Wed. Oct 16th, 2024



ELV: EU must balance conflicting waste, product, and chemical objectives

The EU has unveiled its End-of-life vehicles (ELV) Regulation to boost vehicle circularity while pushing ambitious recycled content targets. ACEA is concerned that the proposal could duplicate or complicate existing rules and industry best practices on sustainable design. Law makers must instead ensure a coherent regulatory environment that enables manufacturers to scale up vehicle circularity investments.

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EU Court of Justice: Judgment in joined cases C-615/20 and C-671/20 | Lifting of a judge’s immunity and his or her suspension from duties

In today’s judgment, the Court observes that that resolution was based on national provisions that the Court recently held to be contrary to Article 19(1), second subparagraph, of the Treaty on European Union, in so far as they conferred on the Disciplinary Chamber, whose independence and impartiality were not guaranteed, jurisdiction to hear and determine cases having a direct impact on the status of judges and the performance of their

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Price parity clause – Bundeskartellamt terminates proceeding against Lieferando

Germany’s Bundeskartellamt has decided for discretionary reasons to terminate its proceeding against Yd. Yourdelivery GmbH, a Berlin-based platform providing online food ordering services, for the time being. In Germany, the platform operates under the name Lieferando. The proceeding was initiated to examine a price parity clause in Lieferando’s general terms and conditions with restaurants.

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Mergers: EU Commission clears acquisition of VMware

Today’s decision follows an in-depth investigation of the proposed acquisition. Broadcom is a hardware company that offers, among other products, Fibre Channel Host-Bus Adapters (‘FC HBAs’), storage adapters and Network Interface Cards (‘NICs’), which are hardware components that connect servers to storage or network. Broadcom has recently started expanding into software markets, mainly for security and mainframe applications. VMware is a software supplier offering mainly virtualization software that interoperates with

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Merger control: EU Commission fines Illumina and GRAIL

EU merger rules require that merging companies not to implement mergers until approved by the Commission (“the standstill obligation”). It is a cornerstone of the European merger control system, that enables the Commission to carry-out its role before structural changes modify the competitive landscape.

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EU Commission proposes to strengthen the rights of victims of crime

All the victims of crime across the European Union deserve support. Today’s initiative of the European Commission aims to strengthen their rights across the European Union so that they receive support, access information, seek justice and obtain compensation. The proposed update of the existing Directive establishes minimum rules that go beyond those adopted in 2012, effectively addressing the evolving needs of our society, developments in technology and in justice.

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EU budget for 2024: EU Council agrees its position on the draft budget

Overall, the Council takes a prudent approach. The Council stresses the importance for the budget for 2024 to continue showing the Union’s solidarity with the people of Ukraine and to respond to crises. The Council recalls the principle of solidarity and underlines that effective use of the EU budget will bolster the credibility of the EU with the European citizens.

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EU Court of Justice: Judgment in Case T-8/21 | IFIC Holding v Commission

IFIC Holding AG is a German company whose shares are held indirectly by the Iranian State and which itself has shareholdings in various German undertakings, by virtue of which it has a right to dividends. Clearstream Banking AG is the only securities depository bank authorised in Germany. After the listing of IFIC, in November 2018, on the SDN list by the United States, Clearstream Banking interrupted payment to IFIC of

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SLAPPs against journalists and activists: MEPs back rules to stop abusive legal cases

Under draft legislation endorsed on Tuesday in plenary, journalists, media organisations, human rights defenders, activists, researchers and artists will be protected in the EU from strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs), the aim of which are to intimidate and penalise them. With 498 votes to 33 and 105 abstentions, MEPs adopted their negotiating position on new rules to protect those working on matters of public interest like fundamental rights, the

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EU Commission proposes new legal framework for more efficient and coordinated European statistics

In the context of increasing demands for more detailed information, produced more quickly, at a higher frequency and offering more in-depth insights in support of evidence-based EU policies, the general objective of this proposal is to significantly improve the responsiveness of the European Statistical System (ESS) to data needs. This will be achieved, amongst others, by providing a stronger legal framework allowing to tap the full potential of digital data

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Foreign Subsidies Regulation: EU Commission publishes call for tender for the provision of services and studies

The European Commission has launched today an open call for tender to conclude Framework Contracts for the provision of services and studies in the area of foreign subsidies, for a maximum duration of four years. Framework Contracts allow the Commission to conclude, at a later stage, specific contracts with external contractors for the provision of expert consultancy services and studies, in the context of the implementation of the Regulation on

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Semiconductors: MEPs adopt legislation to boost EU chips industry 

The new law, already agreed upon between Parliament and Council, aims to create a favourable environment for chip investments in Europe, by fast tracking permitting procedures and recognising their critical importance via a so-called “highest national significance statute”. Small and medium-sized businesses will also benefit from increased support, especially in the area of chip design, in order to boost innovation.

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Protection of journalists in the EU: MEPs back rules to stop abusive legal cases

Under draft legislation endorsed on Tuesday in plenary, journalists, media organisations, human rights defenders, activists, researchers and artists will be protected in the EU from strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs), the aim of which are to intimidate and penalise them. With 498 votes to 33 and 105 abstentions, MEPs adopted their negotiating position on new rules to protect those working on matters of public interest like fundamental rights, the

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Main results: General Affairs Council, 10 July 2023

The presidency presented its plans for work on the evaluation of the Council’s annual rule of law dialogue announced in the presidency conclusions of 19 November 2019. Since then, a more structured approach to the dialogue has been developed, which involves regular horizontal and country-specific discussions on rule of law developments across the EU, making use of the Commission’s annual rule of law reports.

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Peace Facility: EU Council adopts financial support to Ghana’s Armed Forces

The assistance measure will strengthen the operational capabilities of the military units deployed in the Northern part of the country to fight armed groups, counteract and reduce their opportunities to commit terrorist attacks. Through this assistance measure, the EU will provide relevant non-lethal equipment, such as imagery, engineering, and explosive ordnance disposal equipment to reinforce the security of the armed forces and their capacity to conduct security operations, in full

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