Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Brussels, 11 September 2024

Statement by President von der Leyen on the occasion of the 4th Crimea Platform Summit, via video message

Dear President Zelenskyy, dear Volodymyr,


Ladies and Gentlemen,

It has been ten years since Russia began its aggression against Ukraine. Ukrainians had bravely demanded justice, democracy, and a European future. Russia responded with the illegal occupation of the peninsula.

It’s clear:

Crimea and Sevastopol are Ukraine. The European Union will never tire to support the territorial integrity of Ukraine. Only where borders count there is security and peace for people.

Over these ten years, Crimea has been a testing ground for the brutal tactics Russia now uses across occupied Ukraine. The tragic echoes of the Soviet-era deportation of Crimean Tatars reverberate today. The disappearances, the torture, the attempted deletion of Tatar culture, and the persecution of journalists and human rights defenders.

Europe stands with Ukraine in documenting each and every one of these crimes. Together we will ensure that justice will be served. For peace without justice is no peace at all.

We Europeans want peace as much as Ukrainians do. But a peace that is fair and lasting. True peace is one that ensures war cannot return. A peace that allows people to focus on their future. This is why Ukraine’s integration into the European Union is at the heart of our efforts.

Formal accession negotiations were  launched this summer in a historic step. Ukraine is joining a large family that will always have your back. Like we have had since day one of the full-scale aggression.

We have provided Ukraine with over 118 billion euros in support so far. And with funding from the Ukraine Facility secured until 2027, there is much more to come.

President Putin’s attempts to crush Ukraine’s spirit have failed. Instead, Ukraine stands strong. Our peoples have never been closer. Together, we will endure and prevail, united as we are in our commitment to a free and democratic Ukraine.

Slava Ukraini.

Source – EU Commission


Video message of President Charles Michel for the fourth summit of the International Crimea Platform

Crimea is Ukraine. For ten years we have confirmed this loud and clear. This year we mark the 10th anniversary of the illegal occupation of Crimea. Russia’s war against Ukraine did not start in February 2022. It started in February 2014 with Russia’s assault on Crimea. Then this terrible full scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

The European Union supports a just peace because the UN charter must be the backbone of international law. We support President Zelenskyy’s Peace Formula as well as the rules based international order, and we firmly support the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and every other nation around the world. We will continue to assist you in rallying support for your peace plan based on these fundamental principles.

Dear Ukrainians, the EU is your home. That is why we are determined to support you for as long as it takes with military, financial and political support. We will continue to rally the international community to isolate Russia and to show the world that the Kremlin’s behaviour is extremely dangerous for all of us.

As we speak, brave Ukrainian men and women are fighting, resisting and suffering across your great land. Mothers, daughters, fathers and sons defending their families, their cities, their loved ones. So it is our duty as Europeans to also meet this moment in history and to be by your side in your hour of need. You are battling for our shared hopes and dreams, for our common values and for our common future. No words can express my gratitude for your bravery and your sacrifice. Thank you. Slava Ukraini.

Source – European Council

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