Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Consultation period:

08/10/2021 – 31/12/2021

About this initiative


The EU needs to ensure the safe and efficient development of a drone ecosystem.

In its Sustainable and Smart Mobility strategy, the Commission announced its plan to adopt a Drone strategy 2.0 in 2022 to develop drones into a vector for the smart and sustainable mobility of the future.

This initiative aims to enable drones to contribute, through digitalisation and automation, to a new offer of sustainable services and transport, while accounting for possible civil/military technological synergies.

Topic: Transport

Type of act: Communication



Feedback period

04 June 2021 – 02 July 2021 (midnight Brussels time)

View feedback received>

Roadmap – Ares(2021)3664195


(248.1 KB – PDF – 3 pages)


Feedback (45)


02 July 2021 | Company/business organisation

Wing (Finland)

Wing is an Alphabet company that delivers food, medicine, and other supplies by drone. Wing provides commercial drone delivery on three continents, with tens of thousands of flights directly to homes across Finland, Australia, and the US. Wing is also a U-Space Service Provider, demonstrating and developing capabilities to help all drone operators share the skies. Wing is working with authorities in Europe, Australia, and the US, to help lay…

02 July 2021 | Company/business organisation

Drone Manufacturers Alliance Europe (DMAE) (Belgium)

For the past five years, the Drone Manufacturers Alliance Europe (DMAE) had the opportunity to contribute to the creation of the EU’s first set of drone rules. DMAE welcomes the chance to continue being a trusted industry partner and to provide input to this Roadmap. We support the European Commission’s efforts to create the forthcoming Drone Strategy 2.0 for Europe. Since the European Commission’s publication of the Communication on a new…

02 July 2021 | Public authority


The study seems too narrowly focused. The study should also try to identify the current barriers to the stated aim, i.e. “…innovative, cost-efficient and market-led business environment for the development and take-up of new drone services and technologies within the EU’s internal market” The document states that the strategy will aim to “support technical harmonisation ” but without the study identifying what needs to be done, the…

02 July 2021 | Public authority

Bundesministerium für Verkehr und Digitale Infrastruktur (Germany)

Die Möglichkeit zur Stellungnahme auf dem Weg zur Drohnenstrategie 2.0 wird seitens der Koordinierungsstelle für innovative Luftmobilität in der Abteilung „Digitale Gesellschaft“ des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur (BMVI) begrüßt. Anbei finden Sie unsere Anregungen für den Fahrplan.

02 July 2021 | Company/business organisation

Skyports Air Mobility Ireland Limited (Ireland)

Skyports Air Mobility Ireland Limited (hereby Skyports) is interested in and fully supports the development of a Drone Strategy 2.0 for Europe. We welcome the opportunity to provide our feedback on the proposed roadmap and look forward to assisting with future stages of its development. Skyports designs, builds and operates take-off and landing infrastructure for air taxis and, through our logistics arm, Delivery by Skyports, is a leading…

02 July 2021 | Company/business organisation

Global Peace Community Interest Company (United Kingdom)

I have not had time to read the documents. However, without Prejudice about Drones, I comment. .I question who or whator how aerosol sprays from the skies, be it with biological weapons or other however, I observe that plants, trees, produce on Mother Earth seem to be scortched, as it with a blow torch. I also observe, fruit trees covered with mites destroying not just the fruit but the entire trees. The soil is now rendered lifeless. Should…

02 July 2021 | Academic/research Institution

EREA, the Association of European Research Establishments in Aeronautics (Netherlands)

The roadmap is a step towards a Drone Strategy 2.0 for 2022 onwards. EREA, Association of European Research Establishments in Aeronautics, welcomes the approach of the EC, appreciates that EC included public acceptance in this high-level document and would like to highlight the following remarks: – For some topics EREA found the link missing with multimodality and link with city infrastructure. To support drone operations the infrastructure in…

02 July 2021 | Other

IAOPA Europe (Belgium)

This feedback is submitted on behalf of IAOPA Europe, the European branch of the International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations. IAOPA has been very much active in matters of integration of drones into airspace systems, advocating not only for its safe and fair integration, but also for the recognition of societal aspects. As such, IAOPA praises the Commission’s ambitions to develop a safe and efficient drone ecosystem under…

