Sun. Oct 6th, 2024



Ukraine joins NATO counter-drone exercise for first time

From 10 to 20 September 2024, over 450 participants from 19 NATO Allies and three partner-countries gathered in the Netherlands to test the ability of commercially available counter-drone systems to operate seamlessly together. Ukraine participated for the first time, alongside members of the private sector and research community.

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UN chief emphasizes peace as Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine enters third year

Addressing Security Council members, with several Ministers and ambassadors in attendance, the Secretary-General reminded them of the United Nations principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members. He stated that as per the UN Charter, international disputes shall be settled by peaceful means, and that all States shall refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any other State.

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Finland: Emergency material assistance supplied to Ukraine for two years

The Ministry of the Interior coordinates the provision of material emergency assistance to Ukraine through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. The range of assistance provided is broad and covers practically everything other than military equipment. Finland has already sent nearly 300 truckloads of material assistance to Ukraine, including large amounts of assistance for the energy sector, healthcare and rescue services.

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The Netherlands concludes ten-year security agreement with Ukraine

On 12 July 2023, during the NATO summit in Vilnius, the Netherlands announced that it would seek to make bilateral security arrangements with Ukraine, following the example of the G7 countries. The Netherlands and Ukraine subsequently entered into talks to work out the details of these arrangements. The security agreement includes arrangements on military support in the medium and longer term, cooperation involving the defence industry, improving Ukraine’s resilience –

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Russia’s war: Joint statement by the Presidents of the EU Council, EU Commission and EU Parliament

We will continue to address Ukraine’s pressing military and defence needs, including deliveries of urgently needed ammunition and missiles. We have taken unprecedented actions at the EU level to ramp up European defence industry production, and we will continue to increase the capacity, which will allow us to step up our military support and cooperation with Ukraine while simultaneously strengthening our defence readiness and European sovereignty. We are also working

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Press statement by EU Commission President with Swedish PM Kristersson

The first topic we will discuss is, of course, the unwavering support for Ukraine. And here, I must commend you for the fact that last week you announced a package of military support for Ukraine from Sweden worth EUR 710 million. From the very beginning on, you have been a staunch supporter of Ukraine, and thank you for that. We will also discuss the topic of defence. European citizens want

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The Netherlands to co-host international conference ‘Restoring Justice for Ukraine’

On 2 April 2024, the Netherlands, Ukraine and the European Commission will co-host the international conference ‘Restoring Justice for Ukraine’ at the World Forum in The Hague. Foreign ministers and justice ministers from countries involved in the fight for justice for Ukraine since the start of the conflict will be able to voice their support for long-term efforts to tackle impunity and compensate victims.

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Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz: Rede von Bundeskanzler Scholz

“Zwei Jahre nach Kriegsbeginn müssen wir uns alle fragen: Tun wir genug, um Putin zu signalisieren: „We are in for the long haul“? Tun wir genug, wo wir alle doch genau wissen, was ein russischer Sieg in der Ukraine bedeuten würde? Nämlich das Ende der Ukraine als freier, unabhängiger und demokratischer Staat, die Zerstörung unserer europäischen Friedensordnung, die schwerste Erschütterung der UN-Charta seit 1945 und nicht zuletzt die Ermutigung an

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Norway starts maritime training mission

This spring, Norwegian soldiers start training Ukrainian Marines specialized in small boat operations. The training will go on for at least a year. In addition, Norway will donate rubber boats and equipment to a value of approximately NOK 60 million.
The training is a first step in the maritime coalition work that Norway is co-ordinating with Great Britain.

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Norway joins NATO initiative on production capacity

Many nations have taken measures, and so has Norway. We have signed long-term contracts to provide predictability, and we have allocated a total of three billion NOK in direct production support. In addition, we have together with our Nordic friends, financed a production line at NAMMO that delivers ammunition directly to Ukraine We have done a lot, but we need to do more. Coordinated efforts among allies are especially important.

