Sun. Oct 6th, 2024



smoke, bbq, barbecue

Smoke flavourings: EFSA sees concerns of genotoxicity

Do you like smoky-flavoured snacks? Then you should read the latest Q&A on smoke flavourings, plublished by the European Food Safety Authority EFSA. Smoke flavourings serve as an alternative to traditional smoking, a long-standing practice used to preserve certain foods such as fish, meat, and dairy products. But smoke flavourings do not have the same preservative function. And, even worse, EFSA’s assessment is: “Based on the available scientific evidence, we

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EU Commission welcomes deal for worker protection

The Commission welcomes the political agreement reached yesterday between the European Parliament and the Council on the Commission’s proposal to amend two Directives: for lead, the Directive on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogens, mutagens and reprotoxic substances at work , and for lead and diisocyanates, the Directive on the protection of workers from the risks related to chemical agents at work.

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UK: Dog vaccines imported from Thailand seized

A package containing non GB/NI veterinary medicines was identified by an Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) inspector working at Heathrow Worldwide Distribution Centre. The package arrived from Thailand containing medicines destined for a residential address in Devon.

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ECDC: Key strategies to prevent infections in injecting drug user

Six interventions, one aim: to prevent and control infections among people who inject drugs. In new public health guidance released today, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) have joined forces to identify key interventions to address infectious diseases in this population. Reflecting on new evidence, infectious disease treatments, and public health concepts, this guidance updates the

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World-leading surgical mannequin enhances military surgeon training

Invented and developed by civilian orthopaedic major trauma surgeon Professor Ian Pallister, the Surgical Advanced Mannequin (SAM model) is a world-leading training simulation model which can be inserted with different injury patterns such as blast wounds and gunshots. It can also ‘breathe’ and be pumped with ‘blood’ to simulate bleeding.

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Switzerland: Good bacteria for bad wounds

Empa researchers are developing a dressing containing probiotic lactobacilli. These are intended to heal chronically infected wounds by destroying persistent biofilms, the scientists report in a study published in the scientific journal Microbes and Infection.

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HERA and the Japan’s AMED strengthen cooperation on cross border health threats

The Commission’s Health Emergency and Preparedness Response Authority (HERA) and the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) are strengthening their cooperation on medical countermeasures to step up prevention, preparedness and response to serious cross border health threats. This is in line with the objectives of the EU Global Health Strategy and the Commission’s push to reinforce global cooperation to tackle global health threats.

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Switzerland: PHRT projects to improve cancer treatment

The project proposed by Inge Herrmann from Empa in collaboration with the Cantonal Hospital of St. Gallen and the Cleveland Clinic (USA) aims at developing a monitoring system to analyze the surgical drain fluid after digestive surgery. Based on colorimetric sensors, the results of this project will help in preventing complications after surgery and support a more efficient health care for patients undergoing digestive surgery.

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chemistry, lab, laboratory

Insight EU Environment Monitoring 25 October 2023

CRITICAL RAW MATERIALS: CEN Workshop on methodology to improve the recyclability rate of Critical Raw Materials from cars +++ RIGHT TO REPAIR: Right to repair: MEPs adopt incentives for consumers to repair rather than replace +++ Europa-SPD: Baustein für die neue Kreislaufwirtschaft Europas.

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tractor, fertilizer, pesticide

Insight EU Environment Monitoring 24 October 2023

SUSTAINABLE RAW MATERIALS: Global Gateway: EU and Namibia agree on next steps of strategic partnership on sustainable raw materials and green hydrogen +++ UNECE: Energy Ministers in Asia-Pacific invite application of United Nations Resource Management System Principles +++ PESTICIDES: Pesticides: MEPs want a drastic cut in use of chemical pesticides +++ PACKAGING: Packaging: new EU rules to reduce, reuse and recycle

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EU ensures high-quality and safe blood, tissues, and cells

The new regulation ensures better protection of donors, recipients and children born following medically assisted reproduction. The proposed new rules aim to strengthen the existing legal framework and to add additional flexibility in order to keep up with scientific and technical developments.

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šumava, river, water

Insight EU Environment Monitoring 23 October 2023

FOREST MANAGEMENT: EU Commission approves €742 million Czech State aid scheme to support sustainable forest management +++ UNECE: Between trees and terabytes: regional workshop in Kyrgyzstan aims to improve forest information systems +++ ASBESTOS: EU Council votes to reduce exposure limits to asbestos at work +++ INDUSTRY TRANSFORMATION
Die Grünen/EFA: Neue Industrie, neue Jobs, neue Wirtschaft.

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MEPs demand accountability and transparency in extractive industries

In the text agreed at committee level MEPs said that, as the world’s largest development donor, it is incumbent on the EU to consider sustainable development objectives across all policy areas. Given the increasing importance of critical raw materials to the EU’s twin climate and digital transitions, and the reliance of developing countries on raw materials exports, it is particularly important the EU applies this approach to the work of

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EU Commission enhances medicine supply security

The Commission has adopted today a set of actions to better prevent and mitigate critical medicine shortages in the EU, this winter, next winter and beyond. Recent critical shortages, including of certain antibiotics last winter, show that continued coordinated action is needed to address supply challenges and to make Europe’s medicine supply chains more resilient in the long run. The key goals of today’s Communication are to prevent and mitigate

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Pesticides: MEPs want a drastic cut in use of chemical pesticides

On Tuesday the Environment Committee adopted its position on measures to ensure sustainable pesticides use and reduce the use and risk of all chemical pesticides by at least 50 % by 2030. In the text adopted with 47 votes to 37 and 2 abstentions, MEPs say that by 2030, the EU must reduce the use and risk of chemical plant protection products by at least 50% and the use of

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European Protein Strategy: EU must increase protein production and diversify supply chains

In the resolution on the European Protein Strategy, adopted on Thursday by 305 votes to 129 and 69 abstentions, MEPs stress that only 29 % of the high-protein feedstock needed to balance animal feed in the EU originates from the Member States, which makes the EU heavily dependent on imports of high-protein plant content from third countries. They call for a higher diversity of food and feed supply chains and

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