Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Today, the Commission launches a consultation, and a discussion forum to gather feedback on the Commission’s Digital Compass. The aim is to collect views on accelerating the digital transformation, on reaching the 2030 digital targets, on ensuring coordinated actions with Member States, on identifying the policy options to support the objectives and on implementing multi-country projects.

Executive Vice-President for a Europe fit for the Digital Age, Margrethe Vestager, said:

Today we ask Europe’s citizens and businesses to share their views and help us prepare the upcoming Digital Compass policy programme that will guide the digital transition.” Thierry Breton, Commissioner for Internal Market, added: “We outlined the vision of a digitally empowered Europe. We must now upgrade the EU’s toolbox and regulatory framework to make this vision a reality by 2030.  In this context, we turn to citizens, innovators, SMEs, Member States and public authorities, local, economic and social partners, as well as digital stakeholders from research and civil society to help us define the tools to reach our collective digital targets.” 

The consultation, open until 3 August, together with the discussion forum will be crucial for preparing the Digital Compass policy programme proposal, which will translate the EU’s ambitions into action. The Commission also recently launched a consultation on the Digital Decade principles, to gather views on the fundamental values to uphold in the digital space. You will find more information here.

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