02 July 2021 | Academic/research Institution

Lukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation (Poland)

Lukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation response to new Drone Strategy 2.0. On behalf of Lukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation, we would like to refer to the points we find missing in the document: • The Drone Strategy mentions hydrogen and electrification as clean energy sources for aviation, nevertheless, other alternative energy sources should not be excluded (e.g. SAF). In other words, the document should not…

02 July 2021 | Academic/research Institution

ITG (Spain)

The Galician Institute of Technology Foundation (ITG) welcomes the European Commission (EC) initiative, “A Drone Strategy 2.0 for Europe”, to foster a sustainable and smart mobility. ITG strongly believes drones will play an essential role in EU citizens life. They will enable new business models and help society to achieve the objectives of the European Green Deal transforming our cities in greener places. Nevertheless, as the introduction…

02 July 2021 | Company/business organisation

DJI (Netherlands)

DJI firmly supports the European Commission’s effort to unlock the full potential of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and to promote the uptake of this technology in Europe through Drone Strategy 2.0. However, some preliminary considerations should be made to further define the scope and extent of this strategy and ensure that subsequent actions positively contribute to the objectives set out in the roadmap (please find attached a more…

02 July 2021 | Business association

Alliance for New Mobility Europe (AME) (Belgium)

The Alliance for New Mobility Europe (AME) welcomes the initiative for a Drone Strategy 2.0 and supports it strongly. The Roadmap for a Drone Strategy 2.0 generally sets the right frame. Following the adoption of the EASA Basic Regulation – Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 –, the European Union has so far set a regulatory framework that puts the EU in the lead for opening a functioning drone market across Europe by means of not only Delegated…

02 July 2021 | Business association

General Aviation Manufacturers Association (Belgium)

Dear Madam or Sir Please find attached GAMA’s feedback on the Drone Strategy 2.0 for Europe roadmap. Please feel free to contact us, should you have any questions or require additional information. Best regards Raphaël Fabian Raphaël R. FABIAN Director, European Affairs M: +32 (0)492 56 10 51 E: General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) Rue de la Loi 67 (box 3), 1040 Brussels, Belgium T: +32 (0)2 210 52 90 | …

02 July 2021 | Company/business organisation


Boeing welcomes the chance to provide input into the Roadmap of the Commission’s Drone Strategy 2.0. The wide spectrum of unmanned aircraft systems represents an important area of growth for the aviation industry, and it is appropriate that the Commission focuses on how best to facilitate the safe and sustainable integration of these new technologies into the wider airspace. An updated strategy which supports the development of an enabling…

02 July 2021 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

Royal Netherlands Aeronautical Association (KNVvL) (Netherlands)

Royal Netherlands Aeronautical Association (KNVvL) The KNVvL strongly supports the initiative for a drone Strategy 2.0 for Europe. Hereby the input of the Royal Netherlands Aeronautical Association First of all we would like to emphasize that the acceptance of drones depends on two aspects: 1. privacy of residents, 2. the shared use of airspace. As this aspect is a general aspect we suggest to involve the GA in the developments of the…

01 July 2021 | Public authority

Swiss Federal Office of Civil Aviation (Switzerland)

Applying a system-wide perspective. A drone strategy could highlight the disruptive impact of drone technologies and emphasize their impact on the aviation sector as a whole, particularly in terms of technologies, businesses, practices and economic models (monopoly vs. competition in traffic management provision). • Contextual integration on the reform of the manned air traffic management: On 3 July, the Council agreed the general approach..

