Thu. Oct 10th, 2024



Norway’s climate finance doubled four years ahead of deadline

At the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow in 2021, Norway pledged to double its annual climate finance from NOK 7 billion in 2020 to NOK 14 billion by the end of 2026. This target is part of the broader commitment made by wealthy countries to mobilise USD 100 billion in climate finance annually from 2020.

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analysis, banking, broker

ESMA sees prevailing market uncertainty as downside risks rise

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s financial markets regulator and supervisor, today publishes the second Trends, Risks and Vulnerabilities (TRV) Report of 2023. ESMA sees that financial markets are adapting to the new economic environment of durably higher inflation and interest rates, however risks remain high in ESMA’s remit. Markets are set to remain very sensitive to potential deteriorations in economic fundamentals or risks in the financial

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Schweiz: Bundesrat eröffnet Konsultation zur Stärkung der Geldwäscherei-Bekämpfung

Ein leistungsfähiges System zur Bekämpfung der Finanzkriminalität ist für den guten Ruf und den nachhaltigen Erfolg eines international bedeutenden, sicheren und zukunfts-orientierten Finanzplatzes und Wirtschaftsstandorts unerlässlich. Geldwäscherei und Terrorismusfinanzierung stellen eine ernsthafte Bedrohung für die Integrität des Finanzsystems dar. Juristische Personen werden weltweit von Kriminellen, einschliesslich der organisierten Kriminalität, missbraucht, um Vermögenswerte zu verschleiern und dadurch Geldwäscherei, Steuerhinterziehung und Sanktionsumgehungen zu ermöglichen. Auch die Schweiz ist als grosser Finanzplatz diesen

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U.S. Agencies propose guidance to enhance resolution planning at large banks

The guidance would generally apply to bank holding companies and foreign banking organizations with more than $250 billion in total assets but that are not the largest and most complex companies, which are already subject to guidance on resolution planning. The guidance would address the specific characteristics of, and risks posed by, this group of companies.

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global, currency, banking

Global Systemically Important Banks: EBA updates data used for identification

The European Banking Authority (EBA) updated today the 13 systemic importance indicators and underlying data for the 32 largest institutions in the EU whose leverage ratio exposure measure exceeds EUR 200bn. This disclosure includes updated data items specific to the recognition of the Banking Union and of institutions that are part of the Single Resolution Mechanism.

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Finland: Tesi provides high-quality and expert services

Finnish Industry Investment Ltd (Tesi) plays a significant role in the Finnish capital investment market and its operations are considered to be of high quality and expertise. According to an evaluation published on 15 August 2023, Tesi has also become an important player in producing information, providing sparring and building networks. The evaluation was commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and conducted by 4FRONT.

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