Sun. Oct 6th, 2024



One Ocean Conference: Norwegian PM Støre on Norway and the oceans

Municipalities will be encountering much more stringent water treatment requirements. The Offices of the Country Governors in the Oslo Fjord area are revising emissions permits to put stricter specifications in place. It has been clearly communicated to the municipalities that requirements for nitrogen removal are imminent. This is not something they can keep putting off. They have to start planning now. There is a high price to pay to postpone

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Main results: Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 25 July 2023

EU agriculture ministers discussed the situation of agricultural markets and took note of information provided by the Commission. In this regard, the Commission informed that the coordination platform with Ukraine, Moldova and the five frontline member states, continues to work on solutions to facilitate Ukraine’s exports, obtaining positive results to date. The Council further took note of member states’ assessment of the market situation, considering their 2023 harvest estimates, the

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European Green Deal: Energy, maritime, and alternative fuel regulations adopted

Under the revised legislation, the EU will have to reduce final energy consumption by 11.7% by 2030, compared to 2020. The European Parliament and Member States agreed to almost double the annual energy savings obligation at national level. This will drive energy savings in critical sectors such as buildings, industry and transport. The updated Directive also puts a stronger focus on alleviating energy poverty and empowering consumers.

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FuelEU: EU Council adopts new law to decarbonise the maritime sector

The main objective of the FuelEU maritime initiative, as a key part of the EU’s Fit for 55 package, is to increase the demand for and consistent use of renewable and low-carbon fuels and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from the shipping sector, while ensuring the smooth operation of maritime traffic and avoiding distortions in the internal market.

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Greener and healthier Europe: EU Missions on track to meet their 2030 ambition

Given the potential of the Missions instrument to galvanise change, and the fact that the New European Bauhaus initiative already shares several characteristics with EU Missions, the Commission today begins the preparatory phase for a dedicated new EU Mission, following the same process as for the first five. This includes the appointment of a Mission Board, and the drafting of a Mission Implementation Plan, both of which will help define

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EU fisheries officials visit the EU’s largest fishing port in Vigo

The visit took place at 5am, when activity at the fish market is at its peak, with auctions and direct sales of fresh produce recently arrived from Spanish and international ports. Fisheries officials and EU authorities visited the first sale room for fresh fish, where products from international waters are sold, mainly from Portugal and Mauritania, among other countries, and from the area known as Gran Sol, a fishing ground

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cargo ship, galway, galway docks

Insight EU Environment Monitoring 4 July 2023

Galway Statement anniversary: a decade of marine research cooperation along and across the Atlantic Ocean +++ Greens/EFA: The possible deregulation of certain GMOS in the EU: what would the implications be? +++ ECHA publishes its annual report on Integrated Regulatory Strategy.

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Galway Statement anniversary: A decade of marine research cooperation 

The Galway Statement is a cooperation agreement to join forces on Atlantic Ocean research, increase the knowledge of the Atlantic Ocean and build a common path for sustainable management of this shared resource. This has been instrumental in fostering collaborative research and cross-disciplinary efforts, revolutionising the way we study ocean ecosystems including the deep sea and collaborate with international partners.

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EU Mission ‘Restore our Ocean and Waters’: €106m for 18 new projects 

The Commission announced today 18 new projects which will receive over €106 million to contribute to the EU Mission ‘Restore our Ocean and Waters’. The projects gather over 370 beneficiaries from 36 countries, including SMEs, research institutions, local authorities, schools and businesses. They will play a key role in achieving climate neutrality and restoring nature by protecting and restoring biodiversity in waters, cutting pollution, supporting a sustainable blue economy and

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Main results: Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 26-27 June 2023

The presidency conclusions welcome the Commission’s intention to conduct an evaluation of the effectiveness, efficiency and relevance of current EU legislation on the landing obligation. The text calls for the Commission to publish a comprehensive impact assessment of its proposed action plan titled ‘Protecting and restoring marine ecosystems for sustainable and resilient fisheries’ and emphasises that a general ban on mobile bottom-contacting gears in Marine Protected Areas is not in

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Seabed mineral activities: Norway is facilitating a new ocean industry 

Norway has significant anticipated mineral resources on the seabed. If proven to be profitable and extraction can be done sustainably, seabed mineral activities can contribute to value creation and employment in Norway while ensuring the supply of crucial metals for the global energy transition. Extraction of minerals could become a new and important industry for Norway.

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Quality of Europe’s bathing waters remains high  

The quality of water at coastal sites, which makes up two-thirds of total bathing spots, is generally better than that of inland river and lake sites. In 2022, 88.9% of the EU’s coastal bathing sites were classified as being of excellent quality as compared to 79.3% of inland sites.

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