01 July 2021 | Business association

Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER aisbl) (Belgium)

The Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER) very much appreciates this European Commission initiative on drones. CER welcomes amendments to the current regulation on the operation of unmanned aircraft as this market is tremendously developing fast. We welcome to further develop and probably restrict certain drone operations and encourage the European institutions to assess the previous and current regulation(s) in…

01 July 2021 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

UAV DACH e.V. (Germany)

First important steps have been undertaken to make operations of UAS safe and socially acceptable, and to establish a safety culture in the drone community. This should be the foundation for fair coexistence of all aircraft in the same shared airspace. We therefore welcome the release of a Drone Strategy 2.0 considering the next steps to integrate UAS. We suggest that the following points be given special consideration. Integration instead of…

01 July 2021 | Business association

ACI EUROPE (Belgium)

ACI EUROPE welcomes and strongly supports the initiative for a Drone Strategy 2.0 for Europe. The airport industry has been a proponent of new process and technological innovations for many decades. This includes the usage of drones for operational and commercial purposes at and around airports. We also welcome the fast progress made by EASA with regards to providing a framework for the entire value proposition of drones. While concerns about…

01 July 2021 | Company/business organisation


Urban air mobility is a new, almost unexplored field, driven by the extensive technological offer around the drones and the electric vertical take-off and landing vehicles, otherwise known as e-VTOL. In fact, more than 250 manufacturers projects exist worldwide, the vast majority being centered around electric vehicles. But, while vehicle technology is advancing very rapidly, a number of challenges raised by this new form of mobility in terms…

30 June 2021 | Business association

Asociacija DRONEA (Lithuania)

Dear Colleagues, Asociacija DRONEA welcomes the continuous systematic and fundamental efforts of the European Commission to ensure the safe and efficient development of an European RPAS/UAS Ecosystem. The DRONEA strongly believes that European Union needs a safe, efficient and sustainable transport sector, with drone as one of its main pillars, therefore we absolutely welcome the Commission announced plan to adopt a Drone strategy 2.0 in…

30 June 2021 | Company/business organisation

HHLA Sky GmbH (Germany)

Dear Sir or Madam, HHLA Sky thanks the European Commission for the kind invitation to comment on the roadmap for the new Drone Strategy 2.0. Please find attached our short feedback document, in which we explain how Europe’s drone sector can make a significant contribution to reaching the sustainability goals of the European Green Deal. We also indicate how a Drone Strategy 2.0 could help to overcome some remaining regulatory and…

30 June 2021 | Public authority


With regard to the consultation “A Drone Strategy 2.0 for Europe”, ENAIRE welcomes the initiative, and we would like to highlight the following general aspects that are, in our opinion quite significant: 1.Apart of “Consultation of citizens and stakeholders “, a Specific Dissemination strategy on the benefits of drone technology should be considered in the strategy 2.0. 2.ANSPs should be mentioned specifically among others at “Consultation of…

29 June 2021 | EU citizen


The use of civilian drones is certainly of great benefit in subsectors such as agriculture, disaster relief, supplying remote areas and the technical inspection of infrastructure facilities. Likewise, regulation at the European level for the safety of drone flights makes sense. On the other hand, your documents (roadmap) do not even mention the word noise or noise control. I live in a metropolitan area in Germany near an airport. So I am…

29 June 2021 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)


CONTRIBUTION TO THE CONSULTATION ON THE ROADMAP FOR DRONE STRATEGY 2.0 FOR EUROPE PLEASE SEE DOCUMENT ATTACHED FOR FULL CONTRIBUTION Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the consultation on the Roadmap for drone strategy 2.0 for Europe. UECNA strongly supports the initiative, however we are concerned about the somewhat “transport and mobility” coloured perspective that is taken. As an example, in the Context section it is mentioned that…

29 June 2021 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

Stichting Space53 (Netherlands)

EU Drone Strategy 2.0 should be based on a European ambition for the role of unmanned systems technology in our economy and broader society. An ambition that encompasses an inspiring vision, ambitious goals and the courage to make clear choices. We propose updating the 2016 SESAR European Drones Outlook study and suggest to explicitly start from a broader perspective for drone usage than ‘mobility’ and ‘defence’. As stated in this roadmap…

29 June 2021 | EU citizen


Terrible what happened several countries. “Zoning” locally is used for unintended restrcitions. Like not flying in the dark. Like not flying near inhabited homes. I would call the new EU Regulations after six months already a ‘failure’. Dozens of different local rules. Only the max 120 mtr seems to be valid in all countries.

