Thu. Oct 10th, 2024



EU Commission clears creation of joint venture by Ford, BMW and Honda

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the creation of a joint venture by Ford Motor Company (‘Ford’) of the US, Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft (‘BMW’) of Germany and Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (‘Honda’) of Japan.
The transaction relates primarily to the provision of grid services to electric utility companies and system operators in the US and Canada.

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New Regulation on Digitalisation of Justice enters into force today 

Judicial cooperation procedures are still taking place on paper today. The new rules will change that, significantly improving the efficiency of judicial cooperation and the access to justice for citizens and companies, as well as the quality and transparency of justice. The Regulation will also make it possible for citizens and businesses to launch requests or communicate with judicial authorities in cross-border situations. The so-called European electronic access point, an

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InvestEU programme supports €392m investment in Europe’s first circular battery production gigafactory in Sweden

The InvestEU programme provides support to two investments worth around €392 million announced as part of the expansion of Northvolt’s gigafactory in Northern Sweden, Skellefteå today. Firstly, InvestEU backs €362.9 million of the investment from the European Investment Bank (EIB). Secondly, InvestEU backs €28.8 million of the investment from the Nordic Investment Bank (NIB). The EIB and the NIB are both financial implementing partners of the InvestEU programme.

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EU Court of Justice: Judgment in Case C-33/22 (Österreichische Datenschutzbehörde)

That committee of inquiry heard a witness during a hearing covered by the media. The minutes of that hearing were published on the website of the Austrian Parliament. They contained the witness’ full name, despite his request for anonymisation. Claiming that the reference to his name was contrary to the GDPR, the witness lodged a complaint with the Austrian Data Protection Authority. He stated that he was working as an

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EU Court of Justice: Judgment in Case C-621/21 (Women who are victims of domestic violence)

Women, as a whole, may be regarded as belonging to a social group, within the meaning of Directive 2011/95, and qualify for refugee status if the conditions laid down by that directive are satisfied. This will be the case where, in their country of origin, they are exposed, on account of their gender, to physical or mental violence, including sexual violence and domestic violence. If the conditions for granting refugee

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analytics, information, innovation

EU Commission greenlights data flows with 11 countries

Today, the European Commission successfully concluded its review of 11 existing adequacy decisions. These decisions had been adopted under the EU data protection legislation that preceded the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In its report, the Commission finds that personal data transferred from the European Union to Andorra, Argentina, Canada, Faroe Islands, Guernsey, the Isle of Man, Israel, Jersey, New Zealand, Switzerland and Uruguay, continues to benefit from adequate data

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Guatemala: EU Council establishes dedicated framework of restrictive measures in support of democracy

The Council today established a dedicated framework for restrictive measures in support of democracy and a peaceful and orderly transfer of power in Guatemala. Today’s decision will allow the European Union to hold accountable those obstructing a democratic transition following the 2023 general elections, which resulted in a clear victory of President-elect Bernardo Arévalo, as attested by the EU Election Observation Mission (EOM) to Guatemala.

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Finland: Government proposes approval of Digital Services Act implementation

Finland Government proposes that the President of the Republic adopt the acts nationally implementing the EU Digital Services Act, which aims to improve the transparency and safety of online intermediary services for users. The Digital Services Act seeks to protect users from illegal content and ensure their fundamental rights online. It applies to internet access providers, cloud services and social media services, online marketplaces and search engines.

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Romania: EU Commission approves €126m to support ports facing increased trade flows 

Romania notified to the Commission its plans to support companies active in certain Romanian ports to invest in additional handling or storage facilities for processing goods deviated from their normal trading routes due to Russia’s war against Ukraine, and the collapse of Ukraine’s direct maritime export routes. The scheme, with a budget of €126 million (around RON 626 million), will run until 31 December 2024.

