Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Brussels, 3 March 2023

Today, a Minsk Court sentenced members of the Viasna Human Rights Centre, including its chairman and Nobel Peace Prize winner Ales Bialiatski, deputy chairman Valiantsin Stefanovic, Zmitser Salauyou, (tried in absentia) and lawyer Uladzimir Labkovich, to ten, nine, eight, and seven years respectively in prison on fake and politically motivated charges.

The European Union condemns in the strongest possible terms their sham trials that are yet another appalling example of the Lukashenko regime trying to silence those who stand up in defence of human rights and fundamental freedoms of the people in Belarus. Lukashenko will not succeed. Their call for freedom is loud, even behind bars.

The EU calls for the immediate and unconditional release of the more than 1450 political prisoners in Belarus. They have been brutally persecuted for daring to oppose the human rights violations in Belarus and for rejecting Russia’s war against Ukraine, and Belarus’ role in this aggression. The EU stands ready to react to repression and human rights abuses by the regime against its population.

When receiving his Nobel Peace Prize, Ales Bialiatski stated that those who value freedom the most are often deprived of it.

The EU will continue to support all those who bravely strive for a sovereign, free, democratic, safe and prosperous Belarus.

Source – EEAS

Belarus – Sentencing of 2022 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Ales Bialiatski to 10 years in prison (3 March 2023)


Paris, 3 March 2023

France denounces the sentencing of human rights defender and 2022 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Ales Bialiatski to 10 years in prison.

This sentence testifies yet again to the Belarusian authorities’ unprecedented policy of repression carried out against the peaceful protest movement that emerged following the fraudulent presidential election of August 9, 2020, and against all those who are critical of the Belarusian government.

As the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has stated, Mr. Bialiatski’s trial was very clearly motivated by political considerations. France therefore calls on the Belarusian authorities to release and rehabilitate Mr. Bialiatski immediately and unconditionally, along with all political prisoners in Belarus.

France once again applauds the courage and selflessness of human rights activists, independent journalists, opposition figures and simple citizens who are fighting for a transparent, democratic Belarus that respects basic rights.

Source – French Government

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