Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

The Co-Chairmen of the ECR Group in the European Parliament, Polish MEP Ryszard Legutko of “Prawo i Sprawiedliwość” (PiS, Law and Justice)  and Italian MEP Raffaele Fitto of the “Fratelli d’Italia” (Brothers of Italy)  reject the speculation of news portal Euractiv about the future of the European ECR Party. Citing an anonymous source, Euractiv had claimed that the departure of Polish MEP Anna Fotyga, having resigned as ECR party deputy leader due to health issues, marked the beginning of a withdrawal of all of its Polish MEPs.

Polish ECR Group Co-Chairman Ryszard Legutko said:

“The Polish PiS MEPs have their home in the ECR party. There is no reason to doubt that. On 2 August, the ECR Party will hold a presidency meeting at which the PiS party will nominate a new candidate for Vice President of the ECR Party.”

Italian ECR Group Co-Chairman Raffaele Fitto stated:

“There is no rift within the ECR Party at all. On the contrary: Together with our Polish friends, we have developed the party into an attractive platform for conservatives across Europe.”

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