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Mobility Package: EU Judgments in Joined Cases C-541/20 to C-555/20 Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania, Cyprus, Hungary, Malta, and Poland v Parliament and Council

04 October

Friday 4th October 2024

EU Judgments in Joined Cases C-541/20 to C-555/20 Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania, Cyprus, Hungary, Malta, and Poland v Parliament and Council (Mobility Package)


Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania, the Republic of Cyprus, Hungary, Malta and Poland have brought actions before the Court of Justice for annulment of the ‘Mobility Package’, which was adopted by the EU legislature, i.e. the Parliament and the Council, in 2020.

The package encompasses several pieces of legislation:

  1. Regulation (EU) 2020/1054 amending Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 as regards minimum requirements on maximum daily and weekly driving times, minimum breaks and daily and weekly rest periods and Regulation (EU) No 165/2014 as regards positioning by means of tachographs;

  2. Regulation (EU) 2020/1055 amending Regulations (EC) No 1071/2009, (EC) No 1072/2009 and (EU) No 1024/2012 with a view to adapting them to developments in the road transport sector;

  3. Directive (EU) 2020/1057 laying down specific rules with respect to Directive 96/71/EC and Directive 2014/67/EU for posting drivers in the road transport sector and amending Directive 2006/22/EC as regards enforcement requirements and Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012.

    In particular, these Member States are challenging:

    • the ban on drivers taking the normal weekly rest period or compensatory rest period on board the vehicle;

    • the obligation for transport undertakings to organise their drivers’ work in such a way that drivers are able to return, during working time, every three or four weeks to the undertaking’s operational centre or to their place of residence, in order to start or spend at least their normal or compensatory weekly rest period there;

    • bringing forward the date of entry into force of the obligation to install second- generation intelligent tachographs and, in general, the date of entry into force of Regulation 2020/1054 providing for the prohibition and obligations mentioned above;

    • the obligation, for vehicles used for international transport, to return to an operational centre located in the Member State of establishment of the transport undertaking concerned every eight weeks;

    • the obligation for transport undertakings to have at their disposal on a regular and continuous basis a number of vehicles and drivers who are normally attached to an operational centre in their Member State of establishment, in both cases in proportion to the number of transport operations they carry out;

    • the four-day waiting period during which, following a cabotage round in a host Member State, (non-resident) hauliers are not authorised to carry out cabotage operations with the same vehicle in the same Member State;
    • the qualification of drivers of posted workers, so that they benefit from the working and employment conditions, in particular as regards pay, in the host Member State, in principle when they carry out cabotage operations, transport operations from one country to another, none of which is the Member State of establishment, or certain combined transport operations.

Background Documents C-541/20 

Background Documents C-542/20 

Background Documents C-543/20 

Background Documents C-544/20 

Background Documents C-545/20 

Background Documents C-546/20 

Background Documents C-547/20 

Background Documents C-548/20 

Background Documents C-549/20 

Background Documents C-550/20 

Background Documents C-551/20 

Background Documents C-552/20 

Background Documents C-553/20 

Background Documents C-554/20 

Background Documents C-555/20


Freitag, 4. Oktober 2024

Urteile des Gerichtshofs (Große Kammer) in den Rechtssachen

C‑541/20 Litauen / Parlament und Rat (Mobilitätspaket –Entsendung und Arbeitszeit)

C‑542/20 Litauen / Parlament und Rat (Mobilitätspaket – Niederlassung)

C‑543/20 Bulgarien / Parlament und Rat (Mobilitätspaket – Arbeitszeit)

C‑544/20 Bulgarien / Parlament und Rat (Mobilitätspaket – Entsendung)

C‑545/20 Bulgarien / Parlament und Rat (Mobilitätspaket – Niederlassung)

C‑546/20 Rumänien / Parlament und Rat (Mobilitätspaket – Arbeitszeit)

C‑547/20 Rumänien / Parlament und Rat (Mobilitätspaket – Niederlassung)

C‑548/20 Rumänien / Parlament und Rat (Mobilitätspaket – Entsendung)

C‑549/20 Zypern / Parlament und Rat (Mobilitätspaket – Niederlassung)

C‑550/20 Zypern / Parlament und Rat (Mobilitätspaket – Entsendung)

C‑551/20 Ungarn / Parlament und Rat (Mobilitätspaket)

C‑552/20 Malta / Parlament und Rat (Mobilitätspaket – Niederlassung)

C‑553/20 Polen / Parlament und Rat (Mobilitätspaket – Arbeitszeit)

C‑554/20 Polen / Parlament und Rat (Mobilitätspaket – Niederlassung)

C‑555/20 Polen / Parlament und Rat (Mobilitätspaket – Entsendung)


2020 erließen Parlament und Rat das sog. Mobilitätspaket, mit dem die Arbeitsbedingungen von LKW-Fahrern verbessert, klare Regeln für die Entsendung von Fahrern geschaffen und die Vorschriften zur Bekämpfung illegaler Praktiken besser durchgesetzt werden sollen (siehe Pressemitteilung des Parlaments vom 9. Juli 2020 und Pressemitteilung des Rates vom 7. April 2020).

Es handelt sich um die Verordnung 2020/1054 vom 15. Juli 2020 über Lenk- und Ruhezeiten sowie über Fahrtenschreiber, die Verordnung 2020/1055 vom 15. Juli 2020 über den Berufs- und Marktzugang sowie die Richtlinie 2020/1057 vom 15. Juli 2020 über die Durchsetzungsanforderungen und die Entsendung von Kraftfahrern im Straßenverkehrssektor.

Die vorgenannten sieben Mitgliedstaaten haben das Mobilitätspaket in verschiedenen Hinsichten vor dem Gerichtshof angefochten.

Generalanwalt Pitruzzella hat seine Schlussanträge am 14. November 2023 vorgelegt.

Weitere Informationen C-541/20

Weitere Informationen C-542/20

Weitere Informationen C-543/20

Weitere Informationen C-544/20

Weitere Informationen C-545/20

Weitere Informationen C-546/20

Weitere Informationen C-547/20

Weitere Informationen C-548/20

Weitere Informationen C-549/20

Weitere Informationen C-550/20

Weitere Informationen C-551/20

Weitere Informationen C-552/20

Weitere Informationen C-553/20

Weitere Informationen C-554/20

Weitere Informationen C-555/20


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