Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
  • Deteriorating humanitarian situation in several Ethiopian regions
  • All belligerent parties deliberately target civilians
  • Recruitment of children and continued use of rape and sexual violence

MEPs demand the immediate cessation of hostilities and unimpeded humanitarian access to affected populations in Tigray, in a resolution on Thursday.

Calling for an immediate return to constitutional order and for the establishment of a ceasefire monitoring mechanism in Tigray, MEPs warn of the deteriorating humanitarian situation in this and other Ethiopian regions.

In a resolution adopted on Thursday by 618 vote in favour, 4 against and 58 abstentions, the Parliament calls on all national, regional and local actors concerned to end a de facto blockade on humanitarian assistance and critical supplies, including food, medicine and fuel, and to facilitate assistance to people in the regions of Amhara and Afar.

The report strongly condemns the deliberate targeting of civilians by all belligerent parties to the conflict, the reported recruitment of children by warring parties, including the Tigrayan forces, and the continued use of rape and sexual violence. It also calls on neighbouring countries to refrain from all political and military interventions that could further fuel the conflict.

The Ethiopian government is responsible for the safety and security of refugees and internally displaced persons on its territory, stress MEPs. They urge the Ethiopian authorities to provide immediate protection and assistance to the thousands of Eritrean refugees and asylum seekers displaced from camps in Tigray and to determine the fate and whereabouts of thousands of unaccounted Eritrean refugees. MEPs also deplore the fact that seven UN human rights and humanitarian workers were declared personae non gratae by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia.

The EU stands for a peaceful solution to the conflict, MEPs say. If the humanitarian situation has not significantly improved by the end of October 2021, they want the Commission to use sanctions against members of the Ethiopian government, the government of Eritrea and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front and others responsible for actions prolonging the conflict and exacerbating the humanitarian situation for millions of Ethiopians.

Further information

Source – EP:


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