Thu. Oct 10th, 2024

Brussels, 10 October 2024

Today, the European Commission adopted a Growth Plan for the Republic of Moldova worth €1.8 billion and underpinned by a Reform and Growth Facility for the period 2025-2027. The Plan, which is the largest EU financial support package since Moldova’s independence, will boost Moldova’s economy, bring the country closer to EU membership by accelerating reforms, and provide significant financial assistance.

The Moldova Growth Plan is based on three pillars, aimed at:

I. Increasing financial assistance over the next three yearsthrough a dedicated Reform and Growth Facility for Moldova, based on the upcoming Reform Agenda and of discussed priority investments needs with Moldova, the Facility could support, for example:

  • New roads, bridges and rail infrastructure, such as the Chisinau ring road, advancing the connection Odesa-Chisinau-Iasi and bridges over the Prut river.
  • Energy Security by completing a new electricity powerline & starting to build two more, linking Moldova to the EU electricity grid.
  • Energy subsidies
  • Healthcare by starting to build two new well-equipped hospitals in Cahul and Balti.
  • The integration of Moldova in the EU’s ‘roam like at home’ area and bringing broadband internet to remote areas of Moldova.
  • Improved access to financing and support for 25 000 businesses, including small family businesses.

II. Enhancing access to the European Union’s single market. The Moldova Growth Plan proposes immediate steps that Moldova can take to reap the benefits of the single market in five key areas, once the required standards are met:

  • free movement of goods and integration in supply chains;
  • facilitation of trade and transport connections;
  • integration into the EU energy market and decarbonisation;
  • integration into the Digital Market;
  • access to the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA).

III. Supporting Moldova’s socio-economic and fundamental reforms.

Moldova is undertaking reforms for socio-economic development, building on key economic growth drivers: economic competitiveness; economic resilience, including infrastructure and energy; economic governance; social capital; and the green transition. The reforms will attract foreign investment, improve the business environment, support small and medium sized enterprises, improve skills and qualifications, strengthen trade and exports thus boosting economic growth and increasing the economic convergence with the EU. Payments will follow upon the delivery of the pre-agreed reforms.

Economic convergence is an essential element in preparing candidate countries for EU accession and for joining the Single Market. Integration with the EU’s single market has been the main driver of economic growth for all countries that previously joined the EU.

The European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said: “Europe stands firmly by Moldova’s side – today and every step of the way on the path to our Union. We can start bringing the Moldovan economy closer to ours already now. Today I’m in Chișinău to present a support package with the potential of doubling the size of the country’s economy in a decade. To do so we invest in jobs, growth, services and infrastructure – from new hospitals in Balti and Cahul to the road from the capital to Odesa. We open the doors to our Single Market to Moldovan companies. And we support Moldova’s reform efforts.”

Next steps

It is now for the European Parliament and the Council to examine the European Commission proposal for the Growth Facility for Moldova. Once adopted, Moldova will be invited to submit its Reform Agenda outlining the key socio-economic and fundamental reforms it intends to undertake to accelerate growth and convergence with the EU.

More information

Europe stands firmly by Moldova’s side – today and every step of the way on the path to our Union. We can start bringing the Moldovan economy closer to ours already now. Today I’m in Chișinău to present a support package with the potential of doubling the size of the country’s economy in a decade. To do so we invest in jobs, growth, services and infrastructure – from new hospitals in Balti and Cahul to the road from the capital to Odesa. We open the doors to our Single Market to Moldovan companies. And we support Moldova’s reform efforts.

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission

The new Growth Plan for Moldova is another example of the EU’s support for the country’s security, peace and prosperity. It will strengthen Moldova’s economy and create opportunities for all Moldovan citizens. The plan is a recognition of the impressive results that Moldova has already achieved on its EU path. It will drive further progress on fundamental and socio-economic reforms. Moldova’s future is in the European Union.

EU High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell

We are delivering on our promise to assist Moldova in its socio-economic convergence and EU accession process. The financial support under the Growth Plan for Moldova is strategically aligned with the country’s priorities and needs. This ensures that investments are made where they will most benefit Moldova and its people and businesses.

