Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Brussels, 16 April 2024

“Check against delivery”

Dear colleagues and friends of the Just Transition,

welcome to this 9th “Conference of the Just Transition Platform”.

When we set up the Just Transition Mechanism, 4 years ago, we had many questions.

Can we help all regions successfully navigate from their past economic profiles into the green transition? Is the green transition feasible? Will it damage the economic fabric? Can it ensure that vulnerable regions and vulnerable groups are not left behind? And can we create a community of practice to drive through this process?

Today we have answers. Because all this is happening. Today, in this room, we see a well-established community of partners, and practitioners. Across Europe, you are delivering projects on the ground. And we are doing this together in a way that is tailored to each specific region, in a way that caters to the specific needs of each region, and to their ambitions for the future. This is very important for the regions. But there is much more to it than actions or investments.

The Just Transition Fund is a clear example of what it means to deliver a place-based policy. Coordinated between the European Commission and national and regional governments, but tailored by local partners, for local people. Helping each region to make the most of future transitions and economic changes.

All of us know that the future will bring us more transitions. It is already happening in several sectors. We need to learn to drive these transitions.

So, we have achieved a lot in these few, short years. But this is just the beginning: there is still a lot of work to be done.

As you know, in some Member States the process is well advanced, with nearly half of the budget already programmed. This is remarkable, and  we will hear some examples here toddy.

In others, however, the project selection process has only just started.

I encourage you all to invest yourselves in implementation. Your plans must be translated into concrete actions.

So let us make full use of the many opportunities to accelerate implementation. For example, the 5.9 billion euros, representing 30% of each regions’ envelope, recently released under STEP, the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform.

And, of course, the many forms of support under the Just Transition Platform.

I will highlight 3 key forms of support.

First, in 2024, we will support another 16 just transition territories with capacity building on the ground, through the JTP Groundwork tool we launched last year. We want to support as many projects as possible. And I am delighted to announce that all the requests were of very good quality, so we will support all those that applied.

The second form of support is the many peer-to-peer exchanges, between JTF regions planned for the coming months. Speaking with partners, with people that are going through the same challenges and processes. Exchanges of knowledge and of good practices, because we do not have always to reinvent the wheel.

For example, over 60 representatives of different stakeholder groups will be part of the new JTP Working Groups, focused on Stakeholder Engagement and Equal Opportunities. And, as this is European Youth week, I find it highly appropriate that we have created a space for youth with a dedicated JTP Youth Task Force. Every time I visit a just transition region, I try to speak with young people. We need their strength, energy and imagination to renew just transition areas. That is we invite youth representatives to bring their ideas and energy to the Just Transition Platform.

The third form of support is over 150 experts in the JTP expert database. They are at your disposal for help with design, identification, and selection of excellent projects that will transform lives, and regional economies. And, of course, this living transformation is at the heart of our work.

We look forward to hearing today about great projects in the Netherlands, Slovakia, Poland, Portugal and Sweden. Among so many others being developed across the EU.

Let us all inspire ourselves from these projects which are transforming economies and creating new opportunities, new jobs, new communities that are future oriented.

I am delighted too, that over the next two days, we will hear the “voice from the ground”: representatives of trade unions, local authorities and the civil society. You have a unique perspective: local transformation plans will not work without your input, your engagement and your constructive approach.

And, indeed, I am looking forward to hearing in a moment, my colleague Commissioner Kadri Simson addressing the important topic of empowering citizens.

This afternoon we will be joined by Minister Khattabi, the Belgian Federal Minister for Climate, the Environment, Sustainable Development and Green Deal. We look forward to hearing about her work on the just transition. We will hear about Belgian efforts to involve all the different stakeholders in the design, implementation and evaluation of just transition policies. And how Belgium has been acting on this in their Presidency of the Council.

And, since it is the European Year of Skills, and we have a particular focus on green skills and green jobs, I am very pleased that my colleague Commissioner Nicolas Schmit will close the conference, tomorrow afternoon.

So, as you can see, today there will be a vast buffet of ideas to inspire you. As well as opportunities to exchange ideas and find support.

And this is my key message to all of you today: we are all together. We know it is complex. But it can be done. We are listening to you, so we can make life easier for you, to help you to deliver. You are not alone.

Draw on the community of practice. Draw on the various experts, and support mechanisms. And see your hopes and ideas translated into the transformation of your regions and cities.

Let’s get to work!

I look forward to listening to you and to our discussion.

Source – EU Commission

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