Wed. Oct 9th, 2024

Brussels, 8 October 2024

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of joint control of the shopping center Planet Koper, located in Slovenia, by ALFI RE, upravljanje alternativnih investicijskih skladov, d.o.o. (‘ALFI RE’) of Slovenia and ERSTE d.o.o. – društvo za upravljanje obveznim i dobrovoljnim mirovinskim fondovima (‘ERSTE’) of Croatia.

The transaction relates primarily to the management of a shopping center space for lease.

The Commission concluded that the notified transaction would not raise competition concerns, given that Planet Koper has negligible activities in the European Economic Area and the companies’ limited individual and combined market position resulting from the proposed transaction. The notified transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.

More information is available on the Commission’s competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.11687.

Source – EU Commission


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