29 June 2021 | Company/business organisation

The Drone Office (United Kingdom)

The Drone strategy should be end-user driven, so that proposals have a user case and a business case in the near/medium future. It could cover: – The positive impact on end-users’ industries. Both as a tool to collect data – and door opener to novel applications with data analytics, AI for data exploitation. And as a means of transport for logistics. – Their positive impact on citizens. For example reduction in CO2 emissions, reduction in…

29 June 2021 | Other

Europe Air Sports (Netherlands)

Europe Air Sports, the European umbrella organisation of the National Aerclubs and the Air Sports Unions has been closely following the EU’s policy-making regarding drones and keeps contributing to the technical rulemaking at the level of EASA. As the European association representing sports and recreational aviation, Europe Air Sports represents a segment of aviation which is at risk of being negatively affected by the emergence of drones in…

29 June 2021 | EU citizen


I am a recreation drone pilot since 2021. I love to make drone videos. My experience however is that drones are often perceived as trespassing devices. Still most drone operators are handling very safe and in line with regulations and the respect of privacy. However single incidents of some individuals that are in the media make that people only read about drone operations from a negative perspective. This negative perspective will reflect on…

29 June 2021 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

EBF (Netherlands)

In general, we are supportive of the further development of UAV and Manned Aerial Vehicles. We would like to differentiate between manned and unmanned and commercial and non-commercial activities. We would also like to prevent different modus operandi in different EU countries. U space is left to the MS and by doing this creating competition between operators because of the different National legislation. In some countries substantial aera’s…

28 June 2021 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

Association of Modellers of the Czech Republic r.a. (Czech Republic)

The Association of Modellers of the Czech Republic r.a. is an organization uniting more than 7,000 modellers in the Czech Republic, of which more than 1,000 are under the age of 18. The aero modellers of the European Union are currently fully competitive in the international comparison. Will it be the same in the future? EC Regulations 2018/1139, 2019/947 and 2019/945 primarily brought a workload to the aeromodellers of the European Union…

28 June 2021 | Company/business organisation

CANSO (Civil Air Navigation Services Organization) (Belgium)

CANSO welcomes the initiative of the Commission to adopt a Drone strategy 2.0 to develop drones into a vector for the smart and sustainable mobility of the future. CANSO generally supports the roadmap but would like to request to include ANSPs in the list of stakeholders to be consulted (see C. Better Regulation – Consultation of citizens and stakeholders) as it is clear that ANSPs have a relevant role to play in the drone services industry…

28 June 2021 | Company/business organisation


The strategy properly sets the scene for the future, but there are many steps to be taken before we can reach the objective of having unmanned drones flying over our heads. As a first step we should facilitate manned aircarft to operate in that same airspace that unmanned aircraft will. In order to do so, current regulation could easiliy be adapted to introduce in a phased manner more and more operations with pilots in the aircraft. These…

28 June 2021 | Business association


DRONES ARE A PART OF THE AVIATION CULTURE BUT ARE MORE THAN AVIATION: The Strategy should have a broad scope, looking at citizens, safety, noise, visual pollution, inclusion, affordability, lifecycle assessment and privacy. It should treat drones as part of mobility, linking to other transport modes like trains, cars and eVTOL passenger taxis. Further, related technologies must also be considered as they can bring benefits for UAS…

26 June 2021 | Non-EU citizen

Thomas Y. Chen (United States)

When discussing the use and regulation of drones in the European Union, it is especially important to take into account the recent artificial intelligence and machine learning-driven applications that come with them. These enable exciting opportunities such as natural disaster relief, COVID-19 and other pandemic assessment and mitigation, and wildlife restoration and conservation. However, when it comes to regulation, there are certainly a…

25 June 2021 | Company/business organisation

OFBConsult System Engineering (Netherlands)

The practice in larger aeroplanes (CS23 “Normal Aeroplanes”, CS25 “Large Areroplanes”) is to design the aircraft including its functions, which are to be installed as prescribed and shown to operate as intended (para 25.1301, CS 23 equivalent). Obviously it is not limited to that, but the essence counts for the present drones related subject. Any such function mentioned above is then to be asssed in terms of its failure effect, as it could…

