Tue. Oct 8th, 2024

Brussels/Strasbourg, 7 October 2024

Statement by President von der Leyen on the one-year anniversary of the 7 October 2023 acts of terror against Israel

“On 7 October 2023, the world awoke to horrifying images of unspeakable savagery, scenes that will remain etched in our minds forever.

There can be no justification for Hamas’ acts of terror. I condemn once again, and in the strongest possible terms, those barbarous attacks.

They brought immense suffering not only upon the people of Israel, but also upon innocent Palestinians. On this tragic anniversary, I want to honour the memories of the victims. The European Union stands with all the innocent people whose lives have been shattered to the core since that fateful day.

We reiterate our call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, for the unconditional release of all hostages and for an end to the conflict. We support the ongoing diplomatic efforts to reach a comprehensive agreement.

One year on, the humanitarian situation in Gaza is appalling. The European Union will keep doing its utmost to mobilise financial assistance and facilitate deliveries and distribution of humanitarian aid, to the Palestinian people, and now also in Lebanon.

Hamas’ terrorist attacks on Israel ignited a spiral of violence which has brought the entire region to a state of extreme tension and volatility.

All parties must act responsibly, with restraint, and engage to de-escalate the current tensions.

While we address the immediate crisis, the European Union is ready to help prepare for the day after. We will work in support of all efforts to set the conditions for a durable peace, leading to a two-state solution, where Israel and Palestine coexist side-by-side in peace, with security for both. It’s the only viable path forward, to finally end the suffering.

Today our hearts are also with the Jewish communities across the world. Antisemitic incidents are again rising sharply. We must collectively fight this evil wherever it spreads – including online. We will keep implementing and update as necessary our Strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life. I will devote more resources to this goal. Everyone should be free to profess their faith in our Union. We take pride in our diversity. We must protect it at all costs.”

Source – EU Commission


Israel: Statement by High Representative Josep Borrell one year after the 7th October terrorist attacks

“The horrifying terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas and other terrorists on 7 October 2023 have had an impact in the region, the European Union, and the entire world. Our thoughts and hearts have been with the families of those 1,200 innocent people who were brutally assassinated, as well as with the unspeakable suffering of the hostages and their families. Hamas must free all hostages immediately and unconditionally. The Israeli people cannot look at the future with confidence until they can be certain that October 7 will never happen again.

The past year has also seen the horrible suffering of the Palestinian people in Gaza and later in the West Bank too. The war declared by the Israeli government on Hamas until total victory has led to a terrible humanitarian crisis. The intense bombing has reduced most of the enclave to rubble. More than 41,000 people, mostly women and children, have been killed. Most Gazans have been driven from their homes and the intense bombing have reduced most of the enclave to rubble. The population is suffering hunger and diseases as Israel besieges the Gaza strip. The scars run deep and the Palestinian people cannot see any future unless their rights are respected.

The EU has done every effort to alleviate the extreme needs of the Palestinian people, including cases of starvation or basic lack of vaccination for children, by mobilising unprecedented levels of humanitarian aid. Unfortunately, that aid does not always reach those in need, and in too many cases it has been obstructed and impeded. The EU has also consistently warned about disproportionate use of force incompatible with International Humanitarian Law, which must be respected at all times, including in the fight against terrorism and in the exercise of the legitimate right of self-defence.

One year after the terrible attack against Israel, the situation is only getting worse. The people in the region are more insecure than ever and are caught in an unending cycle of violence, hatred, and revenge. The whole Middle east is on the verge of a complete conflagration that the international community looks unable to control.

The European Union deplores and rejects the escalation of violence across the Middle East, including with the launch of rockets by Hezbollah. We are alarmed by Israeli bombardments in densely populated areas of Lebanon, where the majority of casualties are civilians. More than one million of Lebanese are now displaced, while 60,000 Israelis are unable to return home in Northern Israel. Then launch of missiles from Iran against Israel is escalatory and brings the region closer to war. At the same time new developments in the West Bank are particularly worrying.

No military solution will bring a future to the people of Israel and Palestine. Only a political solution will bring peace, security and prosperity. The EU has been working closely with its Arab partners on ways to push and implement the Two-State solution. Just two weeks ago in New York, the EU rallied a huge number of UN members behind that political solution. The EU will continue working to that end in the conviction that is the only possible way to ensure security for both Israelis and Palestinians.

The EU considers that an immediate ceasefire on all fronts is the only way to get to the liberation of the hostages and de-escalate this extremely dangerous situation for the region that would seriously impact the whole world. The EU has consistently called for this and has been working with partners to achieve it.

The EU will continue to work tirelessly to pave the way for diplomacy on various fronts. Essential steps now include launching a political process in Lebanon for the presidential election, the deployment of the Lebanese Army in the South, a more robust mandate for the UNIFIL, and organizing an urgent humanitarian conference.

