Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
euro, money, currency
Insight EU Finance Monitoring. Photo by geralt on Pixabay
  • Philip R. Lane: The effectiveness and transmission of monetary policy in the euro area
  • Account of the monetary policy meeting of the Governing Council of the European Central Bank held in Frankfurt am Main on Wednesday and Thursday, 17-18 July 2024
  • ECB Consumer Expectations Survey results – July 2024
  • The transmission of bank credit conditions to firms-evidence from linked surveys
  • Euro area monthly balance of payments: June 2024
  • CEPS: New Commission, new priorities: taking financial policy forward under von der Leyen II
  • Swiss Federal Council apporves interim solution for withholding tax on too-big-to-fail instruments
  • Monthly Roundup of Beneficial Ownership Reporting Outreach Activities and Preview of Upcoming Events
  • Ongoing EBA consultations
  • Discussion on the potential review of the investment firms’ prudential framework
  • Consultation on Regulatory Technical Standards on operational risk loss
  • Consultation on Handbook on independent valuers for resolution
  • ESMA publishes translations of its Guidelines on funds’ names
  • Compliance table on the Guidelines on certain aspects of the MiFID II suitability requirements (2023 revised version)
  • Compliance table on the Gudelines on MiFID II remuneration requirements
  • Ongoing ESMA consultations
  • Consultation on MiFIR Review Package (non-equity trade transparency, reasonable commercial basis
  • MiFIR Review Consultation Package (Consolidated Tape Providers and Data Reporting Service Providers)
  • Discussion Paper on the Call for advice on the investment firms prudential framework
  • CSDR Refit: Consultation on rules to recalibrate and further clarify the framework
  • EIOPA provides initial information to policyholders affected by FWU AG’s insolvency
  • Update on SII Taxonomy 2.8 and PF 2.9 Deactivations and List of Known Issues – August Update
  • ***
  • Corrigendum 1 – Increasing the attractiveness of public capital markets and facilitating access to capital for SMEs – amending certain Regulations – P9_TA(2024)0350(COR01)
  • ST 12731 2024 REV 1 Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank Therese Blanchet, Secretary General of the Council
  • ST 12733 2024 REV 1 – Mihâly Varga, President of the ECOFIN Council Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank
  • ST 12733 2024 REV 2 – Mihâly Varga, President of the ECOFIN Council Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank
  • CM 3856 2024 INIT – Council of the European Union –
  • CM 3902 2024 INIT – Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 2006/112/EC as regards VAT rules relating to taxable persons who facilitate distance sales of imported goods and the application of the special scheme for distance sales of goods imported from third territories or third countries and special arrangements for declaration and payment of import VAT ‒ Exchange of views 2. Proposals on an electronic VAT exemption certificate – Exchange of views 3.
  • ST 12786 2024 INIT – Delegations will find in the Annex, for information, the statements delivered on behalf of the European Union and its Member States during the second substantive session of the Ad Hoc Committee to draft terms of reference for a UN Framework Convention on international tax cooperation in New York. STATEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE E UROPEAN UNION AND ITS MEMBER STATES Second substantive session of the Ad Hoc Committee to draft terms of reference for a UN Framework Convention on international tax cooperation (New York, 29 July to 16 August 2024) General statement, 29 July 2024
  • ST 12779 2024 INIT – Page 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In line with the obligation laid down in Article 325(5) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), each year the European Commission, in cooperation with the EU Member States, submits a report (the Protection of Financial Interests Repo rt/PIF Report) to the European Parliament and the Council on the measures taken to implement the Article. On the basis of th e report, the European Parliament adopts its annual motion for a resolution on the protection of the EU’s financial interests and the fight against fraud.
