Tue. Sep 17th, 2024
Gitanas Nausėda, Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Andrzej Duda. Photo: President of Ukraine, 2023

Kyiv, 11 January 2023

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Poland Andrzej Duda and President of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda held a meeting in the format of the Lublin Triangle in Lviv.

As noted by the Head of State at the meeting with media representatives following the negotiations, the main attention was paid to security issues.

“I have informed our friends of the situation on the frontline and Russia’s preparations for a new escalation at the front. We know what to prepare for, what the terrorist state is preparing for. We will respond. Right now, we are doing our best to ensure that any new escalation brings the end of the terrorist state closer,” Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized.

The President informed that the leaders had thoroughly discussed the supply of weapons to Ukraine and concrete opportunities to limit the potential of Russian aggression.

Particularly, the Head of State expressed gratitude for the decision of Poland to provide tanks to Ukraine and for the decision of Lithuania to provide anti-aircraft systems that will enhance the protection of the energy system, particularly against the attacks of Iranian drones.

“Ukraine is very grateful to you, friends. I am glad that we are making such decisions in such a format – the Lublin Triangle. It obviously proves by real deeds how important the cooperation of our countries, real friends and partners, is not only for the eastern flank of Europe, but also for our entire Euro-Atlantic coalition of states,” he said.

The President informed his colleagues of the progress in the promotion of the Ukrainian Peace Formula, in the implementation of which more and more figures and states are willing to demonstrate their leadership.

The interlocutors also paid considerable attention to the issue of Ukraine’s integration into the European Union and NATO.

According to Volodymyr Zelenskyy, our state is actively preparing for the EU-Ukraine Summit, which is to take place shortly, and for the start of negotiations on EU membership, which should take place this year.

“We are preparing for new steps that will increasingly combine Ukrainian defense experience, our might with the strength of the entire Euro-Atlantic community. The decision of NATO member-states on the launch of the mechanism of accelerated integration of Ukraine into the Alliance – as was the case with Sweden and Finland – would be the most efficient and consistent with the reality and our defense potential,” the President noted.

The Head of State emphasized that Ukraine enjoys full support from Polish and Lithuanian friends on the path of integration into NATO and is looking forward to tangible progress in this direction during the Vilnius Summit of the Alliance in July 2023.

The leaders also discussed cooperation in the protection of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure from Russian attacks, restoration of our energy facilities and strategic issues of energy cooperation between the countries.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked Andrzej Duda and Gitanas Nausėda, all Poles and Lithuanians for supporting Ukrainians who found a temporary home and shelter from Russian aggression on Polish and Lithuanian land.

“The Ukrainian people will always remember that you helped us in such a difficult time,” the President emphasized.

For his part, Andrzej Duda noted that the meeting in the format of the Lublin Triangle was another opportunity to consult and coordinate the opportunities for further assistance to Ukraine both at the bilateral level and in the international arena, particularly within the European Union and NATO.

“Poland and Lithuania are members of the EU and NATO, so we can use these formats,” he said.

The Polish President emphasized that since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia, his country has provided humanitarian aid and weapons to Ukraine to repel the Russian invasion.

“We know very well what Russian occupation is, because for many years we have not had our own statehood because of Russia. We were under Russian occupation several times, so we will continue to support Ukraine and provide the necessary assistance in the future. We will continue to supply weapons to Ukraine,” Andrzej Duda said.

He noted that Russia intends to continue the war and will systematically take measures to destroy Ukraine – destroy infrastructure and cities. Therefore, Russia must be stopped.

“In order for the Armed Forces to effectively defend Ukraine, they need modern weapons. And these weapons must be transferred to Ukraine,” the President of Poland noted.

He expressed gratitude to the United States for the large-scale defense assistance to Ukraine and stressed the importance for other states, in particular NATO members, to join this support so that the European country could repel the brutal attack by Russia.

Also, according to Andrzej Duda, Poland and Lithuania will continue political support for Ukraine, in particular, they will facilitate the acquisition of full EU membership by our state.