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EU Court of Justice: Advocate General’s Opinion in Case C-48/22 P (Google and Alphabet v Commission)

In its decision of 27 June 2017, the Commission found that Google had given preference to the results of its own comparison shopping service over those of competing comparison shopping services on its general search results page. Google presented search results from its comparison shopping service at the top and – using attractive image and text information – highlighted them in so-called Shopping Units. The search results of competing comparison

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EU Court of Justice: EU Advocate General’s Opinion in Joint Cases C-662/22, C-667/22, Case C-663/22, C-664/22, C-666/22, Case C-665/22 

In Italy, providers of online intermediation services and search engines, such as Airbnb, Google, Amazon and Vacation Rentals are subject to certain obligations: they must be entered in a register, periodically submit various information to an administrative authority and pay a financial contribution. Penalties are imposed in case of a failure to meet those obligations.

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Stateless person of Palestinian origin: EU Advocate General’s Opinion in Case C-563/22

In such a situation, evidence of such general living conditions suffices. Applicants cannot be required to demonstrate that those general conditions are ‘undignified’ for them, in an individualised manner, for example, because of their particular vulnerability. Nor that they are specifically affected by those conditions due to factors particular to their personal circumstances, such as for example, the fact that their house is located in a street regularly targeted by

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EU Court of Justice: Advocate General’s Opinions in Cases C-808/21 and C-814/21

The laws in force in Poland and the Czech Republic grant the right to become a member of a political party solely to nationals. Consequently, according to the European Commission, Union citizens who reside in those Member States but are not nationals (‘mobile’ Union citizens) cannot exercise their right to stand as a candidate in municipal and EU elections under the same conditions as Polish and Czech nationals. Claiming that

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UN: Security Council ISIL (Da’esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee amends fourteen entries to its sanctions list

On 14 December 2023, the Security Council Committee pursuant to resolutions 1267 (1999), 1989 (2011) and 2253 (2015) concerning ISIL (Da’esh), Al‑Qaida and associated individuals, groups, undertakings and entities enacted the amendments specified with strikethrough and/or underline in the entries below on its ISIL (Da’esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions List of individuals and entities subject to the assets freeze, travel ban and arms embargo set out in paragraph 1 of Security

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Norway gives green light for seabed minerals

The world needs minerals in the transition to a low-emission society. Today, the extraction of minerals is largely concentrated in a few countries or among a few companies, often with lower environmental standards and poorer labor rights than what is the case in Norway. The government will explore the opportunities for Norway to contribute to meeting the great global demand for minerals in a responsible manner.

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Corruption: U.S. SEC charges global software company SAP for FCPA violations

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission today announced charges against global software company SAP SE for violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) arising out of bribery schemes in South Africa, Malawi, Kenya, Tanzania, Ghana, Indonesia, and Azerbaijan. The company agreed to monetary sanctions of nearly $100 million in disgorgement and prejudgment interest to settle the SEC’s charges.

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Ukraine Facility: EU Council agrees on elements of new support mechanism for Ukraine

Today, member states’ EU ambassadors approved a partial negotiating mandate on a proposal to set up a new single dedicated instrument to support Ukraine’s recovery, reconstruction and modernisation, while supporting its efforts to carry out reforms as part of its accession path to the EU. The Ukraine Facility would thus pool the EU’s budget support to Ukraine into one single instrument, providing coherent, predictable as well as flexible support for

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UK’s Regulatory Roadmap for safe access to medical tech and AI

Today, a clear path ahead has been set out for the development of new and robust regulations for medical devices in the UK. The new regulations will put patient safety first and help to ensure that patients continue to have access without delay to the devices they need, whilst enhancing the UK’s position as a world-leading environment for medical technology innovators. This new ‘roadmap’ for new regulations, from the Medicines

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Europol: Cybercrime Training Competency Framework

The Cybercrime Training Competency Framework outlines the skills and capabilities required for law enforcement officers working on cybercrime investigations, as well as the skills required for the handling of digital evidence to combat modern forms of crime.

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EU Commission clears acquisition of Arriva by I Squared Capital

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of sole control of Arriva Plc of the UK by I Squared Capital Advisors LLC of the US. The transaction relates primarily to the market of passenger transportation services, in particular train and bus services. The Commission concluded that the notified transaction would not raise competition concerns, given that the companies are not active in the same or

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