Sun. Oct 6th, 2024



Hong Kong: EU HR on the adoption of new national security legislation

The ‘Safeguarding National Security Bill’ could exacerbate the erosion of fundamental freedoms and political pluralism in Hong Kong brought about, in particular, by the National Security Law adopted on 30 June 2020. Moreover, the bill has the potential to significantly affect the work of the European Union’s Office, the European Union Member States’ Consulates-General, and could impact European Union citizens, organisations and companies in Hong Kong. This also raises questions

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European Humanitarian Forum announces pledges of over €7.7bn for global crises

The third edition of the European Humanitarian Forum concluded today in Brussels, co-organised by the European Commission and the Belgian Presidency of the EU. At the Forum, EU Member States together with the European Commission announced the planned humanitarian funding of more than €7.7 billion for 2024, as a concrete expression of global solidarity and of the EU’s leading role in humanitarian action.

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EU Foreign Affairs Council: Remarks by EU HR Josep Borrell

“We need urgent action in Ukraine, both here and in the US. We have been listening after to Dmytro Kuleba [Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine] [and] it is clear that action is urgent. If we want to continue providing support to Ukraine, action is urgent and both parts have to accelerate decisions on that” – EU HR Borrell.

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Famine in Gaza: Statement by EU HR Borrell and EU Commissioner Lenarčič

Five months into the Gaza crisis, the results of the updated Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) assessment released today indicate the unfolding of the worst possible forecast for Gaza. Gaza is already facing famine, with 100% of people estimated to be acutely food insecure, according to the IPC. In Gaza’s Northern Governorates, 70% of the population are facing imminent famine. In the centre and southern governorates, 50% of people

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Europol: Three arrested in Spain following migrant deaths at sea

A joint operation between the Spanish National Police (Polícia National) and the Spanish Civil Guard (Guardia Civil), supported by Europol, has led to the arrests of two men and a woman in Cádiz and Granada. The suspects carried out migrant smuggling activities, which resulted in deaths. The presumed members of the smuggling network allegedly facilitated the travel of migrants, in boats, between Kenitra (Morocco) and Cádiz (Spain). The joint investigation

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European Humanitarian Forum: EU HRVP Borrell at the opening ceremony

Gaza is no longer controlled by anyone. Not by Hamas, and not by Israel. The territory of Gaza is very quickly becoming a territory without any kind of order. Not a state, but a single order. It is more and more looking like Haiti, like Somalia, like Syria, or Mosul. This will be the first failed state before having existed. All territories beyond the control of the state become spaces

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Russia/Ukraine: Statement by the EU HR on Russian presidential elections

Russian authorities have continued to increase the systematic internal repression by cracking down on opposition politicians, civil society organisations, independent media and other critical voices with the use of repressive legislation and politically motivated prison sentences. The shocking death of opposition politician Alexei Navalny in the run-up to the elections is yet another sign of the accelerating and systematic repression.

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Europol: 42 arrested for smuggling migrants across the Danube

A cross-border investigation led by the Romanian Border Police (Poliția de Frontieră), supported by Europol and involving the Bulgarian General Directorate Combating Organised Crime (Главна Дирекция Борба с организираната престъпност) and the German Police (Bundespolizeiinspektion Waidhaus), has resulted in the dismantling of an organised crime group involved in migrant smuggling. The group were smuggling migrants from Bulgaria to Romania, across the Danube river, and then toward Western Europe.

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guns, weapons, shotgun

Deal on making firearms import and export more transparent to fight trafficking

On Thursday, negotiators from Parliament and Council reached a provisional agreement on updating rules to trace import and export of civilian firearms more effectively. The revised regulation aims to make import and export of firearms in the EU more transparent and more traceable, reducing the risk of trafficking. Under the updated and more harmonised rules, all imports and a vast majority of export of firearms for civilian use will be

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Opening remarks by EU Commission VP Schinas and Commissioner Johansson at the press conference on migration and asylum

The agreement that we reached last December 2023 on the new pact, on migration and asylum was an historic decision. It took us four years to get there to rebuild the necessary trust between the Member States and also together with Parliament and other stakeholders, and I think one of the most important parts we could manage, to get this agreement was to realize that migration, managing migration is not

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Cross-border associations: MEPs adopted rules facilitating their activities

MEPs support creation of the European legal status for associations to facilitate their cross-border mobility, activities and access to funding.
With 490 votes for, 69 against and 64 abstentions, MEPs approved draft rules on the new legal form of the European cross-border association (ECBA) to be recognized across the EU. The aim of the draft law is to overcome diverging national rules and save 770 million euro annually on

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The EU Parliament will not observe the 2024 Russian presidential election

The European Parliament will not observe this electoral process and consequently will comment neither on the process nor on the results that will be announced afterwards. No individual Member of the European Parliament has been mandated to observe or comment on this electoral process on its behalf, neither in the territory of the Russian Federation nor in the illegally annexed territory of Crimea or the territories of Ukraine illegally occupied

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UN Security Council: Press remarks by EU High Representative Borrell

“In Ukraine, the Russian aggression continues with great brutality. I think there is no way for the Ukrainians to surrender, to raise a white flag. It is not the moment for the Ukrainians [to do this]. They have to continue resisting the invader, and we have to continue supporting them in order to make them [to be able] resist” – EU HR Josep Borrell.

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Haiti: EEAS Spokesperson on the political and security situation

The European Union welcomes the important progress achieved at Monday’s meeting in Kingston, Jamaica, between Haitian political forces and international partners. The EU commends CARICOM for the tireless facilitation efforts that have made this possible.
A viable, inclusive and sustainable Haitian-led political transition is the only option to put the country on a pathway to stability, where the rule of law can be restored, and the human rights

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EP Plenary: Speech by EU Commission President on the preparation of the EU Council meeting of 21-22 March 2024

As we speak a ship is setting sail from Cyprus to Northern Gaza. It carries the most basic kind of humanitarian aid, which is also the most needed today: food, plain and simply food for a population that faces a humanitarian catastrophe. This maritime corridor is the result of unprecedented international cooperation, under the leadership of President Nikos Christodoulides. We have worked hand in hand not only with Cyprus, but

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Europol: 13 victims of human trafficking safeguarded in Spain

Europol has supported the Spanish National Police (Policía Nacional) and the Polish Border Guard (Straż Graniczna) in an operation targeting a criminal organisation trafficking human beings for the purposes of sexual and labour exploitation in Spain. The investigation has resulted in 17 arrests and the safeguarding of 13 victims. Europol has supported the Spanish National Police (Policía Nacional) and the Polish Border Guard (Straż Graniczna) in an operation targeting a

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Sudan: Norway’s statement on humanitarian access

The border between Chad and Sudan has been one of the most important entry points for humanitarian assistance the past months. The recent closure of this border further restricted an already severely limited flow of life-saving humanitarian aid into Sudan. The border is essential for the delivery of life-saving humanitarian assistance to civilians in need, especially in the Darfur region in the west, where the situation is especially dire.

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Azerbaijan: France is deeply concerned by the recent wave of arrests

France is deeply concerned by the recent wave of arrests in Azerbaijan, which once again targeted members of civil society and the independent media. We call on Azerbaijan to respect fundamental liberties – particularly freedom of speech and freedom of the press – in line with its international commitments, and to release those individuals who have been arbitrarily detained.

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