Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

On Thursday 1 July, 13.45-15.45, the Members of AIDA Special Committee and of ECON Committee will hold a joint hearing on AI and Financial Services. In the two panels representatives from the European Commission, the European Central Bank, the European Supervisory Authorities and from the private sector and from civil society will share their views on the potential and limits of AI use in financial services, and on how to mitigate potential negative side-effects.

A number of questions guiding the EU’s efforts towards the modernisation of the European economy and its development into a global digital player, such as “What impact is AI having on financial services?” and “How can AI accelerate the digital transformation of the banking industry?” will be addressed.

Meeting documents and programme

Source : © European Union, 2021 – EP

Source: Hearing – AIDA-ECON Public Hearing on AI and Financial Services – 01-07-2021 – Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age – Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

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