  • ST 12779 2024 ADD 1 – ANNEXES to the Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: 35th Annual Report on the protection of the European Union’s financial interests and the fight against fraud – 2023 35th Annual Report on the protection of the European Union’s financial interests and the fight against fraud –
  • ST 12779 2024 ADD 2 – Commission staff working document: Annual overview with information on the results of the Union anti-fraud programme in 2023 accompanying the document “Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: 35th Annual Report on the protection of the European Union’s financial interests and the fight against fraud – 2023”
  • ST 12779 2024 ADD 3 – Commission staff working document: Commission Anti-Fraud Strategy (CAFS) Action Plan Implementation monitoring: state of play 31 May 2024 accompanying the document “Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: 35th Annual Report on the protection of the European Union’s financial interests and the fight against fraud – 2023”
  • ST 12779 2024 ADD 4 – 2. THE PANEL The key responsibility of the Panel is to issue recommendations on the adoption of administrative measures ( i.e. exclusion and/or financial penalty and, where applicable, the publication of information related to these actions), following a request from a compete nt authorising officer from any of the EU institutions, agencies, offices and bodies. Panel referred to in Article 143 of the Financial Regulation accompanying the document “Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: 35th Annual Report on the protection of the European Union’s fiancial interests and the fight against fraud – 2023”
  • ST 12779 2024 ADD 5 – Commission staff working document: Follow-up by Member States to the recommendations of the PIF Report 2022 accompanying the document “Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: 35th Annual Report on the protection of the European Union’s financial interests and the fight against fraud – 2023”
  • ST 12779 2024 ADD 6 – Commission staff working document: Measures adopted by the Member States to protect the EU’s financial interests – Implementation of Article 325 TFUE accompanying the document “Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: 35th Annual Report on the protection of the European Union’s financial interests and the fight against fraud – 2023”
  • ST 12779 2024 ADD 7 – Commission staff working document: National anti-fraud strategies (NAFS): state of play and assessment accompanying the document “Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: 35th Annual Report on the protection of the European Union’s financial interests and the fight against fraud – 2023”
  • ST 12779 2024 ADD 8 – Commission staff working document: Statistical evaluation of irregularities reported for 2023: own resources, agriculture, cohesion and fisheries policies, pre-accession and direct expenditure accompanying the document “Report to the Council and the European Parliament: 35th Annual Report on the protection of the European Union’s financial interests and the fight against fraud – 2023”
  • COMMISSION OPINION in accordance with Article 19 of the Statute of the European Investment Bank
  • COMMISSION OPINION in accordance with Article 19 of the Statute of the European Investment Bank
  • Climate policies, labour markets and macroeconomic outcomes in emerging economies
  • Strike while the iron is hot: optimal monetary policy with a nonlinear Phillips curve
  • IMF Blog on new books: Economics Authors Confront Toughest Questions on Data, History, and Theory
  • Made in China: When US-China Interests Converged to Transform Global Trade
  • Slow Burn: The Hidden Costs of a Warming World
  • A Taxing Journey: How Civic Actors Influence Tax Policy
  • Women Money Power: The Rise and Fall of Economic Equality
  • Growth: A History and a Reckoning
  • Keynes’s Economic Consequences of the Peace after 100 Years: Polemics and Policy
  • Further publications by the IMF
  • How Widespread is FDI Fragmentation?
  • Industrial Policies for Innovation: A Cost-Benefit Framework
  • Programmability in Payment and Settlement
  • Shedding Light on the Local Impact of Temperature
  • Revenue Authorities and their Boards of Management: Recent Developments
  • Taming Public Debt in Europe: Outlook, Challenges, and Policy Response
  • Investing in Climate Adaptation under Trade and Financing Constraints: Balanced Strategies for Food Security
  • Trade Implications of China’s Subsidies
  • Financial and Business Cycles: Shall We Dance? An Application to Kazakhstan
  • Republic of Uzbekistan: Technical Assistance Report-Report on National Accounts Mission (April 8-12, 2024)
  • Republic of Uzbekistan: Technical Assistance Report-Report on National Accounts Mission (July 24–August 4, 2023)
  • Review and Outlook by Federal Reserve Broad Chair Jerome H. Powell
  • Waller, Opening Remarks
  • Bowman, Remarks on the Economic Outlook and Financial Inclusion
  • FRB Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee, July 30–31, 2024


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