Sun. Oct 6th, 2024



EU to ban greenwashing and improve consumer information on product durability

EU Parliament and Council have reached a provisional agreement on new rules to ban misleading advertisements and provide consumers with better product information. The agreement updates the existing EU list of banned commercial practices and adds to it several problematic marketing habits related to greenwashing and early obsolescence of goods. The aim of the new rules is to protect consumers from misleading practices and help them make better purchasing choices.

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MEPs look into ways to enhance EU citizenship and improve European Elections

MEPs raised questions on the broader institutional and political issues linked to a potential reform of electoral rules from an array of ideological and intellectual points of view. Key issues included the lead candidate process and better or alternative ways to elect the Commission President, as well as ways to enrich the EU-wide electoral debate and strengthen the supranational democracy element of the Union.

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Education: EU ministers pledge to reduce university dropout rates and promote EU values

European education ministers pledged to reduce university dropout rates and promote community values in education on the second day of the informal ministerial meeting on education and youth in Zaragoza. European ministers pledged to reduce university dropout rates and promote community values in education on the second day of the informal ministerial meeting on education and youth in Zaragoza.

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Main results of the General Affairs Council on 19 September 2023

The Council discussed a request by Spain to include Catalan, Basque and Galician in Regulation No 1/1958, which governs the EU’s language regime. The request was notified to the Council presidency on 17 August 2023, in a letter by Spain’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, the European Union and Cooperation. Currently, the use of Catalan, Basque and Galician is governed by administrative arrangements between Spain and individual EU institutions and advisory

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EU Council appoints Iliana Ivanova as new European Commissioner

The Council today appointed Iliana Ivanova (Bulgaria) as new European Commissioner, by common accord with the President of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. The appointment follows the resignation of Mariya Gabriel as Commissioner and is for the remainder of the term of office of the Commission, which runs until 31 October 2024.

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Short-term rentals: Increasing transparency and curbing illegal listings

In the text adopted on Tuesday with 31 votes in favour, none against and one abstention, MEPs support the proposal to harmonise the rules specifying how data related to short-term rental services (STRs) are collected and shared, and to help shed light on their impact and enable member states to develop and enforce proportionate policy measures.

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hotels, luxury, nature

WEF: Are we finally turning the tide towards sustainable tourism?

As the observed effects of climate change intensify, the chorus asking how a more sustainable tourism future can be achieved has amplified, and rightly so. Contentions regarding the sustainability credentials of tourism have heightened and links between popular destinations and crises have become ever more noticeable. Summer wildfires this year in Hawaii, Italy and Greece illustrate a sector prone to external and internal shocks. Yet, it remains a sector that

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Rule of Law: EU Commission formally closes the CVM for Bulgaria and Romania

Today, the European Commission formally closes the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) for Bulgaria and Romania. The Cooperation and Verification Mechanism had been introduced at the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the European Union in 2007 as a transitional measure to facilitate progress in the fields of judicial reform and anti-corruption, as well as on organised crime for Bulgaria. The Commission has now repealed the two decisions that had

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Refusal of the maternity supplement: EU Court of Justice Judgment in Case C-113/22 – TGSS

By its judgment delivered today, the Court of Justice notes first of all that, where discrimination contrary to EU law has been established and as long as measures reinstating equal treatment have not been adopted, the national courts and the national administrative authorities must set aside any discriminatory provision of national law, without having to await its removal by the legislature. Therefore, they must apply to members of the disadvantaged

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EU Court of Justice: Advocate General’s opinion in Case C-115/22 – NADA e.a.

In today’s Opinion, Advocate General Tamara Ćapeta first addresses the admissibility of that reference. The Advocate General considers that the USK constitutes a ‘court or tribunal’ within the meaning of Article 267 TFEU. In fact, the Advocate General considers that, in the circumstances of the case at hand, that body even constitutes a ‘court or tribunal’ against whose decisions there are no legal remedies under the third subparagraph of Article

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MEPs confirm Iliana Ivanova as new Commissioner

On 5 September, the Industry, Research and Energy Committee and the Culture and Education Committee held a three-hour hearing with Iliana Ivanova to assess her suitability to replace Mariya Gabriel, who resigned as EU Commissioner on 15 May to become Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister of Bulgaria.

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MEPs adopted new rules protecting consumers from taking on too much debt

The new directive on consumer credits (CCD), already agreed between Parliament and Council negotiators in December 2022, aims to make the credit markets function smoothly while ensuring a high level of consumer protection. The legislation that will cover credit agreements of up to €100,000, was adopted with 608 votes in favour, 8 against and 15 abstentions.

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S&Ds on new credit market law and consumer protection

Thanks to the S&Ds, the scope of the proposal has been preserved and it will no longer be possible for creditors to use sensitive data or data collected from social networks when carrying out ‘Creditworthiness assessment obligations’. Our group also managed to prohibit the advertising of credit targeted at over indebted consumers.

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UNOPS to close its operations in Helsinki

The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) will close its office in Helsinki by the end of 2023. The Social Impact Investing Initiative, managed by UNOPS, was discontinued already at the start of the year due to a corruption case. The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) founded an office in Helsinki in 2019 for its Social Impact Investing Initiative (S3i) programme. The programme was to attract private

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Joint EU-UK statement on UK association to Horizon Europe and Copernicus

Association to Horizon Europe will further strengthen and deepen links between the scientific communities in the UK and the EU, foster innovation and enable researchers to work together on global challenges from climate to health. The UK Government and the European Commission look forward to enabling collaboration between their researchers in which the UK and the EU share a mutual interest, such as in new and emerging technologies. To this

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