Sun. Oct 6th, 2024



Physical climate change risks: EIOPA assesses European insurers’ exposure

This paper is part of EIOPA’s broader sustainability agenda to integrate environmental, social and governance risk assessment in the regulatory and supervisory framework. In particular, this report is a follow-up on the sensitivity analysis of climate-change related transition risks in the investment portfolio of European insurers published in 2020.

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EU Auditors prepare annual check‑up of the EU budget

The EU is coming to the middle of its multi-year budget cycle covering 2021 to 2027. Unprecedented challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, have called for significant policy and funding responses. The European Court of Auditors’ (ECA) prepares its annual audit on the EU budget, due to be published on 10 October 2024.

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euro, money, currency

The euro area inflation outlook: An ECB scenario analysis

“To assess whether the current monetary and financial conditions will secure a timely return of inflation to target, policymakers need to take a stand on the likely future evolution of the economy” – Lecture by Isabel Schnabel, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB, at the Ragnar Nurkse Lecture Series organised by Eesti Pank in Tallinn, Estonia.

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Review and Outlook – Speech by US Federal Reserve Chair Jerome H. Powell

“Our restrictive monetary policy helped restore balance between aggregate supply and demand, easing inflationary pressures and ensuring that inflation expectations remained well anchored. Inflation is now much closer to our objective, with prices having risen 2.5 percent over the past 12 months (figure 1).2 After a pause earlier this year, progress toward our 2 percent objective has resumed. My confidence has grown that inflation is on a sustainable path back

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Annual Collins & Griffith Commemoration: Keynote by EU Commissioner McGuinness

“Political polarisation is deepening everywhere. Our Europe works on the basis of building compromise, and it is done across a broad spectrum of views and countries. On the other hand, those on the extremes to the right and left, do not believe in compromise, regarding it as a weakness rather than a strength. So against that background, the centre must work harder and faster to hold” – EU Commissioner Mairead

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euro, money, currency

Insight EU Finance Monitoring Weekly: 19 – 24 August 2024

These are the headlines of our weekly Insight EU Finance Monitoring, published last Saturday. We publish the headlines of our Insight EU Monitoring mails delayed by several days. To receive real-time monitoring emails, subscribe to our annual target group full-text services on the Insight EU Store page.

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