Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Brussels, 8 February 2022

“Check against delivery”

Fellow leaders,

We had to wait 18 months to hold this Summit.

Through the discussions we have had and agreements we have reached, it was worth every bit of it.

I would like to share with you three key issues that I am taking from this Summit: Now is the time to turn our shared vision into reality. It is the time to become operational.

On Europe’s side, Global Gateway responds to this. Never before has Europe had a global investment strategy, and never before have we put on the table such a sizeable and ambitious package with Africa.

We will work together as of tomorrow to develop strategic projects with transformative impact.

I have proposed that we prioritise our action in the following: in infrastructure, with a focus on energy, digital and transport interconnection.

Our objectives are greater access to electricity through the expansion of regional power grids, and the development of hydrogen capacity. Greater internet access via submarine cables linking Europe and Africa, and terrestrial cables across Africa’s regions.

The construction of strategic transport corridors across the continent to enhance mobility and develop continental supply chains.

These investments will go a long way to contribute to the Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement.

In education, the focus is on technical vocation and education training and on youth entrepreneurship.

Africa’s youth wants to shape their future and their continent. Let’s give them the skills that are sought after in industries and services. Let’s provide financial and technical support to young entrepreneurs who are setting up start-ups and small and medium sized businesses. This will be our focus.

In health, the focus is on the delivery of vaccines and their rollout and on Africa’s local vaccine production capacity. The motto is: mRNA technology for the continent. And not to forget the strengthening of health systems.

Fellow leaders,

We all know that only what gets measured, gets done.

We shall put in motion a monitoring mechanism, so that we can all follow up on the implementation of the Global Gateway African investment package and other commitments we have taken at the Summit.

I have proposed to the African Union Commission Chairman Moussa Faki a meeting of our two Commissions in spring to take this work forward.

This is a new way of working together that can deliver transformative results on the ground. But it needs everyone on board to be successful: us political leaders, the private sector, and most of all our citizens.

Let me finish by thanking all of you who contributed. The leaders and their delegations. But most importantly also the youth, civil society the business representatives that have brought the Europe-Africa week to life.

I very much look forward to working with you all.

Thank you.


Related links

EU-Africa: Global Gateway Investment Package

EU-Africa: Global Gateway Investment Package – Health

EU-Africa: Global Gateway Investment Package – Education and Training

EU-Africa: Global Gateway Investment Package – Digital transition

EU-Africa: Global Gateway Investment Package – Investing in Young Businesses in Africa

EU-Africa: Global Gateway Investment Package – Strategic Corridors

EU-Africa: Global Gateway Investment Package – Africa-EU Green Energy Initiative

EU-Africa: Global Gateway Investment Package – Africa’s Great Green Wall Initiative

EU-Africa: Global Gateway Investment Package – Climate resilience

EU-Africa: Global Gateway Investment Package – Sustainable food systems


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