Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Brussels, 16 September 2024

On the 13th of September, the Commission has received the second payment request from Germany for €13.5 billion in grants (net of pre-financing) under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF).

Germany’s second payment request concerns 16 milestones and 26 targets. It covers reforms in the areas of onshore and offshore wind energy, as well as education and training, such as providing learning support for 1 million students. Areas covered by the reforms also include healthcare, with, for example, the digitalisation of public health offices, and the digitalisation of public administration through the provision of 215 digital public services. Reducing red tape for the permitting of renewables, the electricity grid, transport and housing construction are also included in the reform areas.

The request also covers important investments in areas including financial support for citizens and businesses to purchase a total of 320,000 electric or low-emission cars, and funding for 689,000 recharging points. Investments also cover renewable hydrogen, microelectronics and communication technologies, early childhood education and care, and the modernisation of hospitals.

The Commission will now assess the request and will then send its preliminary assessment of Germany’s fulfilment of the milestones and targets required for this payment to the Council’s Economic and Financial Committee.

Germany’s overall recovery and resilience plan will be financed by €30.3 billion in grants. You can find more information on Germany’s recovery and resilience plan on this page, which features an interactive map of projects financed by the RRF, as well as on the Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard. More information on the process of payment requests under the RRF can be found in this document of questions and answers.

Source – EU Commission

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