Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Brussels, 17 November 2022

The new protected terms under the Multiparty Trade Agreement between the EU and Colombia/Ecuador/Peru include one product from Colombia: “Bocadillo Veleño” (a sweet delicacy made with guava pulp and sugar cane); three products from Ecuador: “Café de Galapagos” (coffee beans), “Maní De Transkutukú” (a peanut harvested by hand) and “Pitahaya Amazónica De Palora” (fruit); and six products from Peru: “Aceituna de Tacna” (olive), “Cacao Amazonas Perú” (cacao), “Café Machu Picchu-Huadquiña” (coffee beans grown close to the historical sites of Machu Picchu), “Café Villa Rica” (coffee beans), “Loche de Lambayeque” (a fruit used in sweet and salty preparations) and “Maca Junín Pasco” (a plant product). These ten products will be protected in the EU against imitations and usurpation. GI recognition by the EU will be valuable for the reputation of Andean famous food products. It will also boost rural incomes and revitalise rural areas, and help the Andean countries promote their quality products.

The trade agreement between the EU and Colombia and Peru has been provisionally applied since 2013. Ecuador joined in 2017. Agricultural trade between the EU and the three Andean Community countries has been growing steadily since the entry into force of the agreement granting each side preferential access to their respective agricultural markets. Under the deal, 16 Geographical Indications (GIs) from the three Andean countries have been protected until now, with 116 EU GIs also covered. The trade agreement makes it possible to include additional agricultural products from any party. To apply for protection, a product must first be recognised in its country under national legislation. Following a thorough assessment and the usual consultations of stakeholders, the Trade Committee in charge of following up the implementation of the agreement can formally sign the addition of the products in the agreement.

The EU is the third largest trade partner of Colombia, Peru and Ecuador. Half of their exports to the EU are agricultural products, and close to 15% are fisheries products. The exported agricultural products consist mainly of bananas and other fruits, vegetables, coffee cocoa beans and cut flowers.

More information in our news item online and on geographical indications here.

Source – EU Commission

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