Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Brussels, 17 October 2023

Today, the European Commission approved the addition of German wine, ‘Großräschener See’, and Portuguese wines, ‘Terras de Cister’ and ‘Terras do Dão’ to the register of Protected Geographical Indications (PGI).

Großräschener See‘ Protected Geographical Indication is part of the ‘Brandenburger Landwein’ Protected Geographical Indication; it includes areas where vines may be planted in the district of Großräschen, where the climate is influenced by Lake Großräschen which has a surface area of some 775 ha. All grapes are picked selectively by hand, resulting in particularly clear, pure wines. White and rosé wines are made by cold fermentation to achieve their characteristic aroma profile. The red wines are dark ruby red in colour due to the length of time spent in contact with the skins. The interplay between climate and soil gives special organoleptic characteristics not found when grown in other geographical areas.

The Protected Geographical Indication, ‘Terras de Cister is not only linked to the region’s geographical characteristics, but also to the arrival of Cistercian monks in the region in the 12th century. The monks built monasteries and churches and planted the first vineyards in the region known today as the ‘Terras de Cister’. The grape varieties grown also contribute to the specific character of the wine products entitled to this geographical indication of origin, in conjunction with other natural and human factors. These are fresh wines in which the acid notes balance out the alcohol and sweet taste. They have a delicate aroma and structure, characterised by a high natural acidity, minerality and low alcoholic strength, plus a good aromatic expression of the grape varieties.

The Protected Geographical Indication, ‘Terras do Dão‘ covers wine and sparkling wine. The protection provided by the relief is a key characteristic of the geographical area and it also influences the climate. The climate shapes how the vines grow and ripen, meaning it directly influences the quality of the wines. This influence is clearly evident in the smoothness and aromatic expression of the wines. The wines are aromatic, mineral and fresh with balanced acidity as a result of the conditions in which the grapes ripen. The hot, sunny summers ensure that the grapes are fully ripened. The significant daily variations in temperature ensure that the sugars develop correctly and that an optimal level of acidity is maintained.

The list of all protected geographical indications can be found in the eAmbrosia database. More information is available online at Quality Schemes and on our GIView portal.

Source – EU Commission

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