Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Brussels, 18 October 2023

The European Commission is presenting today an EU Action Plan for the Eastern Mediterranean with targeted operational measures aiming at addressing migration management along this route, and complementing the Action Plans already presented for the Western Balkans, Central Mediterranean, Western Mediterranean and Atlantic routes.

The Action Plan delivers on the commitment made by President von der Leyen in her letter ahead of the meeting of the European Council of 29-30 June 2023, to present an Action Plan for the Eastern Mediterranean route. This comes ahead of the Justice and Home Affairs Council of 19 October and the European Council of 26-27 October.

This Action Plan presents 29 targeted operational measures structured along 4 main areas.

1. Preventing irregular departures, combatting migrant smuggling and providing legal migration pathways, by:

  • strengthening cooperation with countries of origin and transit in Asia and Africa and Türkiye to counter migrant smuggling;
  • implementing the measures of the toolbox on transport operators;
  • creating opportunities for legal migration, including through Talent Partnerships;
  • sustained efforts for the resettlement of refugees in need of international protection;
  • enhancing cooperation between EUROPOL, Frontex and EUROJUST.

2. Reinforcing effective border management along the Eastern Mediterranean route, including in countries of origin and transit, by:

  • supporting border management capacities on Türkiye’s eastern borders;
  • reinforcing and improving border management and control, including at the EU external land and sea borders;
  • stepping up regional cooperation with partners in the Southern Neighbourhood;
  • fostering the renewal of cooperation between Frontex and Türkiye;
  • improving situational awareness at the sea borders, in cooperation with Frontex.

3. Strengthening cooperation on returns and readmission with countries of origin and transit. The EU will therefore:

  • continue to engage with Türkiye to promote the full and effective implementation of the EU-Turkey Statement and the EU-Turkey readmission agreement;
  • step up the returns from the EU;
  • coordinate joint diplomatic outreach vis-à-vis third countries of origin and transit, in particular in South Asia and in Africa.

4. Ensuring efficient migration management, improve asylum procedures and support sufficient reception capacity, by:

  • supporting Member States in providing adequate reception capacity for children and adults;
  • ensuring that sufficient national resources are devoted to migration management;
  • accelerating the implementation of the Voluntary Solidarity Mechanism relocation transfers;
  • continuing cooperation with Türkiye on strengthening its asylum and reception systems.

This Action Plan builds on existing measures such as the Toolbox on transport operators, addressing the use of commercial means of transport to facilitate irregular migration to the EU, and counter-smuggling projects. It also strengthens cooperation between the Commission, EU Agencies (Frontex, EUAA, Europol) and Member States authorities on migration and border management.

Next Steps

The Commission presents this Action Plan in view of the upcoming Justice and Home Affairs Council on 19-20 October and of the European Council on 26-27 October.

The EU and the Member States will need to work jointly to achieve the goals set in this Action Plan and to ensure its effective implementation. Reporting and monitoring through the existing Commission and Council mechanisms are essential. This Action Plan is part of a broader EU approach to help alleviate the pressure on Member States along different migratory routes.

The Commission continues to actively monitor the situation along different migratory routes and remains ready to act rapidly to address needs emerging from new developments.

This Action Plan is without prejudice to the report that the High Representative and the Commission will submit on the state of play of EU-Türkiye relations as tasked by the June 2023 European Council.


In 2022, 43 906 irregular border crossings were detected on the Eastern Mediterranean route, a 113% increase compared to 2021. Greece and Cyprus were particularly exposed to increased migratory pressure in 2022, with arrivals increasing by 89% and 123% respectively compared to 2021. In 2022, smugglers further exploited the route from Türkiye to Italy with arrivals to Italy registering a 22% increase, overtaking arrivals to Greece.

More Information

Action Plan on the Western Mediterranean and Atlantic routes

Action Plan on the Western Balkans

Action Plan for Central Mediterranean

New Pact on Migration and Asylum



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