Wed. Oct 9th, 2024



Eurogroup press conference: Remarks by EU Commissioner Gentiloni 

Nevertheless, uncertainty remains very high and risks to growth are tilted to the downside. These risks stem primarily from the geopolitical context – Russia, Middle East. Spillovers from this conflict are now affecting shipping routes in the region. Should these persist or worsen, so would the possible implications for energy prices and supply chain disruptions, which could once again fuel inflationary pressures. This is not the case now if we

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Main results of the Eurogroup, 15 January 2024

As part of the workstream on euro area competitiveness and building on a note prepared by the Commission, the Eurogroup held a second discussion on the external competitiveness of the euro area, with a focus on changes in energy prices in the euro area, their impact on the economy of the euro area and the policy responses going forward.

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EBA: Banks remain robust but higher interest rates could impact asset quality

The European Banking Authority (EBA) today published its Q3 2023 quarterly Risk Dashboard (RDB) together with the Risk Assessment Questionnaire (RAQ). The publication also includes information on minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL). EU/EEA’s banks remained highly profitable, well capitalised and maintained robust liquidity. Banks expect the asset quality to deteriorate as higher interest rates affect borrowers.

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Market risk: The EBA revises reporting requirements

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today amendments to the reporting requirements for market risk. As the implementation of the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) in the EU approaches, the EBA revised the information to be reported on the own funds requirements under the alternative approaches, and adds reporting on reclassifications of instrument between the regulatory books.

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The IMF and the European Debt Crisis

The book explores the Fund’s engagement in Europe in the aftermath of the 2008 global financial crisis, and especially after 2010. It explains how, why, and with what consequences the International Monetary Fund—along with the European Central Bank and the European Commission (together known as “the troika”)—supported adjustment programs in Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and Cyprus as well as helping to monitor Spain’s adjustment program and exploring modalities for supporting Italy.

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EBA assessment of the AML/CFT supervision of banks

Some competent authorities in the sample have extensively changed their approach to anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) supervision of banks, which is now broadly effective. Cooperation between supervisors has also improved. Nevertheless, most supervisors in this sample were asked to do more to tackle ML/TF risk in the banking sector. We provided advice to competent authorities on the steps they should take to strengthen their approach.

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IMF: Preliminary considerations on digital money and cross-border payments

The rapid advent of digital money (DM) and assets raises questions about its implications for the functioning of the international monetary system (IMS). The low transaction costs of digital technologies, their accessibility and ease of automation, and their integration into existing digital services may bring opportunities in the form of higher financial interconnectedness and inclusion but may also add to risks. This paper explores the possible implications of DM for

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