On Thursday, negotiators from the European Parliament and of the Czech Council Presidency reached an agreement on the first ever EU resettlement framework.
On Thursday, negotiators from the European Parliament and of the Czech Council Presidency reached an agreement on the first ever EU resettlement framework.
The framework comprises common procedures for resettlement and humanitarian admission of particularly vulnerable persons that are eligible to receive refugee status or subsidiary protection status in the EU. It aims to reduce divergences between national approaches and lead to a more unified EU policy.
Particular attention under the new rules will be given to at-risk women and girls, persons in danger of being forcibly returned to their countries, survivors of violence or torture, unaccompanied minors, persons with medical needs or disabilities and persons in protracted refugee situations.
Safe and legal way to Europe
Persons presented for resettlement, identified in most cases by the UNHCR, and accepted by a particular member state, will be able to reach EU territory in a legal, organized and safe way. They will be offered long-term and durable solutions to their displacement with legal status and access to all the fundamental rights associated with this status.
Stronger global role for the EU
Member states will participate in the scheme by offering resettlement on a voluntary basis. The EU as a whole will be able to set targets for specific regions and countries, with predictable planning over a period of two years. This will help the EU strengthen solidarity with countries around the world that are hosting large numbers of persons in need of international protection.
Rapporteur Malin Björk (The Left, Sweden) said:
“We finally have a piece of legislation that opens up a safe and legal way to come to Europe for thousands of extremely vulnerable refugees around the world. It is a big day for the European Union and for all of us who stand up for human rights. It is also an important step whereby the EU now shows it is prepared to fully participate in global resettlement efforts and support the work of UNHCR in this field. I am thankful to the Czech presidency, which has been working hard for this proposal.”
Next steps
The agreed text needs to be endorsed first by the Civil Liberties Committee and then by Parliament as a whole, as well as Council. It will then be published in the Official Journal of the EU and enter into force. The European Parliament and the upcoming Council Presidencies have committed to make all efforts to finalise the reform of the Asylum and Migration legislative framework before April 2024.
The Commission has tabled the original proposal in 2016 and the work concluded today builds upon negotiations between the European Parliament and the Council that took place between 2016 and 2018.
According to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), there are more than two million refugees in need of resettlement worldwide in 2023 with numbers increasing in all regions of the world. The offer of places available remains significantly lower than the demand.
Source – EU Parliament
Asylum: Deal on reception conditions for applicants to international protection
Brussels, 15 December 2022
Registered asylum-applicants will be able to start working sooner and their integration prospects will improve, under a draft law agreed by Parliament and Council.
The main aim of the revised Reception Conditions Directive is to ensure equivalent reception standards across EU member states when it comes to material conditions -including housing-, health care and an adequate standard of living for applicants. The new rules should prevent applicants from moving around the EU after their registration.
Improving integration opportunities
To improve their chances of being able to live independently and be able to integrate locally, asylum applicants should be allowed to work not later than six months from the date of the registration of their application, instead of the current nine months. To help enhance applicants’ integration prospects they will get access to language courses, civic education courses or vocational training courses.
Protecting minors
Member states must ensure every unaccompanied minor is assigned a guardian no later than 15 days after their lodging an application for international protection. Moreover, children should enter into the school system at the latest two months after arrival.
Member States may decide that an applicant has to reside in a specific place for reasons of public order or to effectively prevent the applicant from absconding, if such risks exist. Detention may be based only on specific grounds established in national law.
Sophie in ‘t Veld MEP (Renew, Netherlands), rapporteur, said:
“Today’s agreement on reception conditions is a breakthrough. Not only because the co-legislators are finally advancing the work on a common European asylum system, but most importantly because this agreement should lead to tangible improvements in the lives of asylum applicants across the EU. Especially now that we see pictures of asylum applicants having to sleep on the streets in several member states, it is time Europe shows its human face and ensures high and consistent reception standards.”
Next steps
The agreed text needs to be endorsed by the Civil Liberties Committee and the plenary, as well as the Council, before it can be published in the Official Journal of the EU and enter into force. Member states have two years to transpose the provisions of the directive in their national laws. The European Parliament and the upcoming Council Presidencies have committed to make all efforts to finalise the reform of the Asylum and Migration legislative framework before April 2024.
Commission tabled the proposal on a new Reception Conditions Directive in 2016. Today’s agreement endorsed the outcome of negotiations reached in 2018.
Source – EU Parliament