Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Brussels, 16 November 2022

Officials and experts from the EU and Japan will meet online from 16 to 18 November 2022 to discuss and exchange good practices in competition policy and enforcement.

The sessions will focus on approaches to competition enforcement, including how to assess arguments about sustainability goals in this context, and the use of remedies in antitrust prohibition decisions. Participants will also discuss issues pertaining to merger investigation in digital markets, as well as recent developments in the regulation of these markets.

The annual EU-Japan Competition Week is part of the Competition Cooperation project, a 5-year EU-funded programme offering technical cooperation to competition authorities in Asia. It provides a platform for exchanges between the European Commission Directorate-General for Competition and the Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC). The objective of the project is to exchange experiences and strengthen convergence in competition policy, to the benefit of citizens and businesses in both the EU and Japan.

More information about the European Commission’s bilateral dialogue with Japan in the field of competition policy is available on the Commission’s website.

Source – EU Commission

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