The President of Poland noted the determination of the Ukrainian society to join the European community. Despite the difficult situation in which Ukraine found itself, citizens and authorities demonstrate determination to fulfill all conditions for the rapprochement with the EU standards.

In his turn, Gitanas Nausėda stressed that this war must end with the victory of Ukraine and the aggressor must be held accountable.

“We are doing everything possible to support Ukraine, particularly in the military sphere,” the President of Lithuania said.

Gitanas Nausėda also noted that Lithuania provides military and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine in various formats, in particular by transferring generators and organizing projects in support of Ukraine on its territory. Among other things, he mentioned the work of the specially opened Ukrainian Center in Vilnius.

The President of Lithuania has also confirmed that his country and Poland supported Ukraine on the way to the EU candidate status and expressed confidence that the EU would soon have an opportunity to discuss the launch of negotiations on the full-fledged membership of Ukraine at the level of the European Council.

Separately, Gitanas Nausėda touched upon the issue of security guarantees for Ukraine from NATO, which could be provided, in particular, at the next summit, to make Ukraine feel safer and feel the support of the Alliance.

“Today we must admit that the war continues and the territorial integrity of Ukraine is violated. First, it is necessary to restore the territorial integrity of Ukraine. However, Ukraine’s membership in NATO cannot be taken off the agenda. We must agree on the algorithms and formulas to be used in order to move further in this aspect,” the President of Lithuania concluded.

In addition, the leaders of Ukraine and Poland laid flowers at the burial place of the warriors who gave life for the independence of Ukraine, the Memorial of the Ukrainian Galician Army and the Memorial of Lviv Eagles at the Lychakiv Cemetery.

Source – President of Ukraine

Ukraine: President Zelenskyy on Polish and Lithuanian military aid

Kyiv, 11 January 2023

I wish you health, dear Ukrainians!

Today, here in Lviv, important news for Ukraine was announced during the Summit of the Lublin Triangle, our special format with Poland and Lithuania. Poland has decided to provide tanks for Ukraine – I am grateful for this. I thank President Duda, the Government of Poland, all our Polish friends.

Lithuania provides anti-aircraft systems to our country – the weapons we need to protect ourselves from Iranian drones – to protect our energy sector.

I thank Gitanas for another demonstration of unwavering and principled support for Ukraine, which began even before February 24 and will continue until our victory.

Today, I heard this confidence once again from both Andrzej and Gitanas – we will go all the way together to restore security of Ukraine and the whole of Europe, to restore our territorial integrity, to restore peace. Russian aggression must fail – and it will.

Today, we have discussed the issue of our integration into the EU and NATO in a very meaningful way. This year, we must achieve tangible progress in European integration. This concerns, first of all, the start of negotiations on membership. Poland and Lithuania are equally and comprehensively ready to support us, see us fully integrated into the European and Euro-Atlantic structures. Together with our other partners on the continent and in the Alliance, we have to transform this readiness, this energy into real institutional movement, into real decisions.

Of course, today we also talked about the situation on the battlefield. In particular, that Russian aggression will be depleted only when Russian ambitions have no other alternative except for the defeat. All Russian ambitions – on the front, in politics, in economy, in the legal sphere.

Now the terrorist state and its propagandists are trying to pretend that some part of our city of Soledar – a city that was almost completely destroyed by the occupiers – is allegedly some kind of Russia’s achievement. They will present – and are already presenting – this to their society in such a way as to support mobilization and to give hope to those who support aggression.

But the fighting continues. The Donetsk direction is holding out. And we do everything, without stopping for a single day, to strengthen Ukrainian defense. Our potential is growing. And I thank all our partners who help in this.

Western-type tanks are the work of our entire anti-war coalition and this is a new level of our potential.

Today, in Lviv, I also held a meeting on the security situation in our western regions and on our state border. We take into account all threats, strengthen all elements of the security of our regions.

