Wed. Sep 18th, 2024
fish, cod, smoked
Smoked cod. Photo by flyupmike on Pixabay

Brussels, 26 August 2024

Today, the Commission has adopted its proposal for the 2025 fishing opportunities for the Baltic Sea. It responds to a scientific assessment that indicates several fisheries are in a dire situation.

The Commission proposed today the total allowable catches (TACs) and quotas for nine out of the ten stocks managed by the EU in the Baltic Sea. The remaining quota proposal (Bothnian herring) will be submitted at a later stage.

The Commission proposes to increase fishing opportunities for central Baltic herring (+108%) and herring in the Gulf of Riga (+10%). It proposes to decrease fishing of salmon in the main basin (-36%) and in the Gulf of Finland (-20%), as well as of sprat
(-42%). Catches of plaice would remain unchanged. The Commission proposes to decrease the allocations for unavoidable by-catches of western Baltic cod (-73%), eastern Baltic cod (-68%) and western Baltic herring (-50%).

The proposed TACs are based on the best available scientific advice from the International Council on the Exploration of the Seas (ICES) and follow the Baltic Sea multiannual management plan adopted in 2016 by the European Parliament and the Council.


For eastern Baltic cod, the Commission intends to keep a catch limit for unavoidable by-catches and all the accompanying measures in place already for several years. However, since the stock continues to be in a bad condition, the by-catch limit should be adjusted to the actual needs. Despite the measures taken since 2019, when scientists first warned about the poor status of cod, the situation has not improved.

The situation is similar for western Baltic cod. The Commission therefore proposes to adjust the by-catch TAC to actual needs, and to keep all the accompanying measures.


The stock size of western Baltic herring remains significantly below minimum levels. The Commission proposes removing the exemption for small-scale coastal fisheries and adjusting the TAC to unavoidable by-catches only.

The stock size of central Baltic herring has increased above the minimum level since last year. ICES forecasts a very positive stock development due to high estimated recruitment but emphasises that the forecast is more uncertain than usual. The Commission therefore proposes a cautious approach and will not propose to increase the TAC up to the maximum level included in the ICES advice.

Herring in the Gulf of Riga is healthy, and the Commission proposes to set the catch limits according to the maximum recommended by ICES.


While scientific advice would allow for a considerable increase, the Commission remains cautious, mainly to protect cod – which is an unavoidable by-catch when fishing for plaice. New measures to reduce cod by-catches through alternative fishing gear are expected to enter into force this year.


The size of the sprat stock has decreased significantly due to persistently low reproduction rates. Scientists warn that the stock size could fall below healthy levels if reproduction is lower than expected. Therefore, scientific advice for sprat recommends a substantial reduction in catches. The Commission proposes to set the TAC at a level that minimises the risk of the stock size decreasing below the minimum level.


The status of the different river salmon populations in the Baltic main basin varies considerably, with some remaining weak and others healthy. To achieve healthy levels, ICES advised three years ago the closure of all salmon fisheries in the main basin. At the same time, ICES assessed that it would be possible to maintain certain fisheries during the summer in the coastal waters of the Gulf of Bothnia and the Åland Sea. ICES maintained the principle of its advice for 2025 but decreased the related catch level because reproduction rates have decreased in recent years. The Commission therefore proposes adjusting the fishing opportunities and the accompanying rules accordingly, notably by banning recreational fishing for reared salmon, which unavoidably also causes the death of wild salmon.

Next steps

Based on these proposals, EU countries will take a final decision to determine the maximum quantities of the most important commercial fish species that can be caught in the Baltic Sea basin. The Council will examine the Commission’s proposal in view of adopting it during itsmeeting on 21-22 October 2024.


The fishing opportunities proposal is part of the European Union’s approach to adjust the levels of fishing to long-term sustainability targets, called maximum sustainable yield (MSY), as agreed by the European Parliament and the Council in the Common Fisheries Policy. The Commission’s proposal is also in line with the Multiannual Plan for the management of cod, herring and sprat in the Baltic Sea and with the policy intentions expressed in the Commission’s Communication “Sustainable fishing in the EU: state of play and orientations for 2025″.

The current situation is difficult for fishers as formerly important commercial stocks (western and eastern cod; western and central herring; sprat; and salmon in the southern Baltic Sea and rivers) are subject to various pressures which have led to thedegradation of the Baltic Sea’s biodiversity, such as high nutrient inputs and persistently high levels of contaminants. These stressors, in part, stem from failures to implement EU legislation. Furthermore, the scientific advice also recognises the impact of misreporting of fishing, without being able to quantify it. Misreporting potentially leads to hidden overfishing. To help fishers in the Baltic Sea, Member States and coastal regions can use the European Social Fund Plus to implementmeasures for lifelong learning and skills development.

The Baltic Sea is the most polluted sea in Europe. It is affected by biodiversity loss, climate change, eutrophication, past overfishing, and elevated levels of contaminants such as pharmaceuticals and litter. Concerned about this dire situation, the European Commission organised twoeditions of the Our Baltic Conference in 2020 and 2023. These high-level events brought together Ministers from the eight EU countries surrounding the Baltic Sea (Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Finland and Sweden).

