The European Commission has decided today to appoint as Deputy Director-General of the Legal Service, in charge of Quality of Legislation, Infringements and Information. The role of the Legal Service is to provide legal advice to the Commission and its services, and to represent the Commission in all court cases. The date of effect is to be determined later.
In this new capacity, Clemens Ladenburger, a German national, will draw on his many years of experience in representing the Commission at the European Court of Justice as well as on his established management skills and excellent knowledge of the Commission’s departments, EU policies and current legal issues.
Clemens Ladenburger is currently Director – Principal Legal Adviser, leading the Team ‘Justice, Freedom and Security, Private Law, Criminal Law’. He has been working for the Legal Service since 1999 and has occupied a range of positions, notably that of the Principal Adviser for Migration and Strategic Horizontal Matters (working mainly on Brexit) and Assistant to the Director-General of the Legal Service.
Between July 2013 and March 2014, on ad personam appointment by President Barroso, he served as Secretary to the high-level ‘Expert Group on Debt Redemption Fund and Eurobills’. In 2002-2003, he was a member of the Secretariat of the European Convention that drafted a Constitution for Europe, the substance of which became the Lisbon Treaty. Before joining the Commission in 1999, he was Member of the Cabinet of Jürgen Trumpf, Secretary-General of the Council, responsible for Justice and Home Affairs.
Source – EU Commission