Fri. Oct 11th, 2024



ECB Forum: Alfred Kammer’s Remarks on central banking 

Lots of the standard macroeconomic relationships broke down following the pandemic. Think about Okun’s law, the link between unemployment and output which weakened due to job retention schemes, and possibly an increased need or preference to work fewer hours per week. Or think about the “famous” excess savings of the past years. Essentially, they represent a breakdown of the historically tight relationship between household disposable income and consumption as the

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ESBG’s first reactions on EU single currency package, open finance and payments as published today

The ESBG appreciates the potential transformative impact of these proposals on the resilience and competitiveness of the payments sector and the financial landscape. ESBG underlines that further discussions are required to tailor these proposals to the benefit of all stakeholders. Diligent considerations in the discussions ahead will be crucial to let the legislative acts succeed in fostering the European payments area.

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NGOs on digital euro proposals: Right direction, but safer alternative to bank deposits needed

Positive Money Europe, the Veblen Institute, and BETTER FINANCE welcome the Commission’s proposal as a first step towards a digital euro that serves the interests of people. However, the next steps of the legislative process should guarantee stronger privacy for online payments, ensure that any provision restricting the amount of digital euros that people can hold is grounded in solid research, and maintain the public intermediary option.

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euro, transformation, digital

Single Currency Package: New EU Commission proposals on cash and digital euro

The EU Commission has today put forward two proposals to ensure that citizens and businesses can continue to access and pay with euro banknotes and coins across the euro area, and to set out a framework for a possible new digital form of the euro that the European Central Bank may issue in the future, as a complement to cash. What would that mean for our daily lives?

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EU Banking Package: EU Commission welcomes political agreement

The package implements the final set of international standards agreed by the EU and its G20 partners in the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, so-called Basel III standards, to make banks more resilient to possible economic shocks. Specifically, the package aims to ensure that banks using “internal models” to calculate their capital requirements measure risks in a consistent way.

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Main results: EU-Tajikistan Cooperation Council, 26 June 2023

The Cooperation Council between the European Union (EU) and the Republic of Tajikistan held its tenth meeting on Monday 26 June in Luxembourg. The Cooperation Council reviewed the state of play of bilateral relations, and addressed political and socio-economic developments, trade, investment and energy cooperation, as well as regional and international issues.

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EU Parliament: Deal reached to finalise reforms of banking rules

On Tuesday morning, negotiators from the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission struck a provisional deal on changes to the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) and the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD). Negotiators aimed at implementing the Basel III standards, as close as possible into EU legislation. At the same time, the texts agreed take into account the concrete conditions of the EU banking sector by introducing some European specificities, where

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