Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Brussels, 7 July 2022

Russia’s war on Ukraine has reduced supplies of gas and oil to the European Union and other regions, increasing energy prices and complicating efforts to cut emissions of greenhouse gases.

Russia’s war on Ukraine has reduced supplies of gas and oil to the European Union and other regions, increasing energy prices and complicating efforts to cut emissions of greenhouse gases. Faced with oil and gas shortages, some countries have started to fire up polluting coal power plants which had previously been shut down, or have postponed their planned closure. Burning coal or lignite emits much more carbon dioxide than using oil and gas to produce electricity.

Scientists and analysts are urging swift, radical action on climate change, pointing to this and last year’s extreme weather – severe floods, fires, and more frequent hurricanes. Governments across the world are preparing for the next climate change conference, to be held in Sharm El-Sheikh at the end of 2022. The meeting is to provide more details of how countries plan to achieve the agreed goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, as set out in the 2015 Paris Agreement.

This note offers links to recent commentaries, studies and reports from international think tanks on climate issues. More papers on the topic can be found in a previous edition of ‘What Think Tanks are Thinking.

Subscribers can access the latest lists below: 

Sea level rise from climate change is threatening home septic systems and public health

Brookings Institution, June 2022


A global sustainability program: Lessons from the Marshall Plan for addressing climate change

Brookings Institution, June 2022


How can the European Union adapt to climate change?

Bruegel, June 2022


The EU and climate security: Toward ecological diplomacy

Carnegie Europe, Open Society, June 2022


Will green activism save Turkey’s democracy?

Carnegie Europe, June 2022


Does the EU need treaty change?

Carnegie Europe, June 2022


Think basins, not borders

Centre for European Policy Studies, June 2022


World climate and security report

Clingendael, June 2022


Green peace: How Europe’s climate policy can survive the war in Ukraine

European Council on Foreign Relations, June 2022


Solidarity, sustainability and well-being at the heart of the EU mission

European Policy Centre, June 2022


Reconciling EU energy security with climate policies: Rethinking European gas markets

Istituto Affari Internazionali, June 2022


Climate change and security in the Mediterranean: Exploring the nexus, unpacking international policy responses

Istituto Affari Internazionali, June 2022


Thirty years of UN climate talks: New challenges for cooperation

Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, June 2022


CO2 extraction as an integral component of the European “Green Deal”

Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, June 2022


Becoming global climate governors: How cities are moving from climate ambition to coordinated action and delivery

Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, May 2022


The Global quest for green growth: An economic policy perspective

Bruegel, May 2022


How to make EU fiscal rules compatible with net zero

Centre for European Reform, May 2022


Sustainable agriculture and food systems

Chatham House, May 2022


Climate change: The only option is action

Chatham House, May 2022


The CBAM effect: How the world is responding to the EU’s new climate stick

Clingendael, May 2022


EU plans to import hydrogen from North Africa

Corporate Europe Observatory, May 2022


Carbon dioxide removal: Climbing up the EU climate policy agenda

Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, May 2022


6 things to know about direct air capture

World Resources Institute, May 2022


The European tank storage sector 2050 and beyond

The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies, May 2022


The rising national security threats from climate change in the Mediterranean region

Atlantic Council, April 2022


The US should treat climate policy as economic policy

Brookings Institution, April 2022


Climate migration: What do we really know?

Bruegel, April 2022


Low-carbon technologies and Russian imports

Centre for European Policy Studies, April 2022


European green deal for militaries to strengthen Europe’s defence

Clingendael, April 2022


The EU emissions trading system after the energy price spike

Centre for European Reform, April 2022


Multilateral trade arrangements and climate provision

Centre for International and Strategic Studies, April 2022


Reflecting sunlight to reduce climate risk

Council on Foreign Relations, April 2022


EU regions in the transformation towards a climate-neutral future

Ecologic Institute, April 2022


The Green Agenda for the Western Balkans

European Policy Centre, April 2022


The future of energy poverty: Will the social climate fund be enough for a just transition?

Europeum, April 2022


Energy transitions and environmental geopolitics in the Southern Mediterranean

Istituto Affari Internazionali, April 2022


Environmental degradation: impacts on agricultural production

Institute for European Environmental Policy, April 2022


Ocean-based measures for climate action

Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations, April 2022


5 ways to cut oil and gas use through clean transportation

World Resources Institute, April 2022


Russia’s Ukraine invasion and climate change go hand in hand

Carnegie Europe, March 2022


From carbon pricing to climate clubs

Centre for European Policy Studies, March 2022


From NGEU to a Green Capital Markets Union

Centre for European Policy Studies, March 2022


Carbon removals on the road to net zero

Centre for European Policy Studies, March 2022


The EU must triple down on green investment
Centre for European Reform, March 2022


How to make EU emissions trading system work for consumers

Centre for European Reform, March 2022


Could nuclear power cut Europe’s dependence on Russian energy?

Council on Foreign Relations, March 2022


Can a climate club accelerate industrial decarbonisation?

E3G, March 2022


Making EU climate governance fit for net zero

Ecologic Institute, March 2022


What if the Helsinki spirit was revived by climate change

Egmont, March 2022


Climate mitigation potential of large-scale nature restoration in Europe

Institute for European Environmental Policy, March 2022


No more free lunch: Ending free allowances in the EU ETS to the benefit of innovation

Jacques Delors Institute, March 2022


Will the climate agenda unravel?

Peterson Institute for International Economics, March 2022


6 pressing questions about beef and climate change, answered

World Resources Institute, March 2022


Greening Europe’s post-COVID-19 recovery

Bruegel, February 2022


Three key areas of Europe’s climate diplomacy

European Council on Foreign Relations, February 2022


Source – EU Parliament

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