Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

Today, Didier Reynders, Commissioner for Justice, presents data on the Commission’s work on product safety and the EU Safety Gate Rapid Alert System. Fresh data from 2021 shows that this year so far more than 1,800 alerts between Member State authorities have been circulated on the system. Most of these alerts concern motor vehicles or related products (27%) and toys (19%). Christmas lights and candles have also been regularly notified. The most common risks related to dangerous products in 2021 were injuries (28%) or risks caused by chemicals (23%).

Didier Reynders, Commissioner for Justice said: “Thanks to the Safety Gate Rapid Alert System, the European Commission and national consumer authorities work together every day to guarantee that the presents you give to your loved ones are safe. This is a very concrete example of cooperation at EU-level that benefits consumers.” 

When national authorities detect a dangerous product, they send alerts within the Safety Gate, with information on the product, a description of the risk and the measures taken by the economic operator or ordered by the authority, such as removing the product from the market.

As a result, other authorities follow-up on the alert and take their own measures, withdrawing the same product on their national markets. The overall number of actions reported on the Safety Gate is growing year by year, confirming that national authorities prioritise consumers’ safety.

Commissioner Reynders’s video messages, in which he provides illustrated examples of dangerous products, are available on EbS. All alerts can be found online on EU Safety Gate.

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