reinforced presence in international forums, notably in the G20.
  1. Recalling its previous conclusions, the European Council remains fully committed to a comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus problem, within the UN framework, in accordance with the relevant UNSC resolutions and in line with the principles on which the EU is founded and the acquis. The European Union calls for the speedy resumption of negotiations and is ready to play an active role in supporting all stages of the UN-led process, with all appropriate means at its disposal.
  2. Recalling its previous conclusions on the EU’s relations with Türkiye, including those of June 2021 and the March 2021 Statement, and in light of the recent elections in Türkiye, the European Council invites the High Representative and the Commission to submit a report to the European Council on the state of play of EU-Türkiye relations, building on the instruments and options identified by the European Council, and with a view to proceeding in a strategic and forward-looking manner. 
  1. The European Council acknowledges the challenges posed by cross-sectoral and cross-border crises and natural and human-made disasters, many of which are exacerbated by climate change and the evolving security landscape in Europe and globally. It underlines the importance of strengthening resilience in strategic areas through an all-hazards approach to preparedness and response using relevant mechanisms, including the Union Civil Protection Mechanism.

Visit the meeting page

Source – EU Council


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