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Digital in Defence: EU Commission launches call for Defence Hackathons organisers

The theme of the first edition of defence hackathons is “Digital in Defence”. Several challenges will be designed under this theme. Teams of students or young engineers will compete to come up with the best solutions for the challenges. Experts from defence ministries, innovation ecosystems and defence industry will guide the teams during the event and sit in the panels that will select the best solutions.

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Abrüstungsexperte Alexander Müller (FDP) schließt neue Abrüstungsverträge aus

In den nächsten Jahren wird es keine neuen Abrüstungsverträge geben, sagt Alexander Müller (FDP), stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Unterausschusses Abrüstung. Als Delegationsleiter war er vom 4. bis 6. Februar 2024 bei der Genfer Abrüstungskonferenz und hat dort unter anderem mit dem chinesischen Sonderbeauftragten über Chinas diplomatische Rolle im Ukraine-Krieg gesprochen.

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Rheinmetall: Rede von Bundeskanzler Scholz zu Rüstungsinvestitionen

“Viel zu lange ist Rüstungspolitik in Deutschland so betrieben worden, als ginge es dabei um einen Autokauf. Wenn ich mir in zwei oder drei Jahren einen VW Golf kaufen möchte das sage ich hier in Niedersachsen einmal , dann weiß ich heute, dass es ihn geben wird. Ich muss dann vielleicht drei oder sechs Monate darauf warten; aber danach steht das Auto auf dem Hof. Aber so funktioniert Rüstungsproduktion eben

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The first UK-EU counter-terrorism dialogue in Brussels

On 2 February 2024, the inaugural UK-EU Counter-Terrorism (CT) Dialogue, as established by the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA), took place in Brussels. This Dialogue was a welcome opportunity for the United Kingdom (UK) and the European Union (EU) to discuss a wide range of counter-terrorism issues, including assessments on the terrorist threat, and strategic approaches for prevention and response in order to protect our citizens.

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SDCA: Norway and USA agree on additional agreed facilities and areas

Today, Norwegian Defence Minister Bjørn Arild Gram and U.S. ambassador to Norway, Marc Nathanson, signed an amendment agreement under the Supplementary Defense Cooperation Agreement (SDCA). The agreement declares intent to establish eight additional agreed facilities and areas in Norway. Pending the consent of the Norwegian Parliament, these sites can be used by Norway, the United States and other allied forces for a number of military purposes. The signing contributes to

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Swiss Federal Council boosts defence and cooperation

As a neutral state, Switzerland strives to ensure its defence independently. If attacked, however, it is free to organise its defence with other states. To this end, interoperability should be extended without creating obligations, dependencies or constraints that would conflict with neutrality. The current institutional framework for cooperation with NATO, the Partnership for Peace, also allows cooperation in the area of defence to be intensified in the future.

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Finland: Lieutenant General Janne Jaakkola appointed Chief of Defence

Minister of Defence Antti Häkkänen has proposed Lieutenant General Janne Jaakkola as the Chief of Defence for the period 1 April 2024-31 March 2029. On 31 January 2024, President of the Republic Sauli Niinistö appointed Jaakkola as the next Chief of Defence. The current Chief of Defence, General Timo Kivinen, will end his active service on 31 March 2024. During his career, Lieutenant General Janne Alpertti Jaakkola has distinguished himself

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Informal EU Defence Council: Press remarks by EU HR Josep Borrell

“Based on the latest information received from Member States – and I stress again these figures keep evolving on a daily basis, not all Member States have already sent their inputs, but with the overall picture at that moment – I can say that, since last March until now – the beginning of this year -, we have already delivered 330,000 ammunition rounds. So, [we have reached around] one third

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Update on EU and Member States’ Assistance to Ukraine

The European Union and its 27 Member States remain united and determined in our unprecedented support for Ukraine. By bringing war back to Europe, Putin plans not only to destroy Ukraine and destabilize Europe, but tear up international law and the UN Charter and undermine peace and security in the entire world, with dire consequences for vital American and European global security interests.

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