Resource adequacy has become increasingly important due to the evolving energy landscape to support the clean energy transition. This requires a large-scale integration of renewable energy sources (RES) capacity, increased electrification of demand, and continuous integration of energy markets. The European Resource Adequacy Assessment (ERAA) plays a central role in the European energy policy context, guiding decision makers in their policy choices to provide secure, affordable, and sustainable energy to citizens and industries.

Throughout the ERAA process, ENTSO-E remains dedicated to fostering collaboration and engagement with stakeholders. ENTSO-E is therefore launching the call-for-evidence on the ERAA 2024 preliminary input data from 7 March until 28 March 2024. The purpose of the consultation is to gather evidence-based feedback from stakeholders and industry experts on the ERAA 2024 scenarios. The consultation covers the following preliminary input data:

  • Generation,
  • Demand Side Response, and battery capacities,
  • Net Transfer Capacities (NTCs),
  • Demand,
  • System balancing resource requirements,
  • Climate and weather data,
  • Commodity and CO2 prices, and
  • List of Critical Network Elements with Contingencies (CNECs).

Along with the consultation, ENTSO-E is organising a stakeholders’ webinar on 14 March, from 10:00 to 12:00 CET. The webinar will provide an overview of the input data and the related preliminary assumptions. For more information, please see the webinar page.

To provide your feedback on the preliminary input data, please access the consultation page.

Source – ENTSO-E