Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

On Tuesday 9 November, MEPs Dragoş Tudorache and Axel Voss will brief journalists and answer questions on the latest EP report on AI as well as on the 1-4 November delegation to Washington.

On Tuesday, the Rapporteur for the Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age (AIDA) Axel Voss (EPP, DE) will present his draft report to Committee Members.

The week before, AIDA Chair Dragoş Tudorache (Renew, RO) led an AIDA delegation to Washington DC to discuss transatlantic cooperation and AI developments with their US counterparts.

The briefing will be held on Tuesday, 9 November, from 13.00 to 14.00 CEST, on the record via Webex and for media representatives only.

Journalists can sign up for the briefing before Monday, 08 November at 16.00 by emailing All registered participants will receive a connection link on Monday evening.

Background: AIDA report

The AIDA Committee started its work in September 2020. In its mandate, the Committee was tasked to explore the impact of AI on the EU economy and its different sectors, to analyse the AI approach of third countries, and to chart the road ahead. The committee held a number of hearings and debates to feed into the report. The AIDA final report is the main output of the committee, and the final version is due next spring.

Background: Delegation to Washington

The 1-4 November AIDA delegation to Washington focused on AI and the recently launched EU-US Trade and Technology Council (TTC), AI and transatlantic data flows and data sharing, as well as the state of play of the adoption of AI by the US Government and its Federal Agencies.

The delegation visit comes at a time of renewed commitment to a reinvigorated transatlantic relationship and, in the context of the TTC, recalls the need for a formal inter-parliamentary dimension for the oversight and consolidation of future TTC outcomes.

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