25 June 2021 | EU citizen


The regulatory framework as well as the drone strategy 2.0 should put a stronger emphasis on the multi-level governance dimension of UAS and U-Space regulation. Cities and local authorities should be involved directly in setting up U-Space systems, geographical UAS zones and operational requirements, e.g. limits for operating hours, minimum altitudes, noise limits, etc. Stakeholder roundtables, e.g. “U-Space Councils” similar to airport…

23 June 2021 | Other

European Helicopter Association (Germany)

The growth of the UAV activity must be addressed urgently in order to preserve the safety of manned aircraft as indispensable and, therefore, indisputable top precondition, above all other considerations regarding the promotion of the drone industry. Chiefly, para-public helicopter operations, particularly HEMS, Search and Rescue, firefighting, are very often related to emergencies to address at low/very low altitude, in such conditions that…

22 June 2021 | EU citizen

Ivy Beccu (Belgium)

Sinds 1 januari 2021 geldt de nieuwe Europese regelgeving voor drones. Voor België is er een vooruitgang voor de recreatieve drone gebruiker. Er is immers niet meer de 10 meter hoogte beperking en het gebruik enkel op privé domein. Ook is er een duidelijkheid voor het afleggen van verschillende examen vereisten in functie van de gewicht categorie van de drone. En ook het vermelden van het piloot registratie nummer op de drone. Er is geen…

17 June 2021 | Business association

Airborne Wind Europe (Belgium)

Airborne Wind Europe, as the association of the European Airborne Wind Energy (AWE) sector, represents the interests of the airborne wind energy industry as well as academia to decision makers in politics and business. We are also members of Wind Europe, eawe and the IEA Wind Technology Collaboration Program (with the newly established Task 48 on AWE). Airborne Wind Energy (AWE) is an emerging renewable energy technology that aims to replace…

13 June 2021 | EU citizen


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bitte Sie beim Entwurf der Drohnen-Strategie 2.0 nicht zu vergessen, dass Drohnen nicht nur der der Mobilität und und kommerziellen Interessen dienen, sondern auch von Privatpersonen als Hobby und Freizeitbeschäftigung genutzt werden. Auch wenn hier selbstverständlich Regel erforderlich sind, so wie die grundsätzlich begrüßenswerte Durchführungsverordnung (EU) 2019/947, ist es wichtig sicherzustellen, dass…

10 June 2021 | Company/business organisation

Omega Connections (Austria)

I am familiar with all the efforts from EASA and other EU institutions incl. the national authorities to harmonise the drone sector through regulations and orientation/direction. For me, the most crucial aspect that requires a deep and radical change is the U-Space. Without a future-oriented strategy and infrastructure, civil drones will have troubles being accepted and work properly. All EU members are required to push with goodwill the…

08 June 2021 | EU citizen


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich gebe zu Bedenken, daß die Dronenfliegerei sehr zu reglementieren, überwachen (teilweise schon umgesetzt) und kontrollieren sind. 1. Zusammenstöße?; 2.Abstürze?; 3. Umweltauswirkungen (z.B. auf den Vogelflug)? Daher nicht als Massenprodukt geeignet. Auch wenn jetzt schon ab einer gewissen Größe/Schwere “Führerscheine” verlangt werden, so können Unglücke trotzdem nicht verhindert werden. So sollten Dronen…

06 June 2021 | Company/business organisation

EuroUSC Italia ltd (Italy)

The new Strategy schould complete some aspects not yer fully covered to implement 2018/1139 and other Union’s policies. Among them: 1) amendment of 785/2004 which gives exemption from insurance to ‘model aircraft’ of less than 20 kg … not harmonised with the categories of UAS operaitons in 2019/947 2) amendment of 300/2008 to clarify that it does NOT apply to drones; 3) drones and circular economy, which is totally ignored today; 4) Common…

Public consultation


Consultation period:  08 October 2021 – 31 December 2021 (midnight Brussels time)

The Commission would like to hear your views.

This public consultation is open. Your input will be taken into account as we further develop and fine-tune this initiative. We will summarise the input we receive in a synopsis report, explaining how we have taken it into account. Feedback received will be published on this site and therefore must adhere to the feedback rules.

Commission adoption

Planned for: Fourth quarter 2022

Source: A Drone strategy 2.0 for Europe to foster sustainable and smart mobility

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