Fri. Oct 11th, 2024



EU Council boosts intelligent transport systems with new framework

The revised directive aims to take account of technological developments, such as connected and automated mobility, on-demand mobility applications, and multimodal transport. It also aims to accelerate the availability and enhance the interoperability of digital data that feed services, such as multimodal journey planners and navigation services. This will allow vehicles and road infrastructure to communicate with one another, for example to warn about unexpected events, such as a traffic

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Europol: Ragnar Locker ransomware gang taken down 

This week, law enforcement and judicial authorities from eleven countries delivered a major blow to one of the most dangerous ransomware operations of recent years. This action, coordinated at international level by Europol and Eurojust, targeted the Ragnar Locker ransomware group. The group were responsible for numerous high-profile attacks against critical infrastructure across the world.

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Mergers: EU Commission approves acquisition of Seagen by Pfizer

The European Commission has unconditionally approved the proposed acquisition of Seagen by Pfizer, under the EU Merger Regulation. The Commission concluded that the transaction would not raise competition concerns in the European Economic Area (‘EEA’). Seagen and Pfizer are pharmaceutical companies. In the EEA, the companies’ marketed and pipeline products overlap in the treatment of several cancer types such as breast, bladder, colorectal, cervical and lung cancer, as well as

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EU Commission adopts rules on independent audits under the DSA

The Commission has adopted today a Delegated Regulation with rules on independent audits to assess compliance of Very Large Online Platforms and Very Large Online Search Engines with the Digital Services Act (DSA). Under the DSA, independent auditors must assess, at least once a year, compliance of Very Large Online Platforms and Search Engines with all DSA obligations. The audit reports should present a clear opinion concerning the compliance of

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Updated Strategic Energy Technology Plan for Europe’s secure energy future

The revision of the Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan, adopted today, will help harmonise the original SET Plan strategic objectives with the European Green Deal, REPowerEU Plan and the Green Deal Industrial Plan – notably, the Net-Zero Industry Act. It will ensure a coordinated approach towards achieving Europe’s decarbonisation goals, supporting strategic net-zero technologies, and building a sustainable and resilient energy future and industrial competitiveness.

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EU Commission endorses Austria’s €4bn modified recovery and resilience plan

Austria’s REPowerEU chapter, worth €210 million, includes two new reforms, one new investment as well as a scale-up of an investment in the original plan to help deliver on the REPowerEU Plan’s objective to make Europe independent from Russian fossil fuels well before 2030. The chapter focuses on accelerating the take-up of renewable energy, renewable hydrogen and decarbonising road transport.

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EU Court of Justice Judgment in Case C-660/20 – Lufthansa CityLine

These trigger thresholds are identical for full-time and part-time pilots. The pilot argues that the thresholds should be reduced by taking into account the number of hours he works, since he works part-time. He claims that he is entitled to additional remuneration since he would exceed the trigger thresholds if those were reduced according to time worked.

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Trade mark infringement: EU Court of Justice Judgment in Case C-655/21 G. ST. T.

Criminal proceedings for the infringement of trade marks were brought in Bulgaria against the owner of an undertaking selling clothes. The Bulgarian authorities conducted an inspection in a commercial establishment rented by the undertaking. They found that the signs affixed on the goods were similar to already registered trade marks. The trader was charged before the competent Bulgarian court in respect of use of trade marks without the consent of

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European Protein Strategy: EU must increase protein production and diversify supply chains

In the resolution on the European Protein Strategy, adopted on Thursday by 305 votes to 129 and 69 abstentions, MEPs stress that only 29 % of the high-protein feedstock needed to balance animal feed in the EU originates from the Member States, which makes the EU heavily dependent on imports of high-protein plant content from third countries. They call for a higher diversity of food and feed supply chains and

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Finland’s Ministry of Interior launches Nationality Act reform

Finland will tighten the naturalisation requirements during this government term in line with the Programme of Prime Minister Petteri Orpo’s Government. The plans involve changes to the legal provisions specifying requirements for the period of residence, integrity and livelihood, and the introduction of a citizenship test. The objectives set out in the Government Programme will be implemented in stages in three projects set up by the Ministry of the Interior.

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EU Commission sets out measures to tackle potential threats from civilian drones

The European Commission is adopting today a Communication on countering threats posed by unlawful and dangerous use of drones that are designed for civil use. With this Communication, the Commission sets out a comprehensive EU counter-drone policy that aims to ensure that rapid technological developments and the growing number of drones do not lead to an uncontrolled increase in threats in civil space. It also aims to provide a harmonised

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EU Commission refers Spain to court over railway rule failures

The Commission takes the view that the rail regulatory framework in Spain is in breach of several provisions of the directive concerning: the management independence of the infrastructure manager – in particular the determination of infrastructure charges, the management of railway undertakings according to commercial principles, and the correct drafting of contractual agreements.

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EU Commission: October infringement package – key decisions

In its regular package of infringement decisions, the European Commission pursues legal action against Member States for failing to comply with their obligations under EU law. These decisions, covering various sectors and EU policy areas, aim to ensure the proper application of EU law for the benefit of citizens and businesses. The key decisions taken by the Commission are presented below and grouped by policy area. The Commission is also

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EU General Court annuls additional customs duties on certain lighters from the U.S.

Zippo Manufacturing claims to be the only known manufacturer of metal mechanical windproof lighters in the United States. A significant part of its lighters, which it distributes under the Zippo brand, is imported into the European Union. Considering that the increase in customs duties on its lighters had, inter alia, breached the principle of good administration and in particular, its right to be heard beforehand, Zippo seeks the annulment of

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EU Commission wants to simplify dispute resolution out of court

Today, the EU Commission is proposing to modernise and simplify rules on out-of-court dispute resolution to adapt them to digital markets. This proposal will expand the range of issues that can be resolved through the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Directive out-of-court, including matters related to misleading advertising, access to services and unjustified geoblocking.

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Renew Europe: Polska 2050 holds the keys to Poland’s comeback

Renew Europe is today celebrating the confirmed results of national elections in Poland. The results, combined with a huge turnout, mark a decisive turning point in Polish democratic history, in particular considering the elections took place on an uneven playing field, due to the illiberal electoral tactics of the PiS party.

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EU Council agrees on electricity market design reform

The proposal is part of a wider reform of the EU’s electricity market design which also includes a regulation focused on improving the Union’s protection against market manipulation through better monitoring and transparency (REMIT). A general approach on REMIT was agreed during the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (energy) on 19 June 2023.

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EU Commissions approves three new PGIs for German and Portuguese wines

‘Großräschener See’ Protected Geographical Indication is part of the ‘Brandenburger Landwein’ Protected Geographical Indication; it includes areas where vines may be planted in the district of Großräschen, where the climate is influenced by Lake Großräschen which has a surface area of some 775 ha. All grapes are picked selectively by hand, resulting in particularly clear, pure wines. White and rosé wines are made by cold fermentation to achieve their characteristic

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