Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Public consultation


Feedback period: 31 May 2021 – 23 August 2021 (midnight Brussels time)

The Commission would like to hear your views.

Through public consultations you can express your views on aspects of EU laws and policies before the Commission finalises its proposals.

About this consultation

Feedback period: 31 May 2021 – 23 August 2021  (midnight Brussels time)

Topic: Single market

Target audience

All citizens and organisations are welcome to contribute to this consultation. We would like to hear the views of citizens, governmental and non-governmental organisations, as well as of industrial stakeholders, with interest on the potential Ecodesign and Energy Labelling requirements for mobile phones and tablets. The target audience for this public consultation is potentially very wide, including users, public authorities, original equipment manufacturers, enterprises (often small and medium enterprises) working on services or activities related to these products, such as product assembly, repair and maintenance, as well as environmental and consumer non-governmental organisations. It is possible to respond to the public consultation in a personal or organisational/institutional capacity by filling in the questionnaire.

Why the EU Commission is consulting the issue

In 2020, a new Circular Economy Action Plan announced initiatives along the entire life cycle of products, aiming to ensure that the resources used are kept in the EU economy for as long as possible. One of these initiatives consist in regulatory measures for mobile phones and tablets under the Ecodesign Directive so that ‘devices are designed for energy efficiency and durability, reparability, upgradability, maintenance, reuse and recycling’. The objective of this consultation is to collect feedback from all stakeholders on areas for potential regulatory intervention, on users’ habits, preferences and choices related to the purchase, usage, repair and disposal of mobile phones and tablets, and on the expected effect of potential legislative measures on users’ decisions. The results of this consultation will provide valuable input for the Commission’s impact assessment work.

Responding to the questionnaire

You can contribute to this consultation by filling in the online questionnaire. If you are unable to use the online questionnaire, please contact us using the email address below.

Questionnaires are available in some or all official EU languages. You can submit your responses in any official EU language.

For reasons of transparency, organisations and businesses taking part in public consultations are asked to register in the EU’s Transparency Register

Personal data and privacy statement

The European Union is committed to protecting your personal data and to respecting your privacy. When carrying out public consultations we adhere to the policy on ‘protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions’, based on Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 on processing of personal data by the EU institutions..Further information on the protection of your personal data

Draft act


Type: Draft regulation

More about draft acts


About this initiative


This initiative was planned under the Circular Economy Action Plan 2020 and is in line with European Green Deal objectives on efficient use of resources. It aims to ensure that:

  • mobile phones and tablets are designed to be energy efficient and durable
  • consumers can easily repair, upgrade and maintain them
  • it is possible to reuse and recycle the devices.

Topic: Single market

Type of act: Regulation

Committee: C07900

Previous measures:



Type: Inception impact assessment

More about roadmaps

Feedback period: 23 December 2020 – 27 January 2021  (midnight Brussels time)

Inception impact assessment – Ares(2020)7893117 English (202.9 KB – PDF – 4 pages)


Feedback (39)

| Business association
Please find attached our input.
 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

CLASP strongly supports the initiative “Designing mobile phones and tablets to be sustainable”, meant to reduce the environmental impacts of mobile phones and tablets and ensure that consumers can easily repair, upgrade and maintain them. We are thankful for the opportunity to comment on this initiative. Please find our comments attached.

 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

RREUSE welcomes this opportunity to comment on the roadmap to “Designing mobile phones and tablets to be sustainable”. RREUSE joins its voice to those of ECOS, IFixIt, the EEB, the Right to Repair Campaign and the Cool Products campaign to support the idea that mobile phones and tablets should be designed to be durable, repairable and upgradeable in order to properly fit into a circular economy. RREUSE strongly encourages the Commission…


Commission adoption

Type: Regulation

Planned for Second quarter 2022

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