The time for the ceasefire is now, precisely one year after the terrorist attacks. Tomorrow might be too late. The October 7 anniversary only reinforces the EU efforts on the need to achieve that regional ceasefire.”

Source – EEAS


EU Parliament President Metsola marked the one-year anniversary of terrorist attacks in Israel at the opening of the 7-10 October plenary session in Strasbourg

Recalling the horror of that day “that will live in infamy”, President Metsola said nothing could ever justify the indiscriminate mass murder, rape, kidnapping and torture that occurred one year ago. Since then, too few have been able to make it back to their loved ones – “this house will continue to do what we can to help bring them all home”, she said.

The 7 October attacks triggered a cycle of war, death and devastation that has seen thousands killed in Gaza, and instability across the region, President Metsola stated. In remembering all those lost and taken, the President added that “Parliament’s calls for the immediate release of the remaining hostages will remain steadfast, our calls for ceasefire will remain resolute, and our efforts towards de-escalation will remain strong.” The work for real, dignified, long-term and sustainable peace will remain unwavering, she concluded.

MEPs held a minute of silence in memory of all the innocent lives lost.

Source – EU Parliament


Statement des EU-Abgeordneten Daniel Caspary (CDU) zum Jahrestag des Hamas-Terroranschlags gegen Israel

Anlässlich des Jahrestags des terroristischen Angriffs durch die Hamas gegen Israel am 7. Oktober 2023 erklärt Daniel Caspary (CDU), Vorsitzender der CDU/CSU-Gruppe und Vorsitzender der Delegation des Europäischen Parlaments für die Beziehungen zu Israel:

“Der barbarische Terror der Hamas vom 7. Oktober 2023 hat die Welt verändert. Etwa 1200 Tote und 251 verschleppte Geiseln, davon sind schätzungsweise 63 nach wie vor in den Fängen der Hamas. Unser Mitgefühl gilt Israel und den Opfern des 7. Oktobers, unsere Hoffnung den Geiseln und ihren Angehörigen, dass sie sich so bald wie möglich wieder gesund in den Arm nehmen können.

Wir müssen auf der richtigen Seite stehen. Es gibt schlicht keine Rechtfertigung für diese Gewalt. Wenn sich Terror, Unfreiheit, Gewalt durchsetzen, dann haben auch wir verloren. Das gilt in Israel, in ganz Nahost, in der Ukraine und auf der ganzen Welt. Es ist unsere Verantwortung, dass auch wir uns mit ganzem Herzen dieser Verantwortung stellen.”

Quelle – CDU/CSU-Gruppe (per E-Mail)


Statement by Terry Reintke and Bas Eickhout (Greens/EFA) on the terrorist attacks of Hamas

One year ago, on the 7th of October, the world witnessed a horrific atrocity as Hamas launched brutal antisemitic terrorist attacks in Israel, with hundreds of innocent civilians killed and many others kidnapped, some never to return home. This came on top of continuous and ongoing rocket attacks by Hamas on Israeli territory.

States clearly have the right to self-defense. Yet the disproportionate and unacceptable response from Netanyahu’s far right government has led to immense loss of life in Gaza. Tens of thousands of innocent people killed in bombings, mass displacement, the starvation of Palestinians – the basic running of society in Gaza has ground to a halt. None of this has led us any closer to a long-term solution to this decades old conflict.

Fear of escalation has only been heightened in recent weeks by the missile strikes and attacks by Israel in Lebanon, and the missile strikes by Iran against Israel, and attacks on Israeli streets. This only worsens the situation for ordinary people, many of whom are displaced in the south of Lebanon and the north of Israel. This risks spiraling into an all-out regional conflict, while conditions in Gaza continue to be dire. A year of ceasefire efforts have failed, and decades of unresolved peace efforts are gathering dust. How does this end?

We continue our call for an immediate ceasefire, the release of all hostages and the free-flow of much needed humanitarian aid into Gaza.

In Israel, mass demonstrations are also calling for an end to the war and the release of hostages so they can return home safely. People in Israel are demanding real leadership; those who can restart the journey to long-lasting peace. The cycle of violence must be broken, the path to healing must begin. Netanyahu must heed these calls, stop blocking peace talks and using the war as a pretext to avoid his own corruption trials and new elections.

Today, we mourn the victims of this unending horror, and we stand with those who seek a genuine path to peace. For a future where dialogue prevails over violence, where every child can dream without fear, where the dignity and rights of all individuals are respected.

European leaders must do everything in their power to support peace, protect international law, and the right to humanitarian aid and justice. We must demand a permanent ceasefire, the end of terror and a two-state solution. This catastrophic year, and decades of conflict and crisis, must end with peace as the ultimate place to call home.

Source – Greens/EFA (via email)


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