Glory to all who fight for Ukraine!

I thank everyone who works for our victory!

I thank everyone who helps us restore security!

Glory to Ukraine!

Source – President of Ukraine

Joint declaration of President of Ukraine Zelenskyy, President of Lithuania Nausėda and President of Poland Duda following the Second Summit of the Lublin Triangle


Kyiv, 11 January 2023

On January 11, 2023, the Presidents of Ukraine, Lithuania and Poland met in Lviv at the Second Summit of the Lublin Triangle and on the eve of the 160th anniversary of our joint January Uprising (1863-1864) against tyranny and oppression and issued the following statement:

Condemning in the strongest terms Russia’s full-scale military invasion of Ukraine, which undermines the foundations of the rules-based international order,

noting the unprecedented role and scope of assistance provided by Poland and Lithuania since the beginning of the Russian aggression, including humanitarian and military assistance, as well as immediate energy support,

fully supporting Ukraine’s inherent right to self-defense and to choose its own security measures,

Referring to the unwavering support of the European Union and NATO for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders since 1991,

taking into account Ukraine’s significant contribution to the security of the Euro-Atlantic region and beyond, in particular by deterring the military threat from Russia,

strongly supporting all efforts aimed at ensuring Ukraine’s immediate financial stability and its recovery and reconstruction for a sustainable, prosperous and democratic future as a full member of the European Union,

looking forward to continuing the process of modernization of the Ukrainian economy and other reforms as soon as conditions allow,

strongly supporting all international efforts to provide systematic financial support to Ukrainians abroad, as well as to those states providing the most needed humanitarian assistance, including Poland and Lithuania,

taking into account the Constitution of Ukraine, which defines the acquisition of full membership in the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as a strategic course of the state,

noting the support of the overwhelming majority of the Ukrainian population for the country’s integration into the EU and NATO,

reaffirming the commitment to strengthen joint efforts to ensure further progress in the implementation of EU and NATO standards and principles, as well as Ukraine’s integration into the European Union and the North Atlantic Alliance,

praising the Joint Statement of the Presidents of the nine Central and Eastern European NATO member states of October 2, 2022, which underlines support for Ukraine’s membership in NATO and calls on Allies to significantly increase military assistance to Ukraine,

praising the Joint Statement of the Presidents of Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Romania of November 25, 2022 on Regional Security and European Integration, which emphasizes further support for Ukraine’s integration path to the EU and NATO,

