Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Brussels, 14 June 2021. The EU-U.S. summit taking place tomorrow is an important step to rejuvenate the transatlantic alliance. The meeting will kick off a broader debate on building a positive agenda and start working together on common challenges.

Businesseurope Director General Markus J. Beyrer said:

“This summit can and must be the first step towards a rejuvenated transatlantic alliance. We call on leaders to find long-term solutions to commercial disputes that have negatively impacted businesses and citizens and have impaired our ability to address global challenges together.

We must be forward-looking and chart a roadmap to jointly eliminate existing market distortions, to push the reform of the multilateral trading system, to mitigate climate change, and manage the technological and digital transformations.

BusinessEurope and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce have already published a joint statement in May on restoring transatlantic leadership, which calls for resolving several outstanding commercial disputes on aircraft subsidies, additional duties on steel and aluminium or the digital services tax. Business also calls for reinforced bilateral cooperation on COVID-19 vaccines and for an agreement on a revised EU-U.S. Privacy Shield.”

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