Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

AIDA MEPs debated the future of AI with the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and MPs from national parliaments, on Monday.

The meeting started in the Economic and Social Committee premises with a discussion on recent AI developments and the future of AI with experts and stakeholders. In the afternoon, the Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age held a meeting with national parliaments aimed at deepening AI dialogue between MEPs and their counterparts from the EU Member States.

You can catch-up with the full debate here: (morning / afternoon session).

“The world will belong to those who maintain their competitiveness and stay on top of the digital revolution. And, as democracies, we rely on our Parliaments to offer the right regulatory environment for the digital transformation. I am happy to see that many national parliaments have already decided to establish special standing or temporary committees on digital matters. This will be a healthy and useful setup for the future, as more and more of our laws will need to deal with the digital domain or be digital-ready,” said AIDA committee Chair Dragoș Tudorache (Renew, RO) on Monday.

“Furthermore, in order for the European Union to be a true geopolitical actor and leverage its collective power on the world scene, we need to coordinate our actions and policies, especially in the digital domain. From the broader perspective of the impact of AI on the digital decade this is exactly the type of dialogue we should continue to foster, engaging as frequently as possible,” he added.

More information, programmes and documents on the AIDA website.

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