More information

Proposal fishing opportunities Baltic Sea 2025

Questions and Answers on Fishing Opportunities in the Baltic Sea in 2025

Table: Overview of TAC changes 2024-2025

(figures in tons except for salmon, which is in number of pieces)


I am worried about the poor state of the Baltic Sea fish stocks. The importance of taking action to address the dire state of key commercial species is becoming more evident every year. Fishers are the first to face the consequences, despite our joint efforts to rebuild fish stock populations. To make sure that local fishers can again rely on healthy fish stocks for their livelihoods, it is indispensable to fully implement the EU legislation at all levels.

Maroš Šefčovič, Executive Vice-President for European Green Deal, Interinstitutional Relations and Foresight

Source – EU Commission


Questions and Answers on the Commission’s proposal for fishing opportunities in the Baltic Sea for 2025

Brussels, 26 August 2024

Fishing situation of the Baltic Sea

What are the fishing opportunities? Why is the Commission proposing fishing opportunities for the Baltic Sea?

Every year, the European Commission proposes fishing opportunities for all the EU sea basins, including the Baltic Sea. Also called total allowable catches (TACs), fishing opportunities are catch limits for most fish species, based on scientific advice.

Once agreed by the Council of the European Union, TACs are shared in national quotas that determine how many fish each EU country is allowed to catch in a given year. Quotas can be exchanged among EU countries.

What is the situation of the Baltic Sea and how is the Baltic Sea multiannual management plan contributing to the management of Baltic Sea fisheries?

The Baltic Sea is fragile, especially due to its shallowness, limited connection with the ocean and slow water circulation. TheBaltic Sea multiannual management planaddresses stock management and fishing mortality from fisheries. It is the right instrument to manage fisheries’ effects on stocks. In addition, actions to address the wider ecological situation are urgently needed.

The current situation is difficult for fishers as formerly important commercial stocks (western and eastern cod; western and central herring; sprat; and salmon in the southern Baltic Sea and rivers) are also under additional pressures beyond fishing, notably from habitat loss due to a degradation of the environment both in inland waters as well as in the Baltic Sea itself. Member States will have to ensure they fully implement EU environmental legislation, along with the rules of the Common Fisheries Policy, to improve the state of the Baltic Sea and see improvements in fish stocks’ recovery.

Eastern Baltic cod

Why is the Commission decreasing the by-catch TAC for eastern Baltic cod for 2025?

Despite the measures of recent years, scientists estimate that the condition of the stock has not improved. They, therefore, advise a continued stop for all catches of eastern Baltic cod for 2025. Hence, the Commission proposes to extend the current measures for 2025.

Regarding the TAC for unavoidable by-catches, the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) has not been able to provide such information. The Commission proposes not to exceed what is needed and to adjust the level to the by-catches reported in 2023.

In 2019, scientists discovered that the stock of eastern Baltic cod was in a worse state than previously expected and emergency measures had to be taken as this fish stock had been below safe biological limits for several years. The Commission therefore urged Member States to act, and prohibited fishing for cod in the most concerned areas for the rest of the year.

In 2020, based on scientific advice, the Commission proposed, and the Council agreed, to set a significantly lower TAC, which can only be used for cod by-catches. In 2021, again based on scientific advice, the TAC for unavoidable by-catches was reduced. From 2022 until 2024, the measures remained unchanged.

Why is the spawning closure for eastern Baltic cod maintained?

Science clearly states that such closures can have sustainability benefits for the stock, which cannot be achieved by a TAC alone. Scientists mention as an example for additional benefits that a closure may allow cod to spawn without being disturbed and that this can lead to producing more young cod. Eastern Baltic cod is in a very poor condition, below the minimum level. The Baltic Sea Multiannual Plan enables taking exceptional measures to remedy critical situations as quickly as possible.

Against this background, it is appropriate to maintain the closure during the entire peak spawning period in all potential spawning areas and in the main area from where cod migrate to the spawning grounds. At the same time, any disturbing fishing activity is prohibited.

Why is the prohibition of recreational fishing for eastern Baltic cod maintained?

Since eastern Baltic cod is in extremely poor condition, scientists advised to stop all catches, including recreational ones. This is coherent with the Baltic Sea multiannual plan, which provides that, when the size of a stock is below safe biological limits, further measures have to be taken to remedy the situation as quickly as possible. We therefore propose to continue this prohibition, already applicable since 2020.

Are the measures put in place since 2019 giving the expected outcome,and what is the Commission’s strategy going forward?

While it seems that, so far, the stock has not yet responded to the various measures, two relevant aspects need to be taken into account in the current context:

  • First, conservation measures need time to show effects, especially when a stock is in such a bad condition as the eastern Baltic cod stock.
  • Second, there are broader ecosystem-related factors such as oxygen depletion, rising water temperatures, pollution and diseases that affect the already weak and depleted cod stock, limiting its recovery capabilities.

