Thu. Oct 10th, 2024



EU General Court: Judgment in Case T-562/22 (Noah Clothing v EUIPO)

It also states that the mark at issue was used with regard to the marketing of ‘sweater vests’, that is to say, goods not expressly covered by its registration, which does not call into question the relevance of that use for establishing genuine use. Those clothes are intended, like sweaters, to cover the upper part of the body, such that they may also be classified as ‘sweaters’, covered by that

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EU General Court: Judgment in Case T-537/22 (Delta Sport Handelskontor v EUIPO)

In 2022, Delta Sport Handelskontor brought another action before the General Court asking it to annul EUIPO’s new decision. By its judgment delivered today, the General Court dismisses that action. It finds, on the basis of its case-law and adding to it, that a design is declared invalid only in the case where all its characteristics are excluded from protection. In this case, since some of the arguments made by

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EU Commission opens in-depth investigation into proposed acquisition of stake in ITA Airways by Lufthansa

The European Commission has opened an in-depth investigation to assess, under the EU Merger Regulation, the proposed acquisition of joint control of ITA Airways (‘ITA’) by Deutsche Lufthansa AG (‘Lufthansa”’) and the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance (‘MEF’). The Commission has preliminary concerns that the transaction may reduce competition in the market for passenger air transport services on several short-haul and long-haul routes in and out of Italy.

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MEPs welcome new mechanism removing cross-border obstacles

MEPs of the Regional Development Committee discussed new tool proposed by the European Commission to remove barriers in cross-border context. MEPs of the Regional Development Committee welcomed Commission´s proposal to tackle legal and administrative obstacles in Europe´s cross-border regions following up on their BridgeEU legislative initiative adopted last September.

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EU enlargement and reform: MEPs call for bold decisions

The EU needs a long-term political vision and institutional and financial reforms to ensure its capacity to absorb new members, MEPs say in a report adopted on Tuesday. In a joint report adopted on Tuesday by 56 votes for, 20 against and 6 abstentions, MEPs from the Foreign Affairs and Constitutional Affairs committees stress that the processes for preparing for enlargement should take place in parallel in both the EU

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MEPs endorse clearer rules for transferring criminal proceedings

To replace the current, varied measures for transferring criminal procedures between EU member states, the proposal would create a coherent legal framework for such cases. This would speed up investigations, particularly into serious organised crime, which often crosses borders. In future, conflicting procedural rules and a lack of coordination between EU countries would no longer hinder the administration of justice. The new proposal would also reduce the amount of parallel

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EP: Civil Liberties Committee confirms deal on improved single residence and work permit rules

The Single permit directive, dating from 2011, establishes a single administrative procedure for delivering a permit to third-country nationals wishing to live and work in an EU country and a common set of rights for third-country workers based on the principle of equal treatment with nationals. The committee vote today confirms the outcome of negotiations reached between the Parliament and Council in December 2023.

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MEPs warn that European values are being eroded across the EU

A draft report on the state of the rule of law in 2023 endorsed by the Committee on Civil Liberties on Tuesday paints a concerning picture of the state of European values. Reacting to the latest Commission’s annual rule of law report, MEPs are deeply concerned that democracy, the rule of law, and fundamental rights across the EU are eroding, in a draft report adopted with 42 votes in favour,

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The Commission must reform its handling of document requests, say MEPs

MEPs argue that timely access to public documents is vital for democratic scrutiny, and that the Commission is systematically failing to adhere to legal deadlines to provide key documents. In a resolution adopted on Tuesday by the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, MEPs argue that the European Commission currently takes too long to process public access to documents requests, which are vital for transparency in the EU.

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EU Commission proposes measures to improve the availability of in vitro diagnostics

Today, the European Commission is proposing more time for companies to apply the In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Regulation (IVDR), under certain conditions. With this revision, the Commission aims to ensure patient care by improving the availability of these essential healthcare products. The Commission is also proposing measures to enhance transparency in the Medical Device sector including by speeding up the launch of some elements of the European Database on

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Ukraine’s President initiates bill for multiple citizenship

As the President emphasized, since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale aggression against Ukraine, the multimillion-strong diaspora of Ukrainians around the world has stood up for the interests of our country and has been helping us despite being hundreds and thousands of kilometers away from their homeland.

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Sudan: EU Council adds six entities to EU sanctions list

Among the entities listed are two companies involved in the manufacture of weapons and vehicles for the SAF (Defense Industries System and SMT Engineering); the SAF-controlled Zadna International Company for Investment Limited and three companies involved in procuring military equipment for the RSF (Al Junaid Multi Activities Co Ltd, Tradive General Trading and GSK Advance Company Ltd).

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UN Human Rights Fora: EU Council approves EU priorities

The Council today approved conclusions on the priorities of the European Union in United Nations Human Rights fora in 2024. In its Conclusions, the Council reaffirms the EU’s commitment to human rights, multilateralism and the international criminal justice system in the current fraught international environment marked by armed conflict, authoritarianism, disinformation and a pushback against gender equality.

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Finland: Export of ammunition intended for civilian use to become subject to authorisation

The Ministry of the Interior has set up a legislative project to prepare provisions on permit requirements for the export of ammunition. The aim is to prevent especially the export of cartridge components to Russia in line with the EU’s sanctions decision.
The Council of the EU’s decision of 2014 prohibits the selling, supply, transfer or export of arms and related equipment to Russia. In June 2023, the Council

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freedom of the press, press, media

EMFA: EU member states’ representatives confirm provisional agreement

The European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) will establish a common framework for media services in the EU’s internal market and introduce measures aimed at protecting journalists and media providers from political interference, while also making it easier for them to operate across the EU’s internal borders. The new rules will guarantee the right of citizens to access free and plural information and define the responsibility of Member States to provide

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EU Commission clears acquisition of Musti Group by Sonae

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of sole control of Musti Group Oyj (‘Musti Group’) of Finland by Sonae SGPS, S.A. (‘Sonae’) of Portugal.
The transaction relates primarily to the sector of pet products (both food and non-food) and pet-related services.
The Commission concluded that the notified transaction would not raise competition concerns, given that the companies are not active in the

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EU Commission approves €230m Polish State aid scheme to support corn producers affected by Russia’s war 

The European Commission has approved an approximately €230 million (PLN 1 billion) Polish scheme to support the corn production sector in the context of Russia’s war against Ukraine. The scheme was approved under the State aid Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework, adopted by the Commission on 9 March 2023 and amended on 20 November 2023, to support measures in sectors which are key to accelerate the green transition and reduce

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EU grants access to funding for Montenegro under the EU4Health programme

Today, Commission and the Government of the Republic of Montenegro will sign an agreement associating Montenegro to the EU4Health programme, which will enable the country’s health system to better respond to immediate needs and contribute to long-term recovery. With the entry into force of the agreement, Montenegrin health authorities and the wider health community can fully benefit from the EU funding opportunities under the programme, on equal footing with EU

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