Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

This afternoon, Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson, will deliver a video message at the opening of the Council of Europe’s ‘Octopus’ conference on the fight against cybercrime.

The event marks the 20th anniversary of the Budapest Convention, which lies at the heart of a global alliance against Cybercrime. 66 countries are party to the Convention. It has been signed by all EU Member States. The Budapest Convention is the foundation for of anti-cybercrime legislation in 80% of countries worldwide.

A Second Additional Protocol to the Convention, concerning enhanced cooperation and disclosure of electronic evidence, is expected to be approved by the Council of Ministers of the Council of Europe tomorrow. Once in place, this protocol will improve access to electronic evidence, enhance mutual legal assistance and help in setting up joint investigations. The Commission negotiated the Protocol on behalf of the European Union.

The conference gathers cybercrime experts from public and private sectors as well as international and non-governmental organisations from all over the world, discussing the digital security challenges ahead including child sexual abuse and fight against ransomware. The event will take place online.

More information is available here. Commissioner Johansson’s video message will be available online here later today.

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