In September 2020, the Commission held a high-level conference where the Ministers responsible for Environment and Fisheries from the Member States across the Baltic Sea region signed ajoint declarationto take a series of measures to address the ecosystem issues of the Baltic Sea. A follow-up conference was held in September 2023 to take stock of the advances made and to tackle additional issues. A number ofcommitmentswere taken on that occasion. Finally, the Commission asked the Member States to work on other measures such as developing gears for the flatfish fisheries, which could substantially reduce cod by-catches. The legislation is expected to enter into force later this year.

Western Baltic cod

Why is the Commission decreasing the by-catch TAC for western Baltic cod for 2025?

Last year, the ICES advice suggested decreasing western Baltic cod fishing opportunities to 24 tonnes in 2024 and 2025. The Commission therefore proposes to maintain the existing measures for 2025, including the prohibition of recreational fisheries.

Regarding the TAC level for unavoidable by-catches, ICES has not been able to provide such information. The Commission proposes not to exceed what is needed and adjust the level to the by-catches reported in 2023.

Western herring

Why is the Commission again proposing to close the remaining targeted western herring fishery for small-scale coastal fisheries?

As in the previous six years, ICES advises to stop all fishing so that the very depleted western herring stock can recover. For such situations, the Baltic Sea Multiannual Plan indicates that measures need to be taken to ensure the rapid return of the stock to sustainable levels. In addition, the TAC level needs to ensure with a very high probability that the stock biomass will not fall below the minimum levels.

Like last year, the Commission therefore proposes to close all the targeted fisheries, including small-scale coastal fisheries. Regarding the TAC level for unavoidable by-catches, ICES has not been able to provide such information. The Commission therefore again proposes to halve the TAC compared to 2024 level.

How does the Commission intend to help western Baltic herring recover?

ICES has been advising a stop of the western herring fishery for six years. The EU, therefore, has drastically reduced the quotas in the Baltic Sea over the past few years. However, western herring is not only present in the Baltic Sea – it also migrates into the Skagerrak and the eastern North Sea. Most catches are currently taken in those areas.

For 2025, ICES estimates that 81% will be caught in the North Sea, and the remaining 19% in the Skagerrak and the Baltic Sea. This means that catches in the North Sea and in the Skagerrak also have to decrease significantly for the stock to recover. However, fisheries in these areas are managed jointly with Norway and the UK. Therefore, the Commission will discuss with both Norway and the UK the need to keep the fishing pressure in those areas low and thus avoiding a negative impact on western Baltic herring.

Other stocks

Why is the Commission proposing to double the central Baltic herring fisheries although the stock is still fragile?

The biomass of the central herring stock fell below the minimum level last year. But since then, it has increased again above this level. Moreover, ICES estimates that reproduction is very strong. The resulting catch advice from ICES is +175% compared to the 2024 TAC.

ICES however states that its forecast is more uncertain than usual. Therefore, since the stock is still below healthy levels, the Commission proposes to be prudent and to limit the TAC increase to +108%, which corresponds to the lower end of the catch ranges indicated by ICES.

Why does the Commission propose such a significant TAC decrease for sprat?

The sprat stock is still healthy but has decreased substantially due to record low recruitment in recent years. ICES therefore advises to decrease the TAC by at least -26%.

However, according to the Baltic Sea Multiannual Plan the TAC level needs also to ensure with a very high probability that the stock biomass will not fall below the minimum level. This is only possible with the much higher TAC decrease proposed by the Commission.

Why does the Commission propose to decrease the commercial catches for main basin salmon?

According to ICES the reproduction success of wild salmon populations decreased to historically low levels in 2021. Since then, it increased slightly but the estimates are more uncertain than in the past. ICES therefore advises to be prudent and decrease catches. The Commission proposes to follow this advice. According to experts, the number of salmon returning to their river to reproduce has substantially decreased since 2021. And in 2023, the most productive salmon river reached a historic low.

Various salmon populations in the main basin have been in different condition for a long time. Some populations have been healthy, but others have been weak. In 2020, ICES advised that maintaining the existing mixed-stock fishery in the entire main basin would impair the ability to achieve healthy levels for all salmon populations. In 2021, ICES advised to close all commercial and recreational salmon fisheries in the main basin. However, it considered that it would still be possible to maintain a targeted salmon fishery during the summer in the coastal waters of the Gulf of Bothnian and the Åland Sea. The Council decided to follow this approach.

Why does the Commission propose to ban recreational fisheries on reared salmon?

Since 2021, ICES has been advising to stop all fishing for salmon in the main basin, including recreational fishing. The Council decided to keep a daily bag limit to allow for continued recreational fishing on reared salmon. However, in these fisheries, wild salmon are also caught. And while they have to be immediately released, a non-negligible amount dies thereafter.

Given that salmon reproduction success and the number of reproducing salmon are low, the Commission proposes to also prohibit recreational fishing for reared salmon. Coastal recreational fishing on wild salmon can however continue during summer, when and where commercial fishing is also allowed.

For more information

Press release on fishing opportunities for 2025 in the Baltic Sea


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