Thu. Oct 17th, 2024



Green Deal: Law to fight global deforestation and forest degradation enters into force

Today, the pioneering EU Regulation on deforestation-free supply chains, a key building block in the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss, enters into force. When companies export or place on the EU market palm oil, cattle, soy, coffee, cocoa, timber and rubber or derived products such as beef, furniture, or chocolate, they will need to conduct strict due diligence to show these products do not contribute to deforestation or

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EU Court of Justice: Advocate General’s Opinion in Case C-61/22 | Landeshauptstadt Wiesbaden

Seized in this context, the Administrative Court, Wiesbaden, harbours doubts as to the validity of Regulation 2019/1157 and, therefore, for the mandatory nature of the collection and storage of fingerprints in German identity cards. In particular, that Court wishes to ascertain first whether the appropriate basis for the adoption of Regulation 2019/1157 was Article 21(2) TFEU, rather than Article 77(3) of that same treaty; second, whether Regulation 2019/1157 is compatible

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EU The European Commission appoints Jean-Pierre Poncelet as new Director in Eurostat

Jean-Pierre Poncelet, a Belgian national, is endowed with a thorough understanding of the intricacies involved in the development, production, and utilization of European statistics, as well as of EU policies. Combined with his exceptional management prowess and effective communication skills, his ability to navigate complex landscapes while fostering collaboration and driving results make him particularly suitable for his new role.

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Digital justice: EU lawmakers conclude deal on digitalisation and citizens’ access to justice

Citizens and their representatives will be able to communicate with competent authorities in cross-border procedures in the EU through a European electronic access point, sending their requests and receiving replies electronically. Authorities will also be able to communicate between themselves and exchange case-related data in civil, commercial and criminal matters through secure, reliable digital channels.

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Europol: 28 arrests as France and Spain hit chief ‘Thief in Law’

Europol supported the French National Police (Police Nationale) and the Spanish National Police (Policía Nacional) in taking down a large criminal network of so-called ‘Thieves in Law’ (Vory V Zakone), who were involved in aggravated property crime, racketeering, extortion and money laundering. The investigation uncovered that the criminal network was involved in the theft and sale of stolen merchandise, smuggling of tobacco and the laundering of criminal assets.

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Violence against women: sex without consent is rape, say MEPs

The draft report asks for a uniform, consent-based definition of rape in the EU, tougher rules on cyber violence, and improved support for victims. On Wednesday, the committees on Civil Liberties and Women’s Rights approved changes to a proposed directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence.

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EU Parliament position on deal on joint procurement of defence products

The new regulation, informally agreed by the two EU legislators, will establish a short-term instrument to boost the European defence industry through common procurement (EDIRPA), until 31 December 2025. The tool should help member states fill their most urgent and critical defence needs, especially exacerbated by their transfers of defence products to Ukraine, in a voluntary and collaborative way.

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Europol: 43 members of Italian organised crime arrested

43 members of the criminal network ‘Ndrangheta were arrested in the early hours of 27 June in a joint operation supported by Europol and Eurojust. Over 1 000 officers from Italian, German and Austrian law enforcement authorities cracked down on members of the Italian criminal network based in Crotone, a city in the Italian province of Calabria.

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EU Council adopts EU laws on better access to electronic evidence

Judicial authorities will be able to directly request electronic evidence from service providers – such as telecom or social media companies – based in another member state. Service providers will be obliged to respond within 10 days, or 8 hours in emergency cases. Thus, judicial authorities can prevent foreign service providers from deleting data.

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Sustainable aviation fuels: Transport MEPs give green light

The Refuel EU aviation rules, part of Fit for 55 package, agreed by Council and Parliament negotiators, led by EP rapporteur José Ramón Bauzá Díaz (Renew, ES), in April 2023, seek to promote the uptake of sustainable aviation fuels in order to cut aviation sector emissions and ensure the EU becomes climate neutral by 2050.

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EPPO: EU Council appoints 5 European prosecutors

European prosecutors are appointed for a non-renewable term of six years. The Council may decide to extend their term for a maximum of three years at the end of this period. As part of the transitional rules for the first term of office following the creation of the EPPO the European prosecutors from one third of the member states, determined by drawing lots, were to hold a three year non-renewable

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Transport: MEPs back deal on intelligent transport systems rules

The provisional agreement reached earlier this month between Council and Parliament negotiators, led by EP rapporteur Rovana Plumb (S&D, RO), seeks to digitalise the transport sector and ensure that data between mobility apps will be shared more widely in order to make mobility safer, more efficient and sustainable.

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Anti-SLAPP: EU protection against legal actions that silence critical voices

The new draft rules contain safeguards against strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs) and threats thereof. These are unfounded and abusive legal actions to silence those working in the public interest on matters such as fundamental rights, the environment and public access to information. They would apply in cross-border cases, i.e. when a defendant and claimant are not based in the member state of the court.

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EU Parliament: MEPs give a green light to EUIPO becoming EU authority for local crafts

With 15 votes in favour MEPs of the Legal Affairs Committee unanimously agreed to make the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) the responsible authority for protection of locally renowned EU industrial products and crafts under the Geneva Act. This steps completes a series of legislative files aimed at ensuring global recognition of the locally renowned EU crafts and industrial products under the Geneva Act following the EU´s accession.

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EU Parliament: Deal reached to finalise reforms of banking rules

On Tuesday morning, negotiators from the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission struck a provisional deal on changes to the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) and the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD). Negotiators aimed at implementing the Basel III standards, as close as possible into EU legislation. At the same time, the texts agreed take into account the concrete conditions of the EU banking sector by introducing some European specificities, where

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EU-New Zealand: EU Council adopts the decision to sign free trade agreement

The FTA will liberalise and facilitate trade and investment, as well as promote a closer economic relationship, which will open significant economic opportunities for companies and consumers on both sides. The EU is New Zealand’s third-biggest trade partner. Bilateral trade in goods between the two partners has risen steadily in recent years, reaching almost €9,1bn in 2022.

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