The leaders of the Lublin Triangle:
  • confirm the centuries-old strategic ties between Ukraine, Lithuania and Poland, which once formed one state that served as a barrier against tyranny from the east;
  • reaffirm their readiness to further strengthen Ukraine’s defense capabilities. Lithuania and Poland will support Ukraine for as long as it takes, in particular by continuing to provide powerful military, defense, political, diplomatic, economic, logistical and humanitarian assistance;
  • agreed to promote strong political, practical and material support from NATO and the EU to Ukraine in order to ensure the ability of the Ukrainian state to effectively defend its territories on land, at sea and in the air;
  • reaffirm the need for a transparent process of reconstruction and recovery of Ukraine after the war. Ukraine and Lithuania recognize the crucial role of Poland as a hub for sending the assistance needed for Ukraine’s recovery;
  • reaffirm their intention to cooperate at the trilateral, European and international levels on the issue of de-occupation of the territories of Ukraine temporarily occupied by Russia, in particular through the mechanism of the Crimea Platform;
  • underscoring Ukraine’s sovereign decision on the peace process, express their support for the convening of the Global Peace Formula Summit initiated by Ukraine to consolidate international support for the plan presented by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the G20 Leaders Summit in Bali on November 15, 2022;
  • underline their support for the establishment, in accordance with the principles of international law, of a special international tribunal for the crime of aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine in order to bring to justice those responsible for this crime;
  • express readiness to hold trilateral consultations on international security guarantees for Ukraine prior to NATO membership on the basis of proposals initiated by Ukraine in the framework of the Kyiv Security Compact of September 13, 2022;
  • commend Ukraine’s significant progress on the path towards Euro-Atlantic integration, in particular with regard to achieving interoperability with NATO standards, as demonstrated by the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the battlefield;
  • agreed to further develop the LitPolUKrBrig as an operational platform for trilateral military cooperation, as well as an important format for strengthening military cooperation and capacity building initiatives between Ukraine and NATO;
  • note that NATO members Lithuania and Poland support Ukraine in becoming part of the Alliance as soon as conditions allow, making efforts to reach consensus among the Allies;
  • underline the importance of the historic decision of the European Council of June 23, 2022 to grant Ukraine the EU candidate status and welcome the significant progress made by Ukraine in implementing the recommendations of the European Commission. Lithuania and Poland reaffirm their full commitment to support Ukraine in launching accession negotiations as soon as conditions permit, with a view to its full membership in the EU. Ukraine recognizes the leadership role of Poland and Lithuania, whose Presidents were among the first to apply for providing Ukraine candidate status;
  • underline the importance of expanding the Black Sea Grain Initiative to other seaports of Ukraine and commend Ukraine’s contribution to strengthening global food security, in particular through the successful implementation of the “Grain from Ukraine” humanitarian initiative;
  • underline the need for Ukraine to promote cooperation, support and creation of equal conditions for Polish, Lithuanian and other foreign investments, as well as other business activities in the process of Ukraine’s recovery;
  • underline the importance of multilevel involvement of Ukraine as a participating state in the activities of the Three Seas Initiative. Lithuania and Poland, as full members of the Three Seas Initiative, will facilitate Ukraine’s participation in various projects to facilitate post-war reconstruction, in particular in the fields of energy infrastructure, transport and digitization;
  • agreed to hold the next summit of the Lublin Triangle.

On behalf of Ukraine – President Volodymyr Zelenskyy     

On behalf of Lithuania – President Gitanas Nausėda         

On behalf of Poland – President Andrzej Duda   

Source – President of Ukraine

Zelenskyy: Ukraine expects a joint decision of partners on the transfer of modern tanks


Kyiv, 11 January 2023

Ukraine expects a joint decision of the partner countries on the transfer of modern tanks to strengthen the Armed Forces of Ukraine after the adoption of the relevant important decision by Poland. It was stated by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at a meeting with media representatives following the negotiations with the leaders of Poland and Lithuania in the format of the Lublin Triangle in Lviv.

“Indeed, there are very positive signals and very positive decisions. We expect a joint decision. One state cannot help us with “Leopards”, because we are fighting against thousands of tanks of the Russian Federation. Our people have already shown that they are stronger even than Russian tanks. But it seems to me that our partners should cherish our people, as they are a treasure and a potential for victory in this war, and should not be reluctant to transfer this or that number of tanks to our country. I think it will happen,” Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted, answering questions from the media.

In his turn, President of Poland Andrzej Duda informed that his country had recently decided to transfer “Leopard” tanks to Ukraine.

“They will be provided within the coalition, because you know that it is necessary to obtain certain official consents. But first we need to build an international coalition, and we have decided to form this international coalition,” he said.

Andrzej Duda expressed hope that other countries would shortly provide Ukraine with modern tanks as well.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted that our state also hopes for further progress on the path of Euro-Atlantic integration.

“Today, solely support for Ukraine from colleagues in NATO and solely support in the form of rhetoric about open doors is not enough. Namely, it is not enough to motivate our state, and to be even more specific – it is not enough to motivate our warriors. Therefore, we need steps forward. We really expect powerful steps. We expect something more than just open doors,” the Head of State said, answering the question about Ukraine’s expectations from the NATO Summit in July 2023 in Vilnius.

The President of Ukraine emphasized that not just words of support, but concrete actions and assistance of partners encourage Ukrainians to continue the struggle against the Russian aggressor and strengthen our resilience.

Source – President of Ukraine



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