Olivér Várhelyi, EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement

Source – EU Commission



Press statement by President von der Leyen with Moldovan President Maia Sandu

Chișinău, 10 October 2024

Thank you very much, dear Maia,

It is always a pleasure for me to come and see you here in Chișinău. I can feel Europe’s pulse beating here. Moldova has shown time and again how vibrantly European it is. And you have shown time and again how personally committed you are to the accession path of your country to the European Union. There is a big milestone ahead for the people of Moldova. Citizens will soon go to the polls to decide sovereignly whether to anchor Moldova’s European future in your constitution. I encourage Moldovans to use their vote and express their free choice. It is for you, the Moldovans, to decide. It is your sovereign choice what to do with your country, and no one can interfere. Of course, speaking as President of the European Commission, I believe that Moldova’s place is in our European Union.

Since you were granted candidate status in June 2022, you have made remarkable progress. You completed very important steps forward. You have initiated important justice reforms. You have intensified the fight against corruption. And you have worked hard to loosen the grip of oligarchs on your economy and society. All of this demonstrates your attachment to our common values. Values of respect for democracy and the rule of law.

The second key dimension is your economic integration in our Union. I have come here to emphasise that your economy and our Single Market should come closer. And we can start right now, even before you join our Union.

Dear Maia,

I know that you have an ambitious economic plan for Moldova. And the European Union will support it. We believe that we can help you double the size of your economy in a decade. That means good jobs and a better quality of life for Moldovans. Our support to you is built on three pillars. First, we invest. We will invest EUR 1.8 billion in your economy over the next three years. And we will focus these investments on sectors that will generate economic growth and public services. There is already a good pipeline of projects. We will renovate schools, for example. We will build two new hospitals, in Bălți and Cahul. We will invest in better connections in your country, and with your neighbours – like the road between Chișinău, Iașiand Odesa, or bridges over the Prut river. We will also invest in your energy network, with powerlines that connect you to the European grid. And finally, we will roll out broadband internet throughout the country. Second, we will open doors to more areas of our Single Market to Moldovan companies. For example, you will have access to the Single Payments Area. This will enable secure and faster transfers of money and minimal fees, which is good for business. This will provide more financial opportunities for your SMEs.

Third, we support your reform efforts – the reforms you want to undertake to modernise your economy. For example, improving your business environment, making your energy sector ready for the green transition, and train people for the jobs of tomorrow.

Dear Maia,

Moldova, like all our European countries, has gone through difficult times, with the COVID-19 pandemic and the consequences of Russia’s war on Ukraine. I know that Moldovans are strong, resilient and that they will power through. Rest assured that the European Union stands firmly by Moldova’s side. We stood by your side during the pandemic. We delivered more than 600,000 doses of vaccines. We helped you deal with the arrivals of Ukrainians fleeing Putin’s war. We helped stabilise your electricity grid by connecting it to ours, as you were just describing. And now we will be by your side as you steer your economy on the path to growth and prosperity. So, dear Maia, we are with Moldova and its brave and hard-working people. And we will be with Moldova every step on your path to the European Union.

Thank you very much.

 Source – EU Commission


Statement des EU-Abgeordneten David McAllister (CDU) zum Wachstumsplan für die Republik Moldau

Die EU-Kommission hat heute einen Wachstumsplan für die Republik Moldau verabschiedet. Dazu erklärt David McAllister (CDU), Vorsitzender des Auswärtigen Ausschuss im Europäischen Parlament:

„Der heute von der Europäischen Kommission angenommene Wachstumsplan für die Republik Moldau unterstreicht, dass die Zukunft des Landes im vereinten Europa liegt. Das 1,8 Milliarden Euro schwere Paket soll die Wirtschaft ankurbeln und das Land durch beschleunigte Reformen auf dem Weg zu einer EU-Mitgliedschaft weiter voranbringen.

In der Republik Moldau ist Europa bereits heute allgegenwärtig – die offizielle Aufnahme der Beitrittsgespräche im Juni war ein wichtiger Schritt und ein persönlicher Erfolg von Präsidentin Maia Sandu. Die nun in zehn Tagen anstehenden Wahlen werden darüber entscheiden, ob das Land seinen pro-europäischen Kurs fortsetzen kann, oder ob die russische Desinformationspropaganda den bereits erzielten Fortschritt zunichtemacht.

Für die Republik Moldau und die Menschen vor Ort steht viel auf dem Spiel. Das Zeichen der europäischen Solidarität, das die Kommission mit diesem Wachstumsplan unmittelbar vor den Wahlen sendet, ist richtig und wichtig.“

Quelle – CDU/CSU-Gruppe (per (E-Mail)


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