Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

Our IEU MONITORING headlines today:

  • Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union at the Conference of the Parties as regards amendments of Annex III to the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international trade
  • EU Commission: Answer to a written question – Universal recognition of the right to a healthy environment – E-000432/2021(ASW)
  • Key Vote on the Aarhus Regulation: Will the EU Provide Access to Justice for NGOs and Citizens? CAN Europe
  • EEA: Europe’s marine biodiversity remains under pressure
  • Die Grünen/EFA: Die Artenvielfalt unserer Meere braucht Hilfe!
  • Answer to a written question – Biodiversity – E-000486/2021(ASW)
  • Answer to a written question – Report on the state of nature in the EU (2013-2018): what is the future of biodiversity in Europe? – E-000999/2021(ASW)
  • Bodenschutz ist Klimaschutz: Konsultation über neue EU-Strategie ist noch eine Woche offen
  • OPINION on a Farm to Fork Strategy for a fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food system – PE661.894v02-00
  • Answer to a written question – Details of the Single‑Use Plastics (SUP) Directive – E-000643/2021(ASW)
  • Answer to a written question – The need to step up action to eliminate the risks posed by unexploded ordnance and chemical weapons on the Baltic seabed  – E-001138/2021(ASW)
  • ECDC organises first training modules in the framework of the EU Initiative on Health Security
  • Publication of the CPVO centralised Register of Data Protection Records
  • EU Commission decides to extend customs and VAT waiver for imports of medical and protective equipment needed to fight the pandemic
  • COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen: EMA finds possible link to very rare cases of unusual blood clots with low blood platelets
  • Affordable Covid tests must accompany Digital Green Certificate, say Renew Europe
  • CM 2696 2021 INIT Council Decision authorising the opening of negotiations to amend the International Cocoa Agreement 2010 – End of written procedure
  • ST 7934 2021 INIT COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) …/… of XXX amending Annexes II, III and V to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards maximum residue levels for clethodim, dazomet, hexythiazox, metam and sethoxydim in or on certain products
  • ST 7934 2021 ADD 1 COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) …/… of XXX amending Annexes II, III and V to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards maximum residue levels for clethodim, dazomet, hexythiazox, metam and sethoxydim in or on certain products
  • ST 7934 2021 ADD 2 COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) …/… of XXX amending Annexes II, III and V to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards maximum residue levels for clethodim, dazomet, hexythiazox, metam and sethoxydim in or on certain products
  • ST 6344 2021 INIT Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy
  • ST 7782 2021 INIT Draft submission by Member States and the Commission to the International Maritime Organization’s 76th session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee commenting on document MEPC 75/5/3 from the Republic of Korea concerning guidance on Exhaust Gas Cleaning System malfunctioning (draft Circular MEPC.1/Circ.883/Rev.1) Endorsement
  • Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union at the Conference of the Parties as regards amendments of Annex III to the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international trade
  • COMMISSION DELEGATED DECISION (EU) …/… establishing the multiannual Union programme for the collection and management of biological, environmental, technical and socioeconomic data in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors from 2022
  • Outcome of the consultation with Member States and EFSA on the basic substance application for approval of Urtica spp. for the extension of use in plant protection as a fungicide on common bean, cucurbits, strawberry, all salads, carrot and potato, as an…
  • Plant Health Newsletter: Media Monitoring No. 49
  • Plant Health Newsletter: Scientific Literature Monitoring No. 28


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