Answer given by Ms Simson
on behalf of the European Commission (17.8.2021)
The European Large Scale Energy Accumulation (ELSEA) candidate Project of Common Interest (PCI) has a cumulative power of 384 megawatts (MW) and storage capacity of 250 gigawatt hours (GWh) a year, thus fulfilling the Trans-European Networks for Energy (TEN-E) technical and general criteria for electricity storage1,2.
All candidate projects, including ELSEA, are assessed within the corresponding regional groups on the basis of a methodology agreed within the groups. The assessment of other/external studies are not considered and evaluated within the PCI process.
The energy market rules foresee that grid operators do not own, develop, manage or operate storage facilities3. Concerning the provision of support services, balancing markets shall be organised in such a way as to ensure effective non-discrimination between market participants4. Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and Distribution System Operators (DSOs)5 shall establish the specifications for the non-frequency ancillary services and flexibility services procured, and standardised market products for such services, at least at national level. The specifications both for non-ancillary services procured by TSOs and flexibility services procured by DSOs shall ensure the effective and non-discriminatory participation of all market participants6.
1 The technical criteria for storage projects require them to be directly connected to high-voltage transmission lines designed for a voltage of 110 kV or more. The project promotor states that this is also the case for the ELSEA project. The current rules for electricity storage in TEN-E on cross border impact state that a project with significant cross-border impact is a project on the territory of a Member State, which provides at least 225 MW installed capacity and has a storage capacity that allows a net annual electricity generation of 250 gigawatt-hours/year.
2 Only storage and transmission projects that are part of ENTSO-E’s Ten-Year Network Development Plan TYNDP are eligible to apply for the PCI status. To be included in the TYNDP, projects are assessed by means of a socio-economic cost-benefit analysis (CBA), including their environmental and social impacts and their contribution to the European long-term policy goals. The CBA employs a multi-criteria approach that combines a quantified and monetized assessment of project impacts with the qualitative description of other indicators and compares it to the indicated costs of the project. The CBA uses a common set of scenarios and grid models, based on which market and network simulations are performed to assess the project’s impact – the so-called project-specific analysis.
3 Unless the market fails to deliver such services or if storage is a fully integrated part of the network.
4 In line with Article 6 of the electricity regulation.
5 As mandated by the Electricity Directive.
6 Which includes market participants offering energy from renewable sources, market participants engaged in demand response, operators of energy storage facilities, and market